Releases: gigaherz/Ender-Rift
Removed remaining IInventory, fixed scanning directions (1.9)
Get rid of the remaining IInventory implementations.
Fix scanning of inventories in the wrong neighbours of the Interface and Browser blocks.
Removed remaining IInventory, fixed scanning directions (1.8.9)
Backport automation changes and IInventory removal from 1.9.
Fix scanning of inventories in the wrong neighbours of the Interface and Browser blocks.
Fix for rift browser with Storage Drawers (1.9)
Fixed interacting with the rift browser in complex situations such as with the Storage Drawers.
Backports from 1.9 (1.8.9)
Backported stuff from 1.9 branch.
Fixed structure breaking
Fixed interacting with the rift browser in complex situations such as with the Storage Drawers.
Protect TileEntities during block unload/break (1.9)
Protect TileEntities from calls to worldObj.getBlockState returning "air", during the tick when the block has been broken, but the TE is still being used by something else.
Protect TileEntities during block unload/break (1.8.9)
Protect TileEntities from calls to worldObj.getBlockState returning "air", during the tick when the block has been broken, but the TE is still being used by something else.
Blocks on rift holes, dismantling, bounding boxes
Rework the structure assembly process to allow having blocks in the "holes".
Fix dismantling structures when a structure block breaks.
Fix structure block bounding boxes.
Fix loading and added update checker
Fixed dependency string (loading crash).
Removed structure block item form (it should now show the rift block as the icon for the WAILA tooltip).
Added update checker URL, so you will get notified of future updates.
New item/block registration semantics.
v0.11.2 Bump version number.
A nice surprise for 1.9 users ;P
The Rift Browser block now has a Searchbox.
Note that since the panel is now a fully fledged inventory aggregator, I am strongly considering making this block require power to interact with non-rift inventories, maybe (just maybe) through some sort of "Automation Driver" block (in that case the Rift itself would probably act as one).