The SendGrid gem simplifies email dispatch via SendGrid's API
- Add this gem to your
gem 'send_grid_client', github: 'gojilabs/send_grid_client', tag: '<latest tag>'
- Install gem
bundle install
- Generate initializer:
rails generate send_grid_client:install
- Open initializer
- set SendGrid settings (API key and default sender email address)
# @param file_path_or_blob [Pathname, ActiveStorage::Blob] full path to file or Active Storage blob record
# @param disposition [String] (Optional) attachment disposition, inline by default
# @param content_id [String] (Optional) attachment unique content identifier
# An example:
file_attachment =
disposition: 'inline',
content_id: 'unique-img-src-in-template'
# One more example:
blob_attachment =
disposition: 'inline',
content_id: 'unique-img-src-in-template'
# @param email_to [String] receiver email address
# @param template_id [String] SendGrid template identifier
# @param template_data [Hash] SendGrid template payload
# @param attachments [Array<SendGrid::Attachment>] (Optional) array of SendGrid attachments, template_id:, template_data:)
# An example:
email_to: '[email protected]',
template_id: 'd-b7c8345kj6h3lkj4h56k3546',
template_data: {
full_name: 'John Doe',
button_url: 'https://universal_link_somewhere'
attachments: [file_attachment, blob_attachment]
Feel free to improve something, add more unit test or extend this gem with new logic. Steps to do this:
- open PR
- test your code, confirm that it does not break existing functionality
- bump gem version in your PR
- once it will be merged, on the main branch - create a new tag with your version, create a release