Markdown renderer for React Native powered by marked.js with built-in theming support
yarn add react-native-marked react-native-svg
import * as React from "react";
import Markdown from "react-native-marked";
const ExampleComponent = () => {
return (
value={`# Hello world`}
initialNumToRender: 8,
export default ExampleComponent;
Prop | Description | Type | Optional? |
value | Markdown value | string | false |
flatListProps | Props for customizing the underlying FlatList used | Omit<FlatListProps<ReactNode>, 'data' | 'renderItem' | 'horizontal'> ( 'data' , 'renderItem' , and 'horizontal' props are omitted and cannot be overridden.) |
true |
styles | Styles for parsed components | MarkedStyles | true |
theme | Props for customizing colors and spacing for all components,and it will get overridden with custom component style applied via 'styles' prop | UserTheme | true |
baseUrl | A prefix url for any relative link | string | true |
renderer | Custom component Renderer | RendererInterface | true |
hook will return list of elements that can be rendered using a list component of your choice.
import React, { Fragment } from "react";
import { ScrollView, useColorScheme } from "react-native";
import { useMarkdown, type useMarkdownHookOptions } from "react-native-marked";
const CustomComponent = () => {
const colorScheme = useColorScheme();
const options: useMarkdownHookOptions = {
const elements = useMarkdown("# Hello world", options);
return (
{, index) => {
return <Fragment key={`demo_${index}`}>{element}</Fragment>
Option | Description | Type | Optional? |
colorScheme | Device color scheme ("dark" or "light") | ColorSchemeName | false |
styles | Styles for parsed components | MarkedStyles | true |
theme | Props for customizing colors and spacing for all components,and it will get overridden with custom component style applied via 'styles' prop | UserTheme | true |
baseUrl | A prefix url for any relative link | string | true |
renderer | Custom component Renderer | RendererInterface | true |
tokenizer | Generate custom tokens | MarkedTokenizer | true |
- RN App:
- CodeSandbox:
- Headings (1 to 6)
- Paragraph
- Emphasis (bold, italic, and strikethrough)
- Link
- Image
- Blockquote
- Inline Code
- Code Block
- List (ordered, unordered)
- Horizontal Rule
- Table
Ref: CommonMark
HTML will be treated as plain text. Please refer issue#290 for a potential solution
Custom components can be used to override elements, i.e. Code Highlighting, Fast Image integration
import React, { ReactNode, Fragment } from "react";
import { Text, ScrollView } from "react-native";
import type { ImageStyle, TextStyle } from "react-native";
import Markdown, { Renderer, useMarkdown } from "react-native-marked";
import type { RendererInterface } from "react-native-marked";
import FastImage from "react-native-fast-image";
class CustomRenderer extends Renderer implements RendererInterface {
constructor() {
codespan(text: string, _styles?: TextStyle): ReactNode {
return (
<Text key={this.getKey()} style={{ backgroundColor: "#ff0000" }}>
image(uri: string, _alt?: string, _style?: ImageStyle): ReactNode {
return (
style={{ width: 200, height: 200 }}
source={{ uri: uri }}
const renderer = new CustomRenderer();
const ExampleComponent = () => {
return (
value={"`Hello world`"}
initialNumToRender: 8,
// Alternate using hook
const ExampleComponentWithHook = () => {
const elements = useMarkdown("`Hello world`", { renderer });
return (
{, index) => {
return <Fragment key={`demo_${index}`}>{element}</Fragment>
export default ExampleComponent;
Please refer to RendererInterface for all the overrides
property for a component, you can use thegetKey
method from Renderer class.
Refer marked
The tokenizer defines how to turn markdown text into tokens. If you supply a tokenizer object to the Marked options, it will be merged with the built-in tokenizer and any functions inside will override the default handling of that token type.
The implementation requires you to return a token of type 'custom' (ref: CustomToken) and the same needs to be implemented in the Renderer
Overriding default codespan tokenizer to include LaTeX.
import React, { ReactNode } from "react";
import Markdown, { Renderer, MarkedTokenizer, MarkedLexer } from "react-native-marked";
import type { RendererInterface, CustomToken } from "react-native-marked";
class CustomTokenizer extends MarkedTokenizer<CustomToken> {
// Override
codespan(this: MarkedTokenizer<CustomToken>, src: string) {
const match = src.match(/^\$+([^\$\n]+?)\$+/);
if (match?.[1]) {
const text = match[1].trim();
const token: CustomToken = {
type: 'custom',
raw: match[0], // should be the exact regex pattern match
identifier: "latex", // Uniq identifier for the token
tokens: MarkedLexer(text), // optional, can be used if the markdown contains children
args: { // optional, can be used to send more information to the renderer
text: text,
return token;
return super.codespan(src)
class CustomRenderer extends Renderer implements RendererInterface {
// Custom Token implementation
custom(identifier: string, _raw: string, _children?: ReactNode[], args?: Record<string, unknown>): ReactNode {
const text = args?.text as string;
if (identifier === "latex") {
const styles = {
padding: 16,
minWidth: "100%",
backgroundColor: "#f6f8fa"
return this.code(text.trim(), "latex", styles);
return null;
const renderer = new CustomRenderer();
const tokenizer = new CustomTokenizer();
const ExampleComponent = () => {
return (
value={"$ latex code $\n\n` other code `"}
initialNumToRender: 8,
Dark Theme | Light Theme |
![]() |
![]() |
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Made with create-react-native-library