This is the Gravie Challenge Test
A simple(?) app based on giantbomb site.
- npm
- Clojure
- Clojurescript
To get the app clone the git repository
git clone
On the root of the repository run
npm install
clojure -M:shadow:shadow-release
It will install the npm dependencies and build the main.js from shadow-cljs
To run the application you need to specify a server port or it will use port 8080 You need also an api-key from
export PORT=<port number>
export GIANTBOMB_API=<your api-key>
clojure -M:server
You can create a docker image. You need docker installed local Clone the repository and on the root directory
docker build -t <build-name> .
Where <build-name> is the name of the image created then run it in a container
docker run --name <container-name> -e "PORT=<port>" -e "GIANTBOMB_API=<api-key>" -p <local-port>:<port> <build-name>
- TESTS! TDD could really improve the production
- Used a database like postgres or even datomic or XTDB