These are visual customizations for VCU Libraries Search which is running on Ex Libris' Alma and Primo platforms.
Each file exists independently and doesn't require the other files.
- vcu_services_pages_custom.css is included in the services_page view for Alma
- vcu_uresolver_custom.css is included in the uresolver pages in the "view online" and "find or request" tabs
- "View online" tab on services page and search results
- services_page_custom_tab.html contains code to insert another tab on the services page
- ex: "Report problems" tab on VCU services page
- Jimmy Ghaphery's presentation at ELUNA 2013 details some of the customizations VCU made to Alma.
We rolled out visual updates to VCU Libraries search in July 2014. These files all need to be present for the design to work.
- vcu_primo_custom.css and vcu_primo_custom_handheld.css - Desktop and responsive designs included in all views for Primo
- vcu_primo_custom.js updates the DOM for some of the CSS changes including the expanding/collapsing facets and the slide-in facets list for mobile devices. It incorporates Notre Dame's Primo date slider fixes.
We've also documented how to add and update custom CSS and Javascript to Primo.
- VCU Libraries
- CUNY System
- Purdue Libraries
- If you're using these customizations, let Erin White know or submit a pull request to this readme.
- Primo topbar - HTML and CSS to add a top banner to Primo screens
- Query string redirector - Quick PHP script to take a GET request and forward it to another URL. Helpful for uresolver migration.
- Erin White, Web Systems Librarian, VCU Libraries
- Alison Tinker, Web Designer, VCU Libraries