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This repository contains code examples, written in node.js, depicting common use cases for how to utilize Gladly REST API.

This repository should be used as a tool for learning and not as production code!


Step 1: Generate Gladly API token

Please follow these instructions to create an API token.

Step 2: Setup .env file

Now, you can set up your environment variables. To do so, copy the .env-sample file found in the root folder of this repository into a new file called .env (also to be created at the root folder of this repository).

Set the following:

  • GLADLY_HOST: Set this to your Gladly URL (e.g.:, making sure to not have an ending / at the end and including the https:// protocol at the beginning
  • GLADLY_USERNAME: Your Gladly developer email address (e.g.: [email protected])
  • GLADLY_API_TOKEN: The API token that you generated in Step 1
  • TMP_FILE_PATH: If using conversation-export-to-csv, set this to /tmp/ - this is where the results CSV file will be saved
  • FILE_TYPE: If using conversation-export-to-csv, set this to one of agents, customers, conversation_items or topics (i.e.: file type from GET File API that will be transformed into CSV)
  • JOB_ID: If using conversation-export-to-csv, set this to the Export Job ID you want to transform into a CSV file

Save the file

Step 3: Install node modules

Make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

yarn install

Sample Scripts

Create Customers

What this script does

This script creates new customer profiles in Gladly utilizing a CSV file in create-customers/sample-new-customers.csv.

The script transforms each row in the CSV file to a customer profile object, then uses the Gladly Create Customer API to create the profile on Gladly.

When a profile is successfully created, the script will log the success using console.log

When a profile fails to be created, the script will log the error using console.log, along with the HTTP status code received.

The resultant profile looks something like this:

NOTE that the customAttributes may not display on your Gladly instance if you have not worked with a Gladly Support or Professional Services representative to configure them to display.

CSV to Gladly API data mapping logic

The script will loop through each row in the CSV file and import a customer profile using the following logic:

  • name: this column is mapped to the Customer name on Gladly
  • address: this column is mapped to the Customer address on Gladly
  • email:1, email:2, email:3: these columns are added as email addresses to a single customer profile on Gladly. If the cell is blank, then the email will not be added to the profile. No email is imported as the main email. Note that emails are considered unique identifiers in Gladly, so if an email specified in one of these columns already exists in Gladly, the import for this row will fail.
  • phone:1, phone:2, phone:3: these columns are added as phone numbers to a single customer profile on Gladly. If the cell is blank, then the phone number will not be added to the profile. No phone number is currently set to the main phone number. Phone number is imported as type=OTHER (not MOBILE, which is considered a unique identifier in Gladly)

In addition, the script will auto-create an identifier for the customer profile using the slugid node.js library.

A sample payload can be found below:

{"id":"XRJvp8lSS5aD2RucjY5zkw","name":"First1 Last1","address":"Address 1, CA, 12345","emails":[{"original":"[email protected]"}],"phones":[{"original":"650 123 4567"},{"original":"650 123 4571"}],"customAttributes":{"attr1":"hello","attr3":"world"}}

How to use script

Make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

node create-customers

Sample console logs from script

SUCCESS - ROW 0: Created customer with ID XRJvp8lSS5aD2RucjY5zkw and payload {"id":"XRJvp8lSS5aD2RucjY5zkw","name":"First1 Last1","address":"Address 1, CA, 12345","emails":[{"original":"[email protected]"}],"phones":[{"original":"650 123 4567"},{"original":"650 123 4571"}],"customAttributes":{"attr1":"hello","attr3":"world"}}
SUCCESS - ROW 3: Created customer with ID Wr3Cr5hGS9ucpnWnO_Uhxg and payload {"id":"Wr3Cr5hGS9ucpnWnO_Uhxg","name":"First4 Last4","address":"Address 4, CA, 12345","emails":[{"original":"[email protected]"}],"phones":[{"original":"650 123 4570"}],"customAttributes":{"attr2":"world"}}
SUCCESS - ROW 1: Created customer with ID OPy0kbYIQp-mr3IcdQRWqw and payload {"id":"OPy0kbYIQp-mr3IcdQRWqw","name":"First2 Last2","address":"Address 2, CA, 12345","emails":[{"original":"[email protected]"}],"phones":[{"original":"650 123 4568"}],"customAttributes":{"attr2":"world"}}
SUCCESS - ROW 2: Created customer with ID fWF-Q4lwTVepss3W2P2Cfw and payload {"id":"fWF-Q4lwTVepss3W2P2Cfw","name":"FIrst3 Last3","address":"Address 3, CA, 12345","emails":[{"original":"[email protected]"},{"original":"[email protected]"},{"original":"[email protected]"}],"phones":[{"original":"650 123 4569"}],"customAttributes":{"attr3":"hi"}}

Update Customers

We recommend utilizing this script after running the create-customers script.

What this script does

This script updates customer profiles in Gladly utilizing a CSV file in update-customers/sample-update-customers.csv.

The script searches for the customer profile in Gladly using the email column and the Gladly Find Customer API. Note that email is considered a unique identifier in Gladly, so if a matching profile is found, there will only be one potential result returned.

If a match is found, the script will then set the returned object's name value to the name in the CSV file and call the Gladly Update Customer API to update the profile in Gladly.

When a profile is successfully updated, the script will log the success using console.log

When a profile fails to be update, the script will log the error using console.log, along with the HTTP status code received.

The resultant profile looks something like this:

How to use script

Make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

node update-customers

Sample console logs from script

SUCCESS - ROW 2: Found a match for customer with email [email protected]. Attempting to update profile
SUCCESS - ROW 1: Found a match for customer with email [email protected]. Attempting to update profile
SUCCESS - ROW 0: Found a match for customer with email [email protected]. Attempting to update profile
SUCCESS - ROW 3: Found a match for customer with email [email protected]. Attempting to update profile
SUCCESS - ROW 1: Updated customer profile with payload {"address":"Address 2, CA, 12345","customAttributes":{"attr2":"world"},"emails":[{"normalized":"[email protected]","original":"[email protected]"}],"name":"Person 2's New Name","phones":[{"normalized":"+16501234568","original":"650 123 4568","regionCode":"US","type":""}],"id":"OPy0kbYIQp-mr3IcdQRWqw","createdAt":"2021-09-28T21:10:10.373Z"}
SUCCESS - ROW 2: Updated customer profile with payload {"address":"Address 3, CA, 12345","customAttributes":{"attr3":"hi"},"emails":[{"normalized":"[email protected]","original":"[email protected]"},{"normalized":"[email protected]","original":"[email protected]"},{"normalized":"[email protected]","original":"[email protected]"}],"name":"Person 3's New Name","phones":[{"normalized":"+16501234569","original":"650 123 4569","regionCode":"US","type":""}],"id":"fWF-Q4lwTVepss3W2P2Cfw","createdAt":"2021-09-28T21:10:10.378Z"}
SUCCESS - ROW 3: Updated customer profile with payload {"address":"Address 4, CA, 12345","customAttributes":{"attr2":"world"},"emails":[{"normalized":"[email protected]","original":"[email protected]"}],"name":"Person 4's New Name","phones":[{"normalized":"+16501234570","original":"650 123 4570","regionCode":"US","type":""}],"id":"Wr3Cr5hGS9ucpnWnO_Uhxg","createdAt":"2021-09-28T21:10:10.370Z"}
SUCCESS - ROW 0: Updated customer profile with payload {"address":"Address 1, CA, 12345","customAttributes":{"attr1":"hello","attr3":"world"},"emails":[{"normalized":"[email protected]","original":"[email protected]"}],"name":"Person 1's New Name","phones":[{"normalized":"+16501234567","original":"650 123 4567","regionCode":"US","type":""},{"normalized":"+16501234571","original":"650 123 4571","regionCode":"US","type":""}],"id":"XRJvp8lSS5aD2RucjY5zkw","createdAt":"2021-09-28T21:10:10.262Z"}

Create Tasks

We recommend utilizing this script after running the create-customers script.

What this script does

This script creates tasks in Gladly utilizing a CSV file in create-tasks/sample-new-tasks.csv.

The script accomplishes this by doing the following:

  • Lists all inboxes and agents using the Gladly list inboxes API and the Gladly list agents API
  • For each row in the CSV file, map the inboxName column to the appropriate Gladly inbox ID, and the agentEmail column to the appropriate Gladly agent ID (if this column is specified). An error is throw for this row if inboxName is not supplied / does not match an inbox name in Gladly, or if agentEmail is supplied, but does not match an agent email address in Gladly.
  • Call the Gladly create task API to create a new task with the due date set to the dueAt column, the task body set to the task column and the customer.emailAddress field set to the email column in the CSV

A sample task POST body can be found below:

{"id":"G2tzvtq1TPWcxqlf1h2vng","assignee":{"inboxId":"0tvvSDnvQVGchp-GaxCeGQ","agentId":null},"body":"please initiate a return","dueAt":"2024-09-28T00:00:00.000Z","customer":{"emailAddress":"[email protected]"}}

When a task is successfully created, the script will log the success using console.log

When a task fails to be created, the script will log the error using console.log, along with the HTTP status code received.

The resultant task looks something like this:

How to use script

Make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

node create-tasks

Sample console logs from script

ERROR - ROW 2: Inbox witih name  was specified in CSV file but could not be found in Gladly
ERROR - ROW 3: Inbox witih name  was specified in CSV file but could not be found in Gladly
ERROR - ROW 4: Inbox witih name inbox name was specified in CSV file but could not be found in Gladly

Starting API calls

SUCCESS - ROW 1: Created task with ID G2tzvtq1TPWcxqlf1h2vng and payload {"id":"G2tzvtq1TPWcxqlf1h2vng","assignee":{"inboxId":"0tvvSDnvQVGchp-GaxCeGQ","agentId":null},"body":"please initiate a return","dueAt":"2024-09-28T00:00:00.000Z","customer":{"emailAddress":"[email protected]"}}
SUCCESS - ROW 0: Created task with ID ade2kDvwRnaA7ewXYtMyag and payload {"id":"ade2kDvwRnaA7ewXYtMyag","assignee":{"inboxId":"0tvvSDnvQVGchp-GaxCeGQ","agentId":"XeEJwrnuTfabHMK5ZW1fGg"},"body":"please create a return label","dueAt":"2023-09-28T00:00:00.000Z","customer":{"emailAddress":"[email protected]"}}

Finished processing file

Delete Customers

We recommend utilizing this script after running the create-customers script.

What this script does

This script deletes customer profiles in Gladly utilizing a CSV file in delete-customers/sample-customers-to-delete.csv.

The script searches for the customer profile in Gladly using the email column and the Gladly Find Customer API. Note that email is considered a unique identifier in Gladly, so if a matching profile is found, there will only be one potential result returned.

If a match is found, the script will then call the Gladly Delete Customer API to delete the profile in Gladly. Note that this operation is irreversible; deleted customer profiles cannot be restored. Profile deletion will fail if a customer has any open Conversations.

When a profile is successfully deleted, the script will log the success using console.log

When a profile fails to be deleted, the script will log the error using console.log, along with the HTTP status code received.

How to use script

Make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

node delete-customers

Sample console logs from script

SUCCESS - ROW 3: Found a match for customer with email [email protected]. Attempting to delete profile
SUCCESS - ROW 1: Found a match for customer with email [email protected]. Attempting to delete profile
SUCCESS - ROW 2: Found a match for customer with email [email protected]. Attempting to delete profile
SUCCESS - ROW 0: Found a match for customer with email [email protected]. Attempting to delete profile
SUCCESS - ROW 3: Deleted customer profile with id AgSEIR70Spu7g55D31txMg
SUCCESS - ROW 1: Deleted customer profile with id Vl9N5WwuSXqFsslGtF7Hww
SUCCESS - ROW 2: Deleted customer profile with id fsXEFNy1QGWhYhRRPJpjOQ
SUCCESS - ROW 0: Deleted customer profile with id AxfE0TZ_RF6NcxCaiog2mw

Get Data Export

What this script does

This script calls the Gladly List Jobs API, and then retrieves the job ID with the latest updatedAt date.

This script will then call the Gladly Get File API to download the associated job's conversation_items.jsonl file into a local file stored on /tmp/conversation_items.jsonl.

Upon download, the script will then go through each line in the /tmp/conversation_items.jsonl file and output a log.

How to use script

Make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

node get-data-export

Sample console logs from script

Got line from conversation_items.jsonl file: {"id":"9Xk3zKeuQMyQi2qjmDErDw","conversationId":"mTs0fj5qSo63Sg4RRuulPQ","content":{"content":"54321","messageType":"TEXT","sessionId":"5zjcbHOARMOmg8t11esqpA","type":"CHAT_MESSAGE"},"customerId":"594wMEbZSx-RmYSkUMeCPw","initiator":{"type":"CUSTOMER","id":"594wMEbZSx-RmYSkUMeCPw"},"timestamp":"2021-09-27T21:12:34.635Z"}
Got line from conversation_items.jsonl file: {"id":"UbUhScmvQCWR3qJgKr5fjg","conversationId":"mTs0fj5qSo63Sg4RRuulPQ","content":{"content":"First reply - clears SLA","messageType":"TEXT","sessionId":"5zjcbHOARMOmg8t11esqpA","type":"CHAT_MESSAGE"},"customerId":"594wMEbZSx-RmYSkUMeCPw","initiator":{"type":"AGENT","id":"XeEJwrnuTfabHMK5ZW1fGg"},"timestamp":"2021-09-27T21:12:50.277Z"}
Got line from conversation_items.jsonl file: {"id":"2DR0XwcbSVeo21lwx57D4g","conversationId":"mTs0fj5qSo63Sg4RRuulPQ","content":{"content":"2nd customer reply","messageType":"TEXT","sessionId":"5zjcbHOARMOmg8t11esqpA","type":"CHAT_MESSAGE"},"customerId":"594wMEbZSx-RmYSkUMeCPw","initiator":{"type":"CUSTOMER","id":"594wMEbZSx-RmYSkUMeCPw"},"timestamp":"2021-09-27T21:13:21.598Z"}
Got line from conversation_items.jsonl file: {"id":"xK9cnHU1QMWF95HKNdKNTg","conversationId":"UCeDRWE1Ro6vMYZ_MqPHsA","content":{"content":"Testing","messageType":"TEXT","sessionId":"4Ggwv__JSQGkvFxaQnzF_A","type":"CHAT_MESSAGE"},"customerId":"rvk8ApFfSL2iczWlNaISNQ","initiator":{"type":"CUSTOMER","id":"rvk8ApFfSL2iczWlNaISNQ"},"timestamp":"2021-09-27T21:15:57.618Z"}

Get Reports

What this script does

This script calls the Gladly Work Sessions API and logs the sum of the work_session_handle_time detected in that file.

This script then calls the Gladly Generate Report API to retrieve the ContactExportReport (documentation here) and outputs the number of EMAIL contacts created on 09/28/21 Pacific Time.

Afterwards, the script calls the Gladly Generate Report API to retrieve the AgentTimestampsReport (documentation here) and outputs the number of AGENT_STATUS/LOGGED_IN events that occurred on 09/28/21 Pacific Time.

Note that the script calls reporting APIs 1 by 1, which helps keep us under the specific reporting API organization rate limit.

How to use script

Make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

node get-reports

Sample console logs from script

Detected 35.529 of work session handle time for contacts ended between 2021-09-28T00:00-07:00 and 2021-09-29T00:00-07:00. Used payload {"startAtTime":"2021-09-28T00:00-07:00","endAtTime":"2021-09-29T00:00-07:00"}
Detected 0 EMAIL contact(s) created on 09/28/21 America/Los_Angeles timezone. Used payload {"metricSet":"ContactExportReport","timezone":"America/Los_Angeles","startAt":"2021-09-28","endAt":"2021-09-28"}
Detected 1 agent logged in event(s) on 09/28/21 America/Los_Angeles timezone. Used payload {"metricSet":"AgentTimestampsReport","timezone":"America/Los_Angeles","startAt":"2021-09-28","endAt":"2021-09-28","filters":{}}

Close Conversations

What this script does

This script adds a topic to conversations in Gladly, and then closes them utilizing a CSV file in close-conversations/sample-close-conversations.csv.

The script accomplishes this by doing the following:

  • Retrieves the conversation from Gladly using the Get Conversation API
  • Adds a topic to the conversation, as defined in the CSV file, using the Add Topic API
  • Closes the conversation, assigning it to the conversationId and agentId values the conversation is currently assigned to using the Update Conversation API

How to use script

First, open up close-conversations/sample-close-conversations.csv and populate it with conversation + topic ID values from your very own Gladly instance.

Save your edits to this file.

Make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

node close-conversations

Sample console logs from script

Starting API calls

SUCCESS - ROW 0: Closed conversation ID pzQgtVEsSsWho4qm1086WA

Finished processing file

Events WFM

What this script does

This script uses the Events API to calculate Voice availability time, agent-initiated hold time and number of outbound phone calls on an agent-by-agent basis within 30 minute intervals. The script does this by calling the Events API and retrieving events for CONTACT and AGENT_AVAILABILITY.

The script will output the duration of time (in minutes) that an Agent spent on hold & available for voice + the number of outbound phone calls an agent placed, sorted into 30 minute buckets.

How to use script

Make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

node events-wfm

Sample console logs from script

Voice: Hold Time
    'Agent ID': 'agent---',
    'Interval Start At': '2021-11-09 05:00',
    Timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
    'Interval Duration (minute)': 30,
    'Agent Initiated Hold Time (minutes)': 6.033333333333333
    'Agent ID': 'agent2---',
    'Interval Start At': '2021-11-09 05:00',
    Timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
    'Interval Duration (minute)': 30,
    'Agent Initiated Hold Time (minutes)': 4.566666666666666

Voice: Hold Time
    'Agent ID': 'agent---',
    'Interval Start At': '2021-11-09 05:00',
    Timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
    'Interval Duration (minute)': 30,
    'Agent Initiated Hold Time (minutes)': 6.033333333333333
    'Agent ID': 'agent2---',
    'Interval Start At': '2021-11-09 05:00',
    Timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
    'Interval Duration (minute)': 30,
    'Agent Initiated Hold Time (minutes)': 4.566666666666666
    'Agent ID': 'agent3---',
    'Interval Start At': '2021-11-09 05:00',
    Timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
    'Interval Duration (minute)': 30,
    'Agent Initiated Hold Time (minutes)': 1.2999999999999998

PHONE_CALL: Outbound Created
    'Agent ID': 'agent---',
    'Interval Start At': '2021-11-09 06:00',
    Timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
    'Interval Duration (minute)': 30,
    'Contacts Created': 2,
    Channel: 'PHONE_CALL'
    'Agent ID': 'agent2---',
    'Interval Start At': '2021-11-09 06:00',
    Timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
    'Interval Duration (minute)': 30,
    'Contacts Created': 1,
    Channel: 'PHONE_CALL'

Redact Calls

What this script does

This script calls the Redact Conversation Item API and will redact all conversation items listed in the sample-redact-calls.csv

How to use script

You can get a list of calls you want to redact by filtering by the voice channel and downloading the contact export report. Copy and paste the values from the Contact ID column into the sample-redact-calls.csv

Once the csv is complete, make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

node redact-calls

Sample console logs from script

Starting API calls

SUCCESS - ROW 0: redacted conversation abc123shQuGslmWmDXjifw
SUCCESS - ROW 1: redacted conversation efg456shQuGslmWmDXjifw
SUCCESS - ROW 2: redacted conversation hji789shQuGslmWmDXjifw

Conversation Export to CSV

What this script does

This script calls the Gladly Get File API and transforms the job ID and file type of your choice into a CSV file.

How to use script

Make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

node conversation-export-to-csv

Sample console logs from script

Saved file results in /tmp/lgShP1wsTNyrdH5YVi9BFg-agents.csv

Add And Update Answers

What this script does

This script adds / updates public Answers in Gladly by doing the following:

  • Loads a CSV called answers.csv
  • Calls List Audiences API to get list of Audiences and their IDs
  • For each row:
    • Call Add Answer API to create an Answer container, using list of audiences above to map the row's list of audience names to their actual IDs in Gladly. If Audience name does not exist, ignore the error.
    • If above API call fails due to a 409 error
      • Get the ID from the API response for the duplicate Answer
      • Call Update Answer API to update the Answer container
      • Proceed with the rest
    • Call Add or Update Answer Content API to add / update Public Answer content

How to use script

Set up the following Audiences in Gladly:

  • Audience 1
  • Audience 2

Set up the following Languages in Gladly:

  • English - United States
  • French - Canada

node add-and-update-answers

Sample console logs from script

Starting API calls

0,How to: Say Hello,,add,_sKRhTfySU2VGCHjmWU8vw
1,How to: Say Hello,,update,_sKRhTfySU2VGCHjmWU8vw
2,How to: Say Goodbye,,add,hUx7Cdt-RReT_RsnXG_-kQ

Create Topics

What this script does

This script creates new Topics in Gladly utilizing a CSV file in create-topics/sample-new-topics.csv.

The script transforms each row in the CSV file to a Topic object, pulling the necessary attributes, then uses the Gladly Add Topic API to create the Topic on Gladly.

When a Topic is successfully created, the script will log the success using console.log

When a Topic fails to be created, the script will log the error using console.log, along with the HTTP status code received.

CSV to Gladly API data mapping logic

The script will loop through each row in the CSV file and import a Topic using the following logic:

  • id: this column is mapped to the Topic's id in Gladly (optional)
  • name: this column is mapped to the Topic name on Gladly (required)
  • disabled: this column is mapped to whether the Topic is active or archived on Gladly. (optional -- defaults to false/active on Gladly)
  • parentId: this column is mapped to the id of a parent Topic, if creating a nested topic (optional)

A sample payload can be found below:

{"id":"id4","name":"Wrong Size","disabled":false,"parentId":"id2"}

How to use script

Make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

node create-topics

Sample console logs from script

SUCCESS - ROW 0: Created Topic with ID id1 and payload {"id":"id1","name":"Returns"}
SUCCESS - ROW 3: Created Topic with ID id4 and payload {"id":"id4","name":"Wrong Size","parentId":"id1"}
SUCCESS - ROW 1: Created Topic with ID id2 and payload {"id":"id2","name":"Exchanges"}
SUCCESS - ROW 2: Created Topic with ID id3 and payload {"id":"id3","name":"Loyalty Program (ARCHIVED)","disabled":true}

Update Customers

We recommend utilizing this script after running the create-topics script.

What this script does

This script updates an organization's Topics in Gladly utilizing a CSV file in update-topics/sample-update-topics.csv.

Topics are updated by making a call to the corresponding Topic id, using the Gladly Update Topic API.

When a Topic is successfully updated, the script will log the success using console.log

When a Topic fails to be update, the script will log the error using console.log, along with the HTTP status code received.

How to use script

Make sure you are in the root directory of this repository on Terminal, then run this command:

node update-topics

Sample console logs from script

SUCCESS - ROW 0: Updated Topic with ID id3 and payload {"id":"id3","name":"Loyalty Program","disabled":false}
SUCCESS - ROW 1: Updated Topic with ID id4 and payload {"id":"id4","name":"Wrong Size","parentId":"id2"}


No description, website, or topics provided.







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Contributors 4
