In many companies HR has to download the zoom report for participants to mark attendance. Some people join from personal ID , some don't use middle name, some don't use employee code etc. They have to then map every name against the official list of employees. They do it by matching names and considering the duration. I made their life simple by making a script that takes in zoom.csv file (1) and officialemplist.txt(2) as input and spits out the list of people who attended or didn't attend the session. They also consider the duration attended and only then mark the attendance. The script takes duration as an command line argument.
The list of employees in .txt file is like follows:
The CSV file is in the following format
Name (Original Name), User Email, Join Time, Leave Time, Duration (Minutes)
<employee1_name>, <emp1_email>, <Join_date_time>, <leave_date_time>, <time_in_minutes>