From the Octave command-line run:
pkg install ''
pkg load apa
pkg test apa
From the Matlab command-line run (also works for Octave):
urlwrite ('', ...
unzip ('');
cd (fullfile ('apa-1.0.0', 'inst'))
The high-level MPFR interface is given through the @mpfr_t
A variable of that type "behaves" like a "normal" built-in Octave/Matlab
data type.
op1 = mpfr_t (eye (3) * 4);
rop = op1 + 1
rop =
5 1 1
1 5 1
1 1 5
However, you can adjust the binary precision.
The default Octave/Matlab data type (double) has a precision of 53 binary digits. Thus the following calculation exceeds the given precision:
format long
too_small = (2 ^ (-60))
A = ones (3);
A(3,3) = A(3,3) + too_small
too_small = 8.673617379884035e-19
A =
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
B = A - ones (3)
B =
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
The same calculation using APA and quadruple precision (113 binary digits):
A = mpfr_t (ones (3), 113);
A(3,3) = A(3,3) + too_small
A =
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1.00000000000000000086736173798840355
apa ('format.fmt', 'scientific')
apa ('format.base', 2)
B = A - ones (3)
B =
0 * 2^(0) 0 * 2^(0) 0 * 2^(0)
0 * 2^(0) 0 * 2^(0) 0 * 2^(0)
0 * 2^(0) 0 * 2^(0) 1 * 2^(-60)
The high-level MPFR interface is the preferred choice for quick numerical experiments.
However, if performance is more critical, please use the low-level MPFR interface (explained below) and vectorization wherever possible.
Please note that an interface from an interpreted high-level programming language like Octave/Matlab is most likely slower than a pre-compiled C program.
If performance is highly-critical, use this tool for initial experiments and translate the developed algorithm to native MPFR C-code.
For information how to compile/develop the interface, see
The low-level MPFR interface permits efficient access to almost all functions specified by MPFR 4.1.0
All supported functions are listed in the inst
and can be called from Octave/Matlab like in the C programming language.
For example, the C function:
int mpfr_add (mpfr_t rop, mpfr_t op1, mpfr_t op2, mpfr_rnd_t rnd)
can be called from Octave/Matlab with scalar, vector, or matrix quantities:
% Reset to default APA output.
clear apa
% Prepare input and output variables.
rop = mpfr_t (zeros (3));
op1 = mpfr_t (eye (3) * 4);
op2 = mpfr_t (2);
rnd = mpfr_get_default_rounding_mode ();
% Call mpfr_add. Note unlike Octave/Matlab the
% left-hand side does NOT contain the result.
ret = mpfr_add (rop, op1, op2, rnd);
rop % Note rop vs. ret!
rop =
6 2 2
2 6 2
2 2 6
In the low-level interface the type checks are stricter, but scalar and matrix quantities can still be mixed.
Another benefit of using the low-level MPFR interface is that in-place operations are permitted, which do not create new (temporary) variables:
ret = mpfr_add (op1, op1, op1, rnd); % op1 += op1