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374 lines (258 loc) · 16.2 KB

File metadata and controls

374 lines (258 loc) · 16.2 KB
id elm

@import "../css/tutorial.less"

import VegaLite exposing (..)

This is one of a series of 'geo' tutorials for use with litvis.

  1. Geospatial File Formats
  2. Generating Global Map Projection Geo Files
  3. Importing geographic datasets into elm-vegalite
  4. Importing and displaying OpenStreetMap data

Importing and displaying OpenStreetMap data

This tutorial leads you through a workflow for importing and displaying OpenStreetMap data with litvis. It uses the Geospatial data abstraction library (GDAL) for converting OpenStreetMap data into geoJSON format; mapshaper for filtering data and converting to topoJSON format; and elm-vegalite for composing and displaying map output in litvis.

0. Setup

To perform some of the file conversions you will need the Geospatial Abstraction Data Library (gdal), so if you do not have this already, as a one-off setup stage you should install it. Here are some installation instructions for MacOS, for Windows, and for Ubuntu).

After installation, opening a command line window and typing

ogr2ogr --version

should display a message similar to

GDAL 2.4.1, released 2019/03/15

1. Select the OpenStreetMap region

Visit OpenStreetMap and navigate to a region of interest. For the purposes of this tutorial we will select a region of central Paris. OSM files can be very large, so try to select a small an area as practical for your purposes, especially when experimenting for the first time.

  • Click the Export button (top-left) and if necessary refine your area of interest by clicking Manually select a different area and resizing the bounding box:

    OSM region selection

  • Note down the four coordinates defining the bounds of the region you have selected. In this example they are, in longitudeMin,latitudeMin, longitudeMax, latitudeMax order, 2.2909,48.8350,2.3902,48.8777.

  • Click the Overpass API link to export the selected region (this will allow you to export a larger region than via the blue Export button). It should save a local copy of a file called map.

  • Rename this downloaded file to map.osm (or a more explanatory name with the .osm extension) and if necessary move it to a folder of your choice.

2. Converting to GeoJSON format

  • Open a command line window and change to the folder containing your .osm file. Then type

    ogrinfo map.osm

This should display something similar to

INFO: Open of `map.osm'
  using driver `OSM' successful.
1: points (Point)
2: lines (Line String)
3: multilinestrings (Multi Line String)
4: multipolygons (Multi Polygon)
5: other_relations (Geometry Collection)

This indicates that the OSM file contains 5 types of geometry. We will have to extract and convert the types were are interested in. For the purposes of this tutorial we will extract the point, line and polygon features:

  • In your command line window, type:

    ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON pointMap.geojson map.osm points

    ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON lineMap.geojson map.osm lines

    ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON polyMap.geojson map.osm multipolygons

This should create three new files representing the point data (e.g. addresses, trees, stations); line data (e.g. cycleways, roads) and polygon data (e.g. buildings and administrative areas).

3. Clipping and filtering feature layers with MapShaper

OpenStreetMap files contain many layers of data and many attributes, most of which we will not need for typical visualization applications. We will use the excellent online mapshaper from Matthew Bloch to perform some spatial and attribute filtering and to convert the selected data into topoJSON format ready for use with Vega-Lite (see also the useful mapshaper command reference).

As a first step, let's extract the building outlines from the OSM polyMap.geojson file:

  • drag and drop polyMap.geojson into mapshaper and import it with the default options (or simply drag it to the 'quick import' area).

Notice that the bounds of some of the outer polygons extend beyond our defined region of interest. This is because any polygon that even partially overlaps the bounding rectangle we defined previously will be included in the map file. We can clip all polygons to our region of interest using one of mapshaper's extensive editing commands accessible via the mapshaper console:

  • In mapshaper, click the Console button (top-right) and type:

    clip bbox=2.2909,48.8350,2.3902,48.8777 (the bounding coordinates noted above)

Polygons before and after clipping Polygons displayed in mapshaper before and after clipping.

Next we will select just the features of interest for use with Vega-Lite. In this case we will select just the building and bridge outlines. We can do this with mapshaper's filter command.

  • In the mapshaper console, type:

    filter 'building != undefined || man_made == "bridge"'

    o 'buildings.json' format=topojson drop-table

The o (output) command saves the current file and in this case we add the drop-table option to remove all the attributes associated with each geometric feature as we will be simply displaying the building outlines.

We will convert two more layers to display as a map – the parks of Paris and the river Seine. Parks are identified in the leisure label of an OpenStreetMap polygons layer and rivers identified via the waterway label of lines layer, so we perform a similar process as we applied to buildings for each of them:


  • Refresh the mapshaper page in your browser, drag and drop polyMap.geojson into mapshaper, and open the mapshaper console.

  • Clip to the bounding rectangle:

    clip bbox=2.2909,48.8350,2.3902,48.8777 (you can use the up arrow to cycle through previous commands to recall this command)

  • extract the parks features:

    filter 'leisure == "park"'

  • Save the filtered features as a topojson file:

    o 'parks.json' format=topojson drop-table

River Seine:

  • Again refresh the mapshaper page, but this time drag lineMap.geojson into mapshaper and open the mapshaper console.

  • Clip to the bounding rectangle:

    clip bbox=2.2909,48.8350,2.3902,48.8777

  • extract the river features:

    filter 'waterway == "river"'

  • Save the filtered features as a topojson file:

    o 'rivers.json' format=topojson drop-table

4. Displaying the map layers in Vega-Lite

Now that we have our three topoJSON files (buildings.json, parks.json and rivers.json), we can create a simple Vega-Lite specification to show them, with one set of features per layer. As it is common to use such mapping data as a background over which is displayed other data, we will use a subdued colour scheme to show the three sets of features. Note also that because the rivers are linear not areal features, we use a wide stroke width to show the Seine at approximately its correct scaled width.

Make sure you have the three topoJSON files in a data folder located in the same place as your litvis document.

For this version of the tutorial we define a path to online versions of the data files, but you may wish to edit the path to point to your local files.

path : String
path =
    -- for local files relative to this document use "./"
parisMap : Spec
parisMap =
        buildingsData =
            dataFromUrl (path ++ "buildings.json") [ topojsonFeature "polyMap" ]

        specBuildings =
            asSpec [ buildingsData, geoshape [ maColor "#eee" ] ]

        parksData =
            dataFromUrl (path ++ "parks.json") [ topojsonFeature "polyMap" ]

        specParks =
            asSpec [ parksData, geoshape [ maColor "rgb(239,244,225)" ] ]

        riversData =
            dataFromUrl (path ++ "rivers.json") [ topojsonFeature "lineMap" ]

        specRivers =
                [ riversData
                , geoshape [ maColor "rgb(226,237,246)", maStrokeWidth 22, maFilled False ]

        cfg =
                << configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
        [ cfg [], width 1200, height 800, layer [ specRivers, specParks, specBuildings ] ]

The Paris basemap

5. A Metro Map of Paris

As an illustration of a more sophisticated extraction of OpenStreetMap data we will create a map of Paris's metro stations and lines to be overlaid on the basemap we produced above.

Some features contained in OpenStreetMap data don't have their own labels like building, waterway, leisure as we used above. Instead they may be identified via its name or other tags which can contain free text describing the features. This is the case for Paris's Metro stations and lines (as distinct from its mainline and RER stations). To extract these features we can use javascript regular expressions to filter only the metro-relevant features.

To extract the metro lines we filter the lineMap file, but this time we will not drop the attribute table entirely as we need to retain the name of each metro line:

  • Refresh the mapshaper page, drag lineMap.geojson into mapshaper and open the mapshaper console.

  • Clip to the bounding rectangle:

    clip bbox=2.2909,48.8350,2.3902,48.8777

  • extract the metro line features with a regular expression:

    filter 'RegExp(".*Métro.*").test(name)'

  • Store only the 'name' field associated with each line feature:

    filter-fields 'name'

  • Save the filtered features as a topoJSON file:

    o 'metroLines.json' format=topojson

For the Metro stations themselves we need to extract them from the pointMap.geojson file and filter them by examining the other tags content. And because we will by styling these point features in our map we will save the points as a CSV file rather than topoJSON file. Storing as a CSV file can also be useful if you wish to visualize other properties of a point-located dataset.

  • Refresh the mapshaper page, drag pointMap.geojson into mapshaper and open the mapshaper console.

  • Clip to the bounding rectangle:

    clip bbox=2.2909,48.8350,2.3902,48.8777

  • extract the metro station features with a regular expression:

    filter 'RegExp(".*métro.*").test(other_tags)'

  • Store only the 'name' field associated with each line feature:

    filter-fields 'name'

  • save the longitude,latitude and station name of the points as a CSV file:

    each 'longitude=this.x, latitude=this.y' -o 'metroStations.csv'

The resulting CSV file representing metro station names and locations includes every point associated with a station which means in some cases we have multiple points for a station with several entrances. For mapping purposes you may decide to manually edit the CSV file removing these duplicate entries along with any others you do not wish to map.

Cartographic Styling

Now we have all our data (buildings, parks, rivers, metro lines and metro stations) we can create a Vega-Lite specification to show all five layers as we did above for the basemap.

We can improve the styling of the map in a number of ways. Firstly, lets encode the standard Paris Metro line colours:

metroColours : List ScaleProperty
metroColours =
        [ ( "Métro 1", "rgb(242,201,76)" )
        , ( "Métro 2", "rgb(18,97,157)" )
        , ( "Métro 3", "rgb(143,143,72)" )
        , ( "Métro 4", "rgb(159,76,135)" )
        , ( "Métro 5", "rgb(221,140,89)" )
        , ( "Métro 6", "rgb(131,187,144)" )
        , ( "Métro 7", "rgb(223,154,167)" )
        , ( "Métro 8", "rgb(182,157,187)" )
        , ( "Métro 9", "rgb(198,194,79)" )
        , ( "Métro 10", "rgb(207,171,84)" )
        , ( "Métro 11", "rgb(122,94,61)" )
        , ( "Métro 12", "rgb(30,128,90)" )
        , ( "Métro 13", "rgb(151,203,207)" )
        , ( "Métro 14", "rgb(81,46,117)" )

Our map will label each station, so we can use a suitably art nouveau style of lettering in the litvis document by using the Amarante font (linked in the "../css/tutorial.less css file).

The specification below simply layers each set of map features as we did previously, but with some additional colour encoding of metro lines and positioning of labels, title and legend:

metroMap : Spec
metroMap =
        buildingsData =
            dataFromUrl (path ++ "buildings.json") [ topojsonFeature "polyMap" ]

        specBuildings =
            asSpec [ buildingsData, geoshape [ maColor "#eee" ] ]

        parksData =
            dataFromUrl (path ++ "parks.json") [ topojsonFeature "polyMap" ]

        specParks =
            asSpec [ parksData, geoshape [ maColor "rgb(239,244,225)" ] ]

        riversData =
            dataFromUrl (path ++ "rivers.json") [ topojsonFeature "lineMap" ]

        metroLinesData =
            dataFromUrl (path ++ "metroLines.json") [ topojsonFeature "lineMap" ]

        stationsData =
            dataFromUrl (path ++ "metroStations.csv") []

        specRivers =
                [ riversData
                , geoshape [ maColor "rgb(226,237,246)", maStrokeWidth 21, maFilled False ]

        encMetroLines =
                << color
                    [ mName ""
                    , mScale metroColours
                    , mLegend
                        [ leTitle ""
                        , leLabelFont "Amarante"
                        , leSymbolType (symPath "m-2 -0.2h3v0.3h-3")
                        , leOrient loBottom
                        , leDirection moHorizontal
                        , leOffset -5
                        , lePadding 10
                        , leColumnPadding 33

        specMetroLines =
                [ metroLinesData
                , encMetroLines []
                , geoshape [ maStrokeWidth 1.5, maFilled False ]

        encStations =
                << position Longitude [ pName "longitude", pQuant ]
                << position Latitude [ pName "latitude", pQuant ]

        specStations =
                [ stationsData
                , encStations []
                , point [ maSize 20, maStrokeWidth 0.8, maFill "white", maStroke "black" ]

        encStationNames =
                << text [ tName "name" ]

        specStationNames =
                [ stationsData
                , encStationNames []
                , textMark [ maDy -8, maFont "Amarante", maFontSize 9, maOpacity 0.7 ]

        cfg =
                << configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
                << configuration
                        [ ticoOrient siBottom
                        , ticoOffset -65
                        , ticoAnchor anStart
                        , ticoBaseline vaTop
                        , ticoFont "Amarante"
                        , ticoFontSize 48
                        , ticoColor "444"
        [ cfg []
        , title "\u{00A0}\u{00A0}Les stations de métro de Paris" []
        , width 1220
        , height 800
        , layer [ specRivers, specParks, specBuildings, specMetroLines, specStations, specStationNames ]

The Paris Metro map