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docker-compose build docker-compose build — no-cache docker-compose up

docker exec -it frontend /bin/bash docker exec -it <container_id> sh docker-compose exec <container_id> sh

sudo apt update

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk sudo apt-get install ant /mnt/c/Projects/SWE-599-Nutch-Crawler/nutch/nutch-release-1.18 >>> ant SOLR_HOME="/mnt/c/Projects/SWE-599-Nutch-Crawler/solr/solr-8.5.1" NUTCH_HOME="/mnt/c/Projects/SWE-599-Nutch-Crawler/nutch/nutch-release-1.18/src" cd $SOLR_HOME/server/solr/configsets >>> mkdir -p nutch cp -r ./_default/* nutch/cd $SOLR_HOME/bin/solr create -c nutch -d $SOLR_HOME/server/solr/configsets/nutch/conf/ DOGRU SCHEMA.XML

bin/solr stop bin/solr start

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64 export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64

$NUTCH_HOME/bin/nutch inject crawl/crawldb urls

Nutch data is composed of:

  • The crawl database, or crawldb. This contains information about every URL known to Nutch, including whether it was fetched, and, if so, when.
  • The link database, or linkdb. This contains the list of known links to each URL, including both the source URL and anchor text of the link.
  • A set of segments. Each segment is a set of URLs that are fetched as a unit. Segments are directories with the following subdirectories:
    • a crawl_generate names a set of URLs to be fetched
    • a crawl_fetch contains the status of fetching each URL
    • a content contains the raw content retrieved from each URL
    • a parse_text contains the parsed text of each URL
    • a parse_data contains outlinks and metadata parsed from each URL
    • a crawl_parse contains the outlink URLs, used to update the crawldb

////////////// nutch | Usage: nutch COMMAND [-Dproperty=value]... [command-specific args]... nutch | where COMMAND is one of: nutch | readdb read / dump crawl db nutch | mergedb merge crawldb-s, with optional filtering nutch | readlinkdb read / dump link db nutch | inject inject new urls into the database nutch | generate generate new segments to fetch from crawl db nutch | freegen generate new segments to fetch from text files nutch | fetch fetch a segment's pages nutch | parse parse a segment's pages nutch | readseg read / dump segment data nutch | mergesegs merge several segments, with optional filtering and slicing nutch | updatedb update crawl db from segments after fetching nutch | invertlinks create a linkdb from parsed segments nutch | mergelinkdb merge linkdb-s, with optional filtering nutch | index run the plugin-based indexer on parsed segments and linkdb nutch | dedup deduplicate entries in the crawldb and give them a special status nutch | dump exports crawled data from segments into files nutch | commoncrawldump exports crawled data from segments into common crawl data format encoded as CBOR nutch | solrindex run the solr indexer on parsed segments and linkdb - DEPRECATED use the index command instead nutch | solrdedup remove duplicates from solr - DEPRECATED use the dedup command instead nutch | solrclean remove HTTP 301 and 404 documents from solr - DEPRECATED use the clean command instead nutch | clean remove HTTP 301 and 404 documents and duplicates from indexing backends configured via plugins nutch | parsechecker check the parser for a given url nutch | indexchecker check the indexing filters for a given url nutch | filterchecker check url filters for a given url nutch | normalizerchecker check url normalizers for a given url nutch | domainstats calculate domain statistics from crawldb nutch | protocolstats calculate protocol status code stats from crawldb nutch | crawlcomplete calculate crawl completion stats from crawldb nutch | webgraph generate a web graph from existing segments nutch | linkrank run a link analysis program on the generated web graph nutch | scoreupdater updates the crawldb with linkrank scores nutch | nodedumper dumps the web graph's node scores nutch | plugin load a plugin and run one of its classes main() nutch | junit runs the given JUnit test nutch | startserver runs the Nutch Server on localhost:8081 nutch | webapp run a local Nutch Web Application on locahost:8080 nutch | warc exports crawled data from segments at the WARC format nutch | updatehostdb update the host db with records from the crawl db nutch | readhostdb read / dump host db nutch | sitemap perform Sitemap processing nutch | showproperties print Nutch/Hadoop configuration properties to stdout nutch | or nutch | CLASSNAME run the class named CLASSNAME



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