- Our shared bibliography on Zotero.
- Task management with Trello.
- Our Github repository.
- Helpful resources for Fruit flies.
- Writing pages like this one check out this [Github Markdown Cheatsheet] (https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet).
- Claiming back your expenses/Reimbursement via Expense Claim
- Internal mail (mail within campus): put in the mail basket at SEC reception, no postage needed
- Semi-internal mail (mail between campi/within London): label with grant code # of ggLab and put in the mail basket at SEC reception, no postage needed
- Pipettes: to repair or urgently calibrate pipettes, send them to Gilson through the VWR stores; wait for annual pipette clinic for routine calibration
College specific things eg. internet access/printing/...
where/how to print posters?