This is the home of my personal dotfiles. I use it to bootstrap a sane environment for me to work on various machines with different operating systems.
All this stuff here is licensed under the MIT license.
from the AppStore -
Install a patched
Monaco font
- Install homebrew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install necessary packages
brew install zsh zsh-completions git gnu-sed gnupg hub pip-completion pyenv pyenv-virtualenvwrapper reattach-to-user-namespace tmux wget ag fzf
- Install oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install vim
brew install macvim --with-override-system-vim --with-lua --with-python3
- Link Python 3 and install pip3
sudo brew link python3
brew postinstall python3
- Install Python 3 neovim support
pip3 install neovim
- Clone the dotfiles repo
git clone --recursive [email protected]:thesharp/dotfiles $HOME/dotfiles
- Remove the existing
file from oh-my-zsh installation
rm -f ~/.zshrc
- Run the script to link stuff up
- Install Python 2.7
pyenv install 2.7.14
- Switch global Python version
pyenv global 2.7.14
Full version coming when I will setup a new box
Enable passwordless sudo
Install necessary packages (including vim)
sudo yum install -y zsh git tmux wget vim-enhanced
- Clone the dotfiles repo
git clone --recursive [email protected]:thesharp/dotfiles $HOME/dotfiles
- Run the script to link stuff up
- Enable passwordless doas. Run it as root (su -)
echo "permit nopass keepenv { PKG_PATH ENV PS1 SSH_AUTH_SOCK } :wheel" >> /etc/doas.conf
- Install necessary packages (including vim [choose a flavor like vim-7.4.769-no_x11-perl-python3-ruby])
doas pkg_add zsh vim colorls git
- Clone the dotfiles repo
git clone --recursive [email protected]:thesharp/dotfiles $HOME/dotfiles
- Run the script to link stuff up
- Install necessary packages
pkg install zsh sudo git vim gnuls
- Clone the dotfiles repo
git clone --recursive [email protected]:thesharp/dotfiles $HOME/dotfiles
- Run the script to link stuff up
bash $HOME/dotfiles/