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285 lines (221 loc) · 9.98 KB

File metadata and controls

285 lines (221 loc) · 9.98 KB
id elm

@import "../css/tutorial.less"

import VegaLite exposing (..)

This is one of a series of 'geo' tutorials for use with litvis.

  1. geospatial File Formats
  2. Generating Global Map Projection Geo Files
  3. Importing geographic datasets into elm-vegalite
  4. Importing and displaying OpenStreetMap data

Generating Global Map Projection Geo Files

This tutorial shows how you can explore the distortion effects of different map projections by generating graticule, circle and Tissot files and then viewing them with elm-vegalite in a litvis document.

0. Setup

If you haven't already set up your system to import geographic data, you will need to install the following in order to generate the input files we will be using.

Open a terminal or shell window and type the following:

npm install -g  ndjson-cli topojson d3-geo

For details of what d3-geo provides, see the d3-geo documentation.

To keep things flexible, we'll also define a path function in Elm pointing to the base directory where all data for this tutorial are stored. You can leave the default as shown below to load the data from the giCentre data repository or replace it with a local folder if you have your own copy of the data.

path : String -> String
path fileName =
    "" ++ fileName

1. Generate a graticule file

The lines of longitude (running north-south from pole to pole) and the latitude (running east-west) form a grid or graticule that we can use to view the globe as it is projected onto a 2d plane. We can use d3 to generate the graticule for us and convert it into a topoJSON file for display:

echo "{}"  \
  | ndjson-map -r d3 'd3.geoGraticule()()' \
  | geo2topo graticule="-" \
  > data/graticule.json

This will generate a graticule at the default resolution of 10 degrees (i.e. lines of latitude and longitude are each 10 degrees apart).

We can view the file, along with contextual country outlines with some simple elm-vegalite:

graticule : Spec
graticule =
        graticuleSpec =
                [ projection [ prType equirectangular ]
                , dataFromUrl (path "graticule.json") [ topojsonMesh "graticule" ]
                , geoshape [ maStroke "black", maStrokeWidth 0.1 ]

        countrySpec =
                [ projection [ prType equirectangular ]
                , dataFromUrl (path "world-110m.json") [ topojsonFeature "countries1" ]
                , geoshape [ maStroke "white", maFill "black", maStrokeWidth 0.1, maFillOpacity 0.1 ]
        [ width 500
        , height 250
        , configure (configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ]) [])
        , layer [ graticuleSpec, countrySpec ]

You can generate graticules at arbitrary resolutions by parameterising d3.geoGraticule, for example:

echo "{}"  \
  | ndjson-map -r d3 'd3.geoGraticule().step([15,30])()' \
  | geo2topo graticule="-" \
  > data/graticule30.json
graticule : Spec
graticule =
        cfg =
                << configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])

        graticuleSpec =
                [ projection [ prType equirectangular ]
                , dataFromUrl (path "graticule30.json") [ topojsonMesh "graticule" ]
                , geoshape [ maStroke "black", maStrokeWidth 0.1 ]

        countrySpec =
                [ projection [ prType equirectangular ]
                , dataFromUrl (path "world-110m.json") [ topojsonFeature "countries1" ]
                , geoshape [ maStroke "white", maFill "black", maStrokeWidth 0.1, maFillOpacity 0.1 ]
    toVegaLite [ width 500, height 250, cfg [], layer [ graticuleSpec, countrySpec ] ]

For other options for customising graticule generation, see the geoGraticule documentation.

2. Generating Small Circles

A great circle on a sphere is any circle whose centre is also the centre of the sphere. For example, the equator or any circle crossing both poles along lines of longitude. Any other circle on a sphere is a known as small circle and is useful in representing a fixed distance away from a point (at the small circle's centre).

d3's geoCircle function can be used to generate small circles centred at any location on the globe with any radius. The following, for example, generates a circle of 30 degrees radius centred on Paris by providing a two-element array of Paris's longitude and latitude:

echo "{}"  \
  | ndjson-map -r d3 'd3.geoCircle().radius(30).center([2.35,48.86])()' \
  | geo2topo parisCircle="-" \
  > data/paris.json
click to see code
type alias Proj =
    ( VLProperty, Spec )

paris : String -> Proj -> Spec
paris projName proj =
        cfg =
                << configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])

        pDetails =
            [ width 300, height 200, proj ]

        graticuleSpec =
                    ++ [ dataFromUrl (path "graticule.json") [ topojsonMesh "graticule" ]
                       , geoshape [ maStroke "black", maFilled False, maStrokeWidth 0.1 ]

        countrySpec =
                    ++ [ dataFromUrl (path "world-110m.json") [ topojsonFeature "countries1" ]
                       , geoshape [ maStroke "white", maFill "black", maStrokeWidth 0.1, maFillOpacity 0.1 ]

        circleSpec =
                    ++ [ dataFromUrl (path "paris.json") [ topojsonFeature "parisCircle" ]
                       , geoshape [ maStroke "#00a2f3", maFill "#00a2f3", maFillOpacity 0.3 ]
        [ title (projName ++ " projection") []
        , cfg []
        , layer [ graticuleSpec, countrySpec, circleSpec ]

^^^elm v=(paris "Equirectangular" (projection [ prType equirectangular ]))^^^

Note how the small circle is no longer circular when projected onto a plane. We can see the distortion effect by viewing the same circle with different map projections

^^^elm v=(paris "Albers" (projection [ prType albers ]))^^^ ^^^elm v=(paris "Conic equal area" (projection [ prType conicEqualArea ]))^^^

^^^elm v=(paris "Orthographic" (projection [ prType orthographic, prRotate 0 -30 0 ]))^^^ ^^^elm v=(paris "Azimuthal equal area" (projection [ prType azimuthalEqualArea ]))^^^

^^^elm v=(paris "Stereographic" (projection [ prType stereographic ]))^^^ ^^^elm v=(paris "Gnomonic" (projection [ prType gnomonic, prClipAngle 70 ]))^^^

^^^elm v=(paris "Mercator" (projection [ prType mercator ]))^^^ ^^^elm v=(paris "Transverse Mercator" (projection [ prType transverseMercator ]))^^^

3. Generate a Tissot's Indicatrix file

The example of the single small circle above shows that a circle is a useful visual indicator of distortion as we have a clear 'reference' with which to compare distorted shapes. We can project small circles at regular intervals across the globe to gain a more systematic impression of distortion. Tissot's indicatrices are defined as circles of infinitesimal diameter that are projected from geographical (longitude, latitude) space to projected space. We can simulate Tissot's indicatrices by generating a geoJSON object containing a grid of small circles:

click to see Tissot generating code
range : Float -> Float -> Float -> List Float
range mn mx step =
    List.range 0 ((mx - mn) / step |> round) |> (\x -> mn + (toFloat x * step))

tissot : Float -> Geometry
tissot gStep =
        degToRad15 x =
            15 * degToRad (toFloat x)

        degToRad x =
            x * pi / 180

        radToDeg x =
            x * 180 / pi

        rnd x =
            (x * 10 |> round |> toFloat) / 10

        circle cLng cLat r =
                circ i =
                        lat =
                            cLat + radToDeg (degToRad r * cos (degToRad15 i))
                    ( cLng + radToDeg (degToRad r / cos (degToRad lat) * sin (degToRad15 i)), rnd lat |> rnd )
   circ (List.range 0 24)

        circles lng =
   (\i -> circle lng i 2.5) (range -80 80 20)
    in (\lng -> circles lng) (range -180 160 30) |> geoPolygons
tissotMap : Spec
tissotMap =
        cfg =
                << configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])

        proj =
            projection [ prType equirectangular ]

        graticuleSpec =
                [ dataFromUrl (path "graticule.json") [ topojsonMesh "graticule" ]
                , proj
                , geoshape [ maStroke "black", maStrokeWidth 0.2 ]

        tissotSpec =
                [ dataFromJson (geometry (tissot 30) []) []
                , proj
                , geoshape [ maStroke "#00a2f3", maStrokeWidth 0.5, maFill "#00a2f3", maFillOpacity 0.1 ]

        countrySpec =
                [ dataFromUrl (path "world-110m.json") [ topojsonFeature "countries1" ]
                , proj
                , geoshape [ maStroke "white", maFill "black", maStrokeWidth 0.1, maFillOpacity 0.1 ]
    toVegaLite [ width 500, height 250, cfg [], layer [ graticuleSpec, tissotSpec, countrySpec ] ]

TODO: Can we pass d3 iterable actions into the command line tool rather than relying on elm code?