A Game of Economies, Diplomacy, Warfare on planet earth using Google Maps. Join the game at Landgrab.xyz or join the community at /r/LandGrab.
To set up a local instance
- Place files in webroot with proper permissions
- Configure database connection and token in auth.php
- Run sql/landgrab.sql, and sql/world.sql as sql commands in database
- You may need to add your domain under base_url in config/config.php
- You may need to disable HTTPS redirect in config/autoload.php
- Set a cron for
* * * * * php -f /ABSOLUTE_PATH_HERE/crons/CRON_NAME_HERE.php
for every cron in the crons folder (Set cycle as desired to match CYCLE_MINUTES constant) - Alternatively, use your browser to send a request to localhost/landgrab/cron/CRON_NAME_HERE/TOKEN_HERE to trigger a cron
Unconventional Decisions
- For performance reasons, many keys are in a constants file to be referenced without needing queries or joins for that value
- Township inputs are hardcoded because of the complexity of the grouped inputs of food and cash crops
- Note: api_response and api_error_response both echo and exit so no return needed.
- In retrospect, I should have used objects to hold the functions, but right now all functions are global.