license plate recognition project using DNN
- To recognize the Plate Number and Character
- Train Data generation
- generate the training image (Korean Version)
- Plate shows that string ( 99 가 1234 )
- Plate number generated on the random background images
- Thanks to Matt's blog Link, Github
- I made randomly generated training image (~15,000)
- Image size 512x512
- Label-coord ( ex, 99 가 1234 ) and mask for plate ( object detection task )
- Training the generated data to detect 'plate'
- highlight the detect place
- then recognize the character (words and number)
- plate number : [ 97 지 0912 , 09 가 9871 ]
Thanks to ( )
- [ Devised date - 06/12/18 ]
- Detect the license plate
- Anchor Adjustment to find the various ratio of plate
- Successfully detect the plate in Test image (real world case )
- However still can't detect the small plate -> to be adjusted anchor size
- Tensorflow-gpu (
- Additional package
pip install -r requirements.txt