An overview of the audience's expectations and the forthcoming steps for Twitter's direction change using "Sentiment Data Analysis."
Medium Article:
After a protracted legal battle and months of uncertainty, Elon Musk has taken control of Twitter. The question now is what Tesla CEO Elon Musk will do with the social media platform. This project is a Tweet "Sentiment Analysis" task to reveal, in certain way, what the community's overall sensation is regarding Musk's takeover.
With over 35 thousand replies, the first step in this investigation was to extract the massive amount of data that users provided for this datasource. To extract and analyze that data, the following tools were used: Python 3, Jupyter Notebook, Tweepy (Twitter API) and these libraries: TextBlob, WordCloud, pandas, numpy, re, matplotlib, csv and spacy.
This analysis will require a Twitter Developer Account. After accessing the account, a Developer Project must be created.
A "config.ini" file with Twittter Developer account information is available in this repository and should be filled out (with Dev. Portal info.) before running the first Notebook ("twitter api.ipynb").
- Python 3
- Jupyter Notebook
With PIP, the following libraries would need to be installed:
- TextBlob
- WordCloud
- pandas
- numpy
- re
- matplotlib
- csv
- spacy