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phoe committed May 9, 2020
1 parent eab7b89 commit f3ed44b
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Showing 10 changed files with 130 additions and 125 deletions.
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions koans-solved/control-statements.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(define-test if
;; IF only evaluates and returns one branch of a conditional expression.
(assert-equal ____ (if t :true :false))
(assert-equal ____ (if nil :true :false))
(assert-equal :true (if t :true :false))
(assert-equal :false (if nil :true :false))
;; This also applies to side effects that migh or might not be evaluated.
(let ((result))
(if t
(setf result :true)
(setf result :false))
(assert-equal ____ result)
(assert-equal :true result)
(if nil
(setf result :true)
(setf result :false))
(assert-equal ____ result)))
(assert-equal :false result)))

(define-test when-unless
;; WHEN and UNLESS are like one-branched IF statements.
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(unless (> x 5)
(setf unless-result x)
(push x unless-numbers)))
(assert-equal ____ when-result)
(assert-equal ____ when-numbers)
(assert-equal ____ unless-result)
(assert-equal ____ unless-numbers)))
(assert-equal 10 when-result)
(assert-equal '(10 9 8 7 6) when-numbers)
(assert-equal 5 unless-result)
(assert-equal '(5 4 3 2 1) unless-numbers)))

(define-test and-short-circuit
;; AND only evaluates forms until one evaluates to NIL.
(assert-equal ____
(assert-equal 5
(let ((x 0))
(setf x (+ 1 x))
(setf x (+ 1 x))
(setf x (+ 2 x))
(setf x (+ 3 x))
(setf x (+ 1 x)))
(setf x (+ 4 x)))

(define-test or-short-circuit
;; AND only evaluates forms until one evaluates to non-NIL.
(assert-equal ____
(assert-equal 2
(let ((x 0))
(setf x (+ 1 x))
(setf x (+ 1 x))
(setf x (+ 2 x))
(setf x (+ 3 x))
(setf x (+ 1 x)))
(setf x (+ 4 x)))
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions koans-solved/iteration.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(dolist (number numbers)
;; (INCF PLACE N) is equivalent to (SETF PLACE (+ N PLACE)).
(incf sum number))
(assert-equal ____ sum))
(assert-equal 108 sum))
;; DOLIST can optionally return a value.
(let ((sum 0))
(assert-equal ____ (dolist (number numbers sum)
(incf sum number))))))
(assert-equal 108 (dolist (number numbers sum)
(incf sum number))))))

(define-test dotimes
;; The macro DOTIMES binds a variable to subsequent integers from 0 to
;; (1- COUNT).
(let ((stack '()))
(dotimes (i 5)
(push i stack))
(assert-equal ____ stack))
(assert-equal '(4 3 2 1 0) stack))
;; DOTIMES can optionally return a value.
(let ((stack '()))
(assert-equal ____ (dotimes (i 5 stack)
(push i stack)))))
(assert-equal '(4 3 2 1 0) (dotimes (i 5 stack)
(push i stack)))))

(define-test do
;; The macro DO accepts a list of variable bindings, a termination test with
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(do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
((> i 5))
(push i result))
(assert-equal ____ result))
(assert-equal '(0 1 2 3 4 5) (nreverse result)))
;; The epilogue of DO can return a value.
(let ((result (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
;; A variable bound by DO noes not need to be updated on
;; each iteration.
(result '()))
((> i 5) (nreverse result))
(push i result))))
(assert-equal ____ result)))
(assert-equal '(0 1 2 3 4 5) result)))

(define-test loop-basic-form
;; The macro LOOP in its simple form loops forever. It is possible to stop the
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(loop (incf counter)
(when (>= counter 100)
(return counter)))
(assert-equal ___ loop-counter))
(assert-equal 100 counter))
;; The RETURN special form can return a value out of a LOOP.
(let ((loop-counter 0))
(assert-equal ___ (loop (incf counter)
(let ((counter 0))
(assert-equal 100 (loop (incf counter)
(when (>= counter 100)
(return counter)))))
;; The extended form of LOOP will be contemplated in a future koan.
Expand Down
70 changes: 35 additions & 35 deletions koans-solved/loops.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(let* ((result-1 (loop for letter in '(#\a \b #\c #\d) collect letter))
(result-2 (loop for number in '(1 2 3 4 5) sum number))
(result-3 (loop for list in '((foo) (bar) (baz)) append list)))
(assert-equal ____ result-1)
(assert-equal ____ result-2)
(assert-equal ____ result-3)))
(assert-equal '(#\a \b #\c #\d) result-1)
(assert-equal 15 result-2)
(assert-equal '(foo bar baz) result-3)))

(define-test loop-multiple-variables
;; With multiple FOR clauses, the loop ends when any of the provided lists are
Expand All @@ -31,26 +31,26 @@
(result (loop for letter in letters
for i from 1 to 1000
collect (list i letter))))
(assert-equal ____ result)))
(assert-equal '((1 :a) (2 :b) (3 :c) (4 :d)) result)))

(define-test loop-in-versus-loop-on
;; Instead of iterating over each element of a list, we can iterate over each
;; cons cell of a list.
(let* ((letters '(:a :b :c))
(result-in (loop for thing in letters collect thing))
(result-on (loop for thing on letters collect thing)))
(assert-equal ____ result-in)
(assert-equal ____ result-on)))
(assert-equal '(:a :b :c) result-in)
(assert-equal '((:a :b :c) (:b :c) (:c)) result-on)))

(define-test loop-for-by
;; Numeric iteration can go faster or slower if we use the BY keyword.
(let* ((result (loop for i from 0 to 30 by 5 collect i)))
(assert-equal ____ result)))
(assert-equal '(0 5 10 15 20 25 30) result)))

(define-test loop-counting-backwards
;; We can count downwards instead of upwards by using DOWNTO instead of TO.
(let ((result (loop for i from 5 downto -5 collect i)))
(assert-equal ____ result)))
(assert-equal '(5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5) result)))

(define-test loop-list-by
;; List iteration can go faster or slower if we use the BY keyword.
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(result-cdr (loop for letter in letters by #'cdr collect letter))
(result-cddr (loop for letter in letters by #'cddr collect letter))
(result-cdddr (loop for letter in letters by #'cdddr collect letter)))
(assert-equal ____ result-in)
(assert-equal ____ result-in-cdr)
(assert-equal ____ result-in-cddr)
(assert-equal ____ result-in-cdddr)))
(assert-equal '(:a :b :c :d :e :f) result)
(assert-equal '(:a :b :c :d :e :f) result-cdr)
(assert-equal '(:a :c :e) result-cddr)
(assert-equal '(:a :d) result-cdddr)))

(define-test loop-across
;; LOOP can iterate over a vector with the ACROSS keyword.
(let* ((vector (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 4)))
(result (loop for number across vector collect number)))
(assert-equal ____ result)))
(assert-equal '(0 1 2 3 4) result)))

(define-test loop-over-2d-array
(let ((array (make-array '(3 2) :initial-contents '((0 1) (2 3) (4 5)))))
;; LOOP can be combined with ROW-MAJOR-AREF to iterate over the contents of
;; a multidimensional array.
(let* ((result (loop for i from 0 below (array-total-size array)
collect (row-major-aref my-array i))))
(assert-equal ____ result))
collect (row-major-aref array i))))
(assert-equal '(0 1 2 3 4 5) result))
;; It is always possible to resort to nested loops.
(let* ((result (loop with max-i = (array-dimension array 0)
for i from 0 below max-i
collect (loop with max-j = (array-dimension array 1)
for j from 0 below max-j
collect (expt (aref my-array i j) 2)))))
(assert-equal ____ result))))
collect (expt (aref array i j) 2)))))
(assert-equal '((0 1) (4 9) (16 25)) result))))

(define-test loop-hash-table
(let ((book-heroes (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
Expand All @@ -92,12 +92,12 @@
(gethash "The Wizard Of Oz" book-heroes) "Dorothy"
(gethash "The Great Gatsby" book-heroes) "James Gatz")
;; LOOP can iterate over hash tables.
(let (pairs-in-table (loop for key being the hash-key of book-heroes
using (hash-value value)
collect (list key value)))
(assert-equal ____ (length pairs-in-table))
(true-or-false? ____ (find '("The Hobbit" "Bilbo") pairs-in-table
:test #'equal)))))
(let ((pairs-in-table (loop for key being the hash-key of book-heroes
using (hash-value value)
collect (list key value))))
(assert-equal 4 (length pairs-in-table))
(true-or-false? t (find '("The Hobbit" "Bilbo") pairs-in-table
:test #'equal)))))

(define-test loop-statistics
;; LOOP can perform basics statistics on the collected elements.
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finally (return (list collected counted summed
maximized minimized)))))
(destructuring-bind (collected counted summed maximized minimized) result
(assert-equal ____ collected)
(assert-equal ____ counted)
(assert-equal ____ summed)
(assert-equal ____ maximized)
(assert-equal ____ minimized))))
(assert-equal '(1 2 4 8 16 32) collected)
(assert-equal 6 counted)
(assert-equal 63 summed)
(assert-equal 32 maximized)
(assert-equal 1 minimized))))

(define-test loop-destructuring
;; LOOP can bind multiple variables on each iteration step.
(let* ((count 0)
(result (loop for (a b) in '((1 9) (2 8) (3 7) (4 6))
do (incf count)
collect (+ a b))))
(assert-equal ____ count)
(assert-equal ____ result)))
(assert-equal 4 count)
(assert-equal '(10 10 10 10) result)))

(define-test conditional-execution
(define-test loop-conditional-execution
(let ((numbers '(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21)))
;; LOOP can execute some actions conditionally.
(let ((result (loop for x in numbers
when (evenp x) sum x)))
(assert-equal ____ result))
(assert-equal 10 result))
(let ((result (loop for x in numbers
unless (evenp x) sum x)))
(assert-equal ____ result))
(assert-equal 44 result))
(flet ((greater-than-10-p (x) (> x 10)))
(let ((result (loop for x in numbers
when (greater-than-10-p 10) sum x)))
(assert-equal ____ result)))))
when (greater-than-10-p x) sum x)))
(assert-equal 34 result)))))
67 changes: 36 additions & 31 deletions koans-solved/mapcar-and-reduce.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,79 +19,84 @@
;; Inside MAPCAR, he function 1+ will be applied to each element of NUMBERS.
;; A new list will be collected from the results.
(assert-equal '(2 3 4 5 6 7) (mapcar #'1+ numbers))
(assert-equal ____ (mapcar #'- numbers))
(assert-equal ____ (mapcar #'list numbers))
(assert-equal ____ (mapcar #'evenp numbers))
(assert-equal ____ (mapcar #'numberp numbers))
(assert-equal ____ (mapcar #'stringp numbers))
(assert-equal '(-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6) (mapcar #'- numbers))
(assert-equal '((1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)) (mapcar #'list numbers))
(assert-equal '(nil t nil t nil t) (mapcar #'evenp numbers))
(assert-equal '(t t t t t t) (mapcar #'numberp numbers))
(assert-equal '(nil nil nil nil nil nil) (mapcar #'stringp numbers))
;; MAPCAR can work on multiple lists. The function will receive one argument
;; from each list.
(let (other-numbers '(4 8 15 16 23 42))
(assert-equal ____ (mapcar #'+ numbers other-numbers))
(assert-equal ____ (mapcar #'* numbers other-numbers))
(let ((other-numbers '(4 8 15 16 23 42)))
(assert-equal '(5 10 18 20 28 48) (mapcar #'+ numbers other-numbers))
(assert-equal '(4 16 45 64 115 252) (mapcar #'* numbers other-numbers))
;; The function MOD performs modulo division.
(assert-equal ____ (mapcar #'mod other-numbers numbers)))))
(assert-equal '(0 0 0 0 3 0) (mapcar #'mod other-numbers numbers)))))

(define-test mapcar-lambda
;; MAPCAR is often used with anonymous functions.
(let ((numbers '(8 21 152 37 403 14 7 -34)))
(assert-equal ____ (mapcar (lambda (x) (mod x 10)) numbers)))
(assert-equal '(8 1 2 7 3 4 7 6) (mapcar (lambda (x) (mod x 10)) numbers)))
(let ((strings '("Mary had a little lamb"
"Old McDonald had a farm"
"Happy birthday to you")))
(assert-equal ____ (mapcar (lambda (x) (subseq x 4 12)) strings))))
(assert-equal '(" had a l" "McDonald" "y birthd")
(mapcar (lambda (x) (subseq x 4 12)) strings))))

(define-test map
;; MAP is a variant of MAPCAR that works on any sequences.
;; It allows to specify the type of the resulting sequence.
(let ((string "lorem ipsum"))
(assert-equal ____ (map 'string #'char-upcase string))
(assert-equal ____ (map 'list #'char-upcase string))
(assert-equal "LOREM IPSUM" (map 'string #'char-upcase string))
(assert-equal '(#\L #\O #\R #\E #\M #\Space #\I #\P #\S #\U #\M)
(map 'list #'char-upcase string))
;; Not all vectors containing characters are strings.
(assert-equal ____ (map '(vector t) #'char-upcase string))))
(assert-equalp #(#\L #\O #\R #\E #\M #\Space #\I #\P #\S #\U #\M)
(map '(vector t) #'char-upcase string))))

(define-test transposition
;; MAPCAR gives the function as many arguments as there are lists.
(flet ((transpose (lists) (apply #'mapcar ____ lists)))
(flet ((transpose (lists) (apply #'mapcar #'list lists)))
(let ((list '((1 2 3)
(4 5 6)
(7 8 9)))
(transposed-list '((1 4 7)
(2 5 8)
(3 6 9)))))
(assert-equal transposed-list (transpose list))
(assert-equal ____ (transpose (transpose list))))
(assert-equal ____ (transpose '(("these" "making")
("pretzels" "me")
("are" "thirsty")))))
(3 6 9))))
(assert-equal transposed-list (transpose list))
(assert-equal list (transpose (transpose list))))
(assert-equal '(("these" "pretzels" "are")
("making" "me" "thirsty"))
(transpose '(("these" "making")
("pretzels" "me")
("are" "thirsty"))))))

(define-test reduce
;; The function REDUCE combines the elements of a list by applying a binary
;; function to the elements of a sequence from left to right.
(assert-equal 15 (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4 5)))
(assert-equal ____ (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4)))
(assert-equal ____ (reduce #'expt '(1 2 3 4 5))))
(assert-equal 10 (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4)))
(assert-equal 1 (reduce #'expt '(1 2 3 4 5))))

(define-test reduce-from-end
;; The :FROM-END keyword argument can be used to reduce from right to left.
(let ((numbers '(1 2 3 4 5)))
(assert-equal ____ (reduce #'cons numbers))
(assert-equal ____ (reduce #'cons numbers :from-end t)))
(assert-equal '((((1 . 2) . 3) . 4) . 5) (reduce #'cons numbers))
(assert-equal '(1 2 3 4 . 5) (reduce #'cons numbers :from-end t)))
(let ((numbers '(2 3 2)))
(assert-equal ____ (reduce #'expt numbers))
(assert-equal ____ (reduce #'expt numbers :from-end t))))
(assert-equal 64 (reduce #'expt numbers))
(assert-equal 512 (reduce #'expt numbers :from-end t))))

(define-test reduce-initial-value
;; :INITIAL-VALUE can supply the initial value for the reduction.
(let ((numbers '(1 2 3 4 5)))
(assert-equal ____ (reduce #'* numbers))
(assert-equal ____ (reduce #'* numbers :initial-value 0))
(assert-equal ____ (reduce #'* numbers :initial-value -1))))
(assert-equal 120 (reduce #'* numbers))
(assert-equal 0 (reduce #'* numbers :initial-value 0))
(assert-equal -120 (reduce #'* numbers :initial-value -1))))

(define-test inner-product
;; MAPCAR and REDUCE are powerful when used together.
;; Fill in the blanks to produce a local function that computes an inner
;; product of two vectors.
(flet ((inner-product (x y) (reduce ____ (mapcar ____ x y))))
(flet ((inner-product (x y) (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'* x y))))
(assert-equal 32 (inner-product '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
(assert-equal 310 (inner-product '(10 20 30) '(4 3 7)))))

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