Table of Contents
WIP!! Use as follows
Usage of ./pmoxs3backuproxy:
-bind string
PBS Protocol bind address, recommended, use :8007 for all (default "")
-cert string
Server SSL certificate file (default "server.crt")
Debug logging
-endpoint string
S3 Endpoint without https/http , host:port
-key string
Server SSL key file (default "server.key")
Start minio server (either on the PVE system or on a remote system),
specify the listening IP via --address
minio server ~/minio --address
mc alias set 'myminio' '' 'minioadmin' 'minioadmin'
Create the target bucket used as datastore:
mc mb myminio/backups
Create an API access key for the minio admin account:
mc admin user svcacct add myminio minioadmin
Access Key: 431EM4CTA0OP810W6FER
Secret Key: RIa82lyl6ZrEYVtvwaMgh2JFlOISENiGQT+Lv0IE
Expiration: no-expiry
Start the proxy via:
pmoxs3backuproxy -endpoint
The on PVE add proxmox backup server storage
Use 55:BC:29:4B:BA:B6:A1:03:42:A9:D8:51:14:9D:BD:00:D2:2A:9C:A1:B8:4A:85:E1:AF:B2:0C:48:40:D6:CC:A4 as fingerprint, if you intend to bind on public network with potential MITM, please regenerate server certificate !!
Use the created access_key@pbs for username, and secret key as password, and bucket as datastore
Does currently only work for pbs VM backups, not with proxmox-backup-client tizbac#2