VkRunner is a Vulkan shader tester based on shader_runner
Piglit. The goal is to make it be
able to test scripts as similar to Piglit’s shader_test format as
VkRunner requires the Vulkan headers in order to build. On a Linux
system these can be installed via the standard system packages which
are libvulkan-dev
on Ubuntu and Debian or vulkan-headers
Fedora. On Windows the header can be found by installing LunarG’s VulkanSDK
from here.
Additonally VkRunner requires CMake.
If the Vulkan headers are installed in a non-standard location (as will be the case for Windows), you can point CMake to it when configuring the build as follows:
cmake -E env CFLAGS=-Ic:/path/to/vulkan/include cmake .
Otherwise you can just run CMake as below:
cmake .
Next type make
to build the program. You will find the VkRunner
executable under src/
VkRunner requires glslangValidator to compile GLSL to SPIR-V. It is
invoked on the fly while executing the test. It must either be
available in your path or you can set the variable
to point to it. It can be obtained
from here.
The [test]
section supports the following commands:
draw rect [ortho] [patch] x y width height
Draws a rectangle at the given normalised coordinates. The vertices
will be uploaded at vertex input location 0 as a vec3. Remember that
Vulkan’s normalised coordinate system is different from OpenGL’s. If
is specified then the coordinates are scaled from the range
[0,window size] to [-1,1] to make it easier to specify the positions
in pixels. If patch
is given then a patch topology will be used with
a patch size of four.
draw arrays [indexed] [instanced] topology firstVertex vertexCount [instanceCount]
Calls vkCmdDraw
with the given parameters. The vertex data will be
sourced from the [vertex data]
section. The topology should be one
of the values of VkPrimitiveTopology minus the VK_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY
prefix. Alternatively it can be a GLenum value as used in Piglit.
If indexed
is specified then vkCmdDrawIndexed
will be use to draw
the primitive instead. The indices will be sourced from the
section. vertexCount will be used as the index count,
firstVertex becomes the vertex offset and firstIndex will always
be zero.
compute x y z
Dispatch the compute shader with the given parameters.
[relative] probe [rect] (rgb|rgba) (x, y[, width, height]) (r, g, b[, a])
Verifies that a given rectangle matches the given colour. If the
command begins with the keyword relative
then the coordinates are
normalised from 0.0 to 1.0, otherwise they are pixel coordinates.
Either way the origin is the top-left corner of the image. If rect
is not specified then the width and height are set to 1 pixel. The
alpha component of the image can be ignored or not by specifying
either rgb
or rgba
probe all (rgb|rgba) r g b [a]
The same as above except that it probes the entire window.
uniform type offset values…
Sets a push constant at the given offset. Note that unlike Piglit, the offset is a byte offset into the push constant buffer rather than a uniform location. The type can be one of int, uint, int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int64_t, uint64_t, float, double, vec[234], dvec[234], ivec[234], uvec[234], i8vec[234], u8vec[234], i16vec[234], u16vec[234], i64vec[234], u64vec[234], mat[234]x[234] or dmat[234]x[234]. Multiple values can be specified to upload values to an array of that type. If matrices or arrays are specified they are assumed to have a stride according to the std430 layout rules.
uniform ubo binding type offset values…
Sets a value within a uniform buffer. The first time a value is set
within a buffer it will be created with the minimum size needed to
contain all of the values set on it via test commands. It will then be
bound to the descriptor set at the given binding point. The rest of
the arguments are the same as for the uniform
command, except that
it values are laid out according to the std140 rules. Note that the
buffer is just updated by writing into a memory mapped view of it
which means that if you do an update, draw call, update and then
another draw call both draws will use the values from the second
update. This is because the draws are not flushed until the next probe
command or the test completes.
ssbo binding subdata type offset values…
Sets a value within a storage buffer. The command is the same as
uniform ubo
except for the different buffer type. The values will be
laid out according to the std430 rules.
ssbo binding size
Sets the size of a storage buffer. This is optional if there are ssbo subdata commands because in that case it will just take the size of the largest offset.
probe ssbo type binding offset comparison values…
Probes a value in the storage buffer at binding. The comparison
can be one of ==
, !=
, <
, >=
, >
, <=
or ~=
. If the type
has more than one component then they are compared individually until
one of them fails the comparison. ~=
is the same with ==
but ~=
allows errors for double
or float
type numbers while ==
not. Allowed errors can be set by the following tolerance
See examples/tolerance.shader_test
for the usage of ~=
. Multiple values can be listed to compare an
array of values. In that case the buffer is assumed to have std140
tolerance tolerance0 tolerance1 tolerance2 tolerance3
Sets four tolerances i.e., allowed errors. vecN
type values will
use first N
tolerances among those four. Each column of matMxN
values will also use first N
tolerances. float
and double
values will use only the first tolerance. Each tolerance value can be
an double
type real number or percentage e.g., 0.01%
. tolerance
command can be also used for comparisons of pixels. See
examples/tolerance.shader_test for
the usage of tolerance
tolerance tolerance0
Sets a tolerance i.e., an allowed error. If this command is set, all
components of vecN
and matMxN
type values will use the same
tolerance. Each tolerance value can be an double
type real number or
percentage e.g., 0.01%
. See examples/tolerance.shader_test for the usage of tolerance
clear color r g b a
Sets the color to use for subsequent clear commands. Defaults to all zeros.
clear depth value
Sets the value to clear the depth buffer to in subsequent clear commands. Defaults to 1.0.
clear stencil value
Sets the value to clear the stencil buffer to in subsequent clear commands. Defaults to 0.
Clears the entire framebuffer to the previously set clear color, depth and stencil values.
patch parameter vertices vertices
Sets the number of control points for tessellation patches in subsequent draw calls. Defaults to 3.
topology, primitiveRestartEnable, patchControlPoints, depthClampEnable, rasterizerDiscardEnable, polygonMode, cullMode, frontFace, depthBiasEnable, depthBiasConstantFactor, depthBiasClamp, depthBiasSlopeFactor, lineWidth, logicOpEnable, logicOp, blendEnable, srcColorBlendFactor, dstColorBlendFactor, colorBlendOp, srcAlphaBlendFactor, dstAlphaBlendFactor, alphaBlendOp, colorWriteMask, depthTestEnable, depthWriteEnable, depthCompareOp, depthBoundsTestEnable, stencilTestEnable, front.failOp, front.passOp, front.depthFailOp, front.compareOp, front.compareMask, front.writeMask, front.reference, back.failOp, back.passOp, back.depthFailOp, back.compareOp, back.compareMask, back.writeMask, back.reference
These properties can be set on a pipeline by specifying their name
followed by a value in the test section. This will affect subsequent
draw calls. If multiple draw calls are issued with different values
for these properties then a separate pipeline will be created for each
set of state. See the properties.shader_test
example for details.
stage entrypoint name
Sets the entrypoint function to name for the given stage. This will be used for subsequent draw calls or compute dispatches.
Take a look in the examples directory for more examples.
The [require]
section can contain names of members from
VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures. These will be searched for when deciding
which physical device to open. If no physical device with the
corresponding requirements can be found then it will report an error.
Any line that is not a feature and contains entirely alphanumeric and underscore characters is assumed to be a device extension name. This will be checked for when searching for a suitable device and if no device with the extension is found then the test will report that it was skipped. Otherwise the extension will be enabled when creating the device.
framebuffer format
Use this to specify the format of the framebuffer using a format from VkFormat minus the VK_FORMAT prefix.
depthstencil format
If this is specified VkRunner will try to add a depth-stencil attachment to the framebuffer with the given format. Without it no depth-stencil buffer will be created.
fbsize width height
Specify the size of the framebuffer. If not specified it defaults to 250x250.
Shaders can be stored in sections like [vertex shader]
just like in
. Multiple GLSL shaders can be given for a single stage
and they will be linked together via glslangValidator.
Alternatively, the disassembly of the SPIR-V source can be provided
with a section like [vertex shader spirv]
. This will be assembled
with spirv-as
. If a SPIR-V section is given for a stage there can be
no other shaders for that stage.
The vertex shader can also be skipped with an empty section called
[vertex shader passthrough]
. That will create a simple vertex shader
than just copies a vec4 for input location 0 to gl_Position
The [vertex data]
section is used to specify vertex attributes and
data for use with the draw arrays command. It is similar to Piglit
except that integer locations are used instead of names and matrices
are specifed by using a location within the matrix rather than having
a separate field.
The format consists of a row of column headers followed by any number of rows of data. Each column header has the form ATTRLOC/FORMAT where ATTRLOC is the location of the vertex attribute to be bound to this column and FORMAT is the name of a VkFormat minus the VK_FORMAT prefix.
Alternatively the column header can use something closer the Piglit format like ATTRLOC/GL_TYPE/GLSL_TYPE. GL_TYPE is the GL type of data that follows (“half”, “float”, “double”, “byte”, “ubyte”, “short”, “ushort”, “int” or “uint”), GLSL_TYPE is the GLSL type of the data (“int”, “uint”, “float”, “double”, “ivec”*, “uvec”*, “vec”*, “dvec”*).
The data follows the column headers in space-separated form. “#” can
be used for comments, as in shell scripts. See the
file as an example.
The [indices]
section just contains a list of indices to use along
with the vertices in [vertex data]
. It will be used if the indexed
option is given to the draw arrays
test command.
Long lines anywhere in the script can be split into multiple lines by using a backslash to combine them. For example a line to set an array of ints could be split up as follows:
uniform ubo 0 int 0 \
1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 \
987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 \
46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229
usage: vkrunner [OPTION]... SCRIPT...
Runs the shader test script SCRIPT
-h Show this help message
-i IMG Write the final rendering to IMG as a PPM image
-d Show the SPIR-V disassembly
-D TOK=REPL Replace occurences of TOK with REPL in the scripts
As an alternative to specifying the shaders in GLSL or SPIR-V assembly, the test scripts can contain a hex dump of the SPIR-V. That way VkRunner does not need to invoke the compiler or assembler to run the script. This can be useful either to speed up the execution of the tests or to run them on hardware where installing the compiler is not practical. VkRunner also includes a Python script to precompile the test scripts to binary. It can be run for example as below:
./precompile-script.py -o compiled-examples examples/*.shader_test
./src/vkrunner compiled-examples/*.shader_test
If glslangValidator and spirv-as are not in the path, you can indicate where the binaries are with the following command line arguments:
./precompile-script.py -o compiled-examples examples/*.shader_test -g PATH_GLSLANG/glslangValidator -s PATH_SPIRV_AS/spirv-as
VkRunner can alternatively be used as a library to integrate it into
another test suite. Running make install
installs a static library,
a header and a pkg-config file to configure it. An example to use it
could be as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <vkrunner/vkrunner.h>
main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <script>\n", argv[0]);
/* Create a source representing the file */
struct vr_source *source = vr_source_from_file(argv[1]);
/* The templating mechanism can be used to replace tokens in
* the test scripts
char current_time[64];
snprintf(current_time, sizeof current_time, "%i", (int) time(NULL));
/* This executes all of the script and returns a result. The
* result will be either VR_RESULT_FAIL, VR_RESULT_SKIP or
struct vr_config *config = vr_config_new();
struct vr_executor *executor = vr_executor_new(config);
enum vr_result result = vr_executor_execute(executor, source);
printf("Test status is: %s\n",
This can by compiled using a command like the following after running
make install
on VkRunner:
cc -o myrunner myrunner.c $(pkg-config --cflags --libs vkrunner)
VkRunner supports Android NDK build which generates the VkRunner static library and executable for Android.
- Download Android NDK.
- Run the following commands:
export ANDROID_NDK=/path/to/your/ndk
cd <vkrunner-dir>
mkdir build && cd build
mkdir libs
mkdir app
$ANDROID_NDK/ndk-build -C ../android_test \
NDK_LIBS_OUT=`pwd`/libs \
You can see the generated shared library in
. -
The vkrunner executable which you can run directly on a device will be in
. You may want to first convert any shader scripts to binary SPIR-V usingprecompile-script.py
as described above.