Save public GitHub event stream to ClickHouse as json.
- List public events GitHub endpoint
- Original GitHub Archive project
- ClickHouse OLAP database
CREATE TABLE github_events_raw
id Int64,
ts DateTime32,
raw String CODEC (ZSTD(16))
) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree
ORDER BY (ts, id);
Alternative to gharchive crawler with decreased probability to miss events.
- Streaming to ClickHouse via native protocol instead of using files, so storage and fetching are decoupled.
- Automatic pagination if more than one page of new events is available
- Automatic fetch rate adjustment based on rate limit GitHub headers and request duration
- ETag support to skip cached results
$ gh-load --help
Usage of gh-load:
-b int
max token bytes (default 104857600)
-db string
-from string
start from (default "2022-03-14T21")
-host string
host (default "localhost")
-jobs int
jobs (default 1)
-port int
port (default 9000)
-table string
table (default "github_events_raw")
-to string
end with (default "2022-04-14T21")
Example usage (consumes ~340MB RAM per job):
gh-load --db faster --from 2020-01-01T00 --to 2020-01-20T00 --jobs 20