This is is an English translated fork of
The more accurate english explanation is available by clicking here.
A python implementation of the Rustdesk API interface that supports WebUI management
Support independent registration and login on the front page.
Supports display of device information at the front desk, divided into administrator version and user version.
Support custom aliases (remarks).
Support background management.
-Support device online statistics. -Support device password saving.
- Use the heartbeat interface to automatically manage tokens and keep them alive.
- Support sharing devices with other users.
- Supports web control terminal (currently only supports non-SSL mode, see usage instructions below)
Only supports Windows, please go to release to download. No installation environment is required, just run start.bat
directly. screenshot:
# Clone the code locally
git clone
# Enter directory
cd rustdesk-api-server
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# After ensuring that the dependencies are installed correctly, execute:
# Please modify the port number yourself. It is recommended to keep 21114 as the default port of Rustdesk API.
python runserver
At this time, you can use the form of http://local-IP:port
to access.
Note: If Django4 will have problems when configuring CentOS because the system's sqlite3 version is too low, please modify the files in the dependent library. Path: xxxx/Lib/site-packages/django/db/backends/sqlite3/
(find the address of the package according to the situation), modify the content:
# from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as Database #(Comment out this line)
from pysqlite3 import dbapi2 as Database # Enable pysqlite3
git clone
cd rustdesk-api-server
docker compose --compatibility up --build -d
Thanks to the enthusiastic netizen @ferocknew for providing it.
docker run command:
docker run -d \
--name rustdesk-api-server \
-p 21114:21114 \
-e CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS= \ #Prevent cross-domain trust sources, optional
-e \ #ID server used by the web control
-v /yourpath/db:/rustdesk-api-server/db \ #Modify /yourpath/db to be the mounting directory for your host database
-v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
--network bridge \
--restart unless-stopped \
docker-compose command:
version: "3.8"
container_name: rustdesk-api-server
- CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS= #Prevent cross-domain trust sources, optional
- #ID server used by the web control
- /yourpath/db:/rustdesk-api-server/db #Modify /yourpath/db to be the mounting directory for your host database
- /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
network_mode: bridge
- "21114:21114"
restart: unless-stopped
Variable name | Reference value | Remarks |
Default |
Binding service IP |
TZ |
Default America/Los_Angeles , optional |
Time zone |
Optional, customize a string of random characters | Program encryption key |
Optional, verification is turned off by default; If you need to turn it on, fill in your access address If you need to turn off verification, please delete this variable instead Leave blank |
Prevent cross-domain trust sources |
Optional, the default is the same host as the API server. Can be customized such as |
ID server used by the web control terminal |
Optional, default False |
Debug mode |
Administrator settings
When there is no account in the database, the first registered account will directly obtain super administrator privileges, and the accounts registered thereafter will be ordinary accounts.
Device Information
After testing, the client will regularly send device information to the API interface in non-green version mode when installed as a service. Therefore, if you want device information, you need to install the rustdesk client and start the service.
Slow connection speed
The link speed of the new version of Key mode is slow. When starting the service on the server, do not use the -k parameter. At this time, the client cannot configure the key.
Web console configuration
- Set the ID_SERVER environment variable, or modify the ID_SERVER configuration item in the rustdesk_server_api/ file and fill in the ID server/relay server IP or domain name.
The web console keeps spinning in circles
Check whether the ID server is filled in correctly
The Web control terminal currently only supports non-SSL mode. If the webui is accessed via https, please remove the s, otherwise the ws will not be able to connect and will keep spinning. For example:, change to
When logging in or out during background operations: CSRF verification failed. The request was interrupted.
This operation is most likely a combination of docker configuration + nginx reverse generation + SSL. Pay attention to modifying CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS. If it is ssl, it starts with https, otherwise it is http.
Share device with other registered users (v1.3+)
Description: Similar to network disk url sharing, after activating the url, you can get the devices under a certain group or label. Note: In fact, as a middleware, web api can't do much. More functions still need to be modified on the client side, which is not worth it.
Integrated web client form (v1.4+)
Integrate the web client of Master, it has been integrated. Source
Filtering of expired (offline) devices to distinguish between online & offline devices
Through configuration, clean or filter devices that have expired beyond the specified time.
The first screen is split into a user list page and an administrator list page, and paging is added.
Support exporting information to xlsx file.