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Select Dropdown Editor (single,multiple)

Ghislain B edited this page Jan 5, 2023 · 15 revisions


Select Editors

The library ships with two select editors: singleSelectEditor and the multipleSelectEditor. Both support the multiple-select library, but fallback to the bootstrap form-control style if you decide to exclude this library from your build. These editors will work with a list of foreign key values (custom structure not supported) and can be displayed properly with the collectionFormatter.

Here's an example with a collection, collectionFilterBy and collectionSortBy

this.columnDefinitions = [
    id: 'prerequisites', name: 'Prerequisites', field: 'prerequisites',
    type: FieldType.string,
    editor: {
      model: Editors.multipleSelect,
      collection: Array.from(Array(12).keys()).map(k => ({ value: `Task ${k}`, label: `Task ${k}` })),
      collectionSortBy: {
        property: 'label',
        sortDesc: true
      collectionFilterBy: {
        property: 'label',
        value: 'Task 2'

Editor Options (MultipleSelectOption interface)

All the available options that can be provided as editorOptions to your column definitions can be found under this multipleSelectOption interface and you should cast your editorOptions to that interface to make sure that you use only valid options of the multiple-select.js library.

editor: {
  model: Editors.SingleSelect,
  editorOptions: {
    maxHeight: 400
  } as MultipleSelectOption

Complex Object

If your field string has a dot (.) it will automatically assume that it is dealing with a complex object. There are however some options you can use with a complex object, the following options from the ColumnEditor might be useful to you

interface ColumnEditor {
   * When providing a dot (.) notation in the "field" property of a column definition, we might want to use a different path for the editable object itself
   * For example if we provide a coldef = { field: '' } but we use a SingleSelect Editor with object values, we could override the path to simply 'user'
  complexObjectPath?: string;

   * defaults to 'object', how do we want to serialize the editor value to the resulting dataContext object when using a complex object?
   * For example, if keep default "object" format and the selected value is { value: 2, label: 'Two' } then the end value will remain as an object, so { value: 2, label: 'Two' }.
   * On the other end, if we set "flat" format and the selected value is { value: 2, label: 'Two' } then the end value will be 2.
  serializeComplexValueFormat?: 'flat' | 'object';
this.columnDefinitions = [{
  id: 'firstName', name: 'First Name', field: 'user.firstName',
  formatter: Formatters.complexObject, // the complex formatter is necessary, unless you provide a custom formatter
  editor: {
    model: Editors.SingleSelect,
    complexObjectPath: 'user.middleName',
    serializeComplexValueFormat: 'flat' // (flat) will return 'Bob', (object) will return { label: 'Bob', value: 'Bob' }

Collection Override

In some cases you might want to provide a custom collection based on the current item data context (or any other logic), you can do that via the collection override. Also note that this override is processed after collectionFilterBy and collectionSortBy but before the customStructure (if you have any), in other words make sure that the collection returned by the override does have the properties defined in the "customStructure".

Let take this example, let say that we want to allow collection values lower than or greater than 50 depending on its item Id, we could do the following

this.columnDefinitions = [
    id: 'prerequisites', name: 'Prerequisites', field: 'prerequisites',
    type: FieldType.string,
    editor: {
      model: Editors.multipleSelect,
      collection: Array.from(Array(12).keys()).map(k => ({ value: `Task ${k}`, label: `Task ${k}` })),
      collectionOverride: (updatedCollection, args) => {
        return updatedCollection.filter((col) => % 2 ? col.value < 50 : col.value > 50);

Collection Label Prefix/Suffix

You can use labelPrefix and/or labelSuffix which will concatenate the multiple properties together (labelPrefix + label + labelSuffix) which will used by each Select Filter option label. You can also use the property separatorBetweenTextLabels to define a separator between prefix, label & suffix.

Note If enableTranslateLabel flag is set to True, it will also try to translate the Prefix / Suffix / OptionLabel texts.

For example, say you have this collection

const currencies = [
  { symbol: '$', currency: 'USD', country: 'USA' },
  { symbol: '$', currency: 'CAD', country: 'Canada' }

You can display all of these properties inside your dropdown labels, say you want to show (symbol with abbreviation and country name). Now you can.

So you can create the multipleSelect Filter with a customStructure by using the symbol as prefix, and country as suffix. That would make up something like this:

  • $ USD USA
  • $ CAD Canada

with a customStructure defined as

editor: {
  collection: this.currencies,
  customStructure: {
    value: 'currency',
    label: 'currency',
    labelPrefix: 'symbol',
    labelSuffix: 'country',
  collectionOptions: {
    separatorBetweenTextLabels: ' ', // add white space between each text
    includePrefixSuffixToSelectedValues: true // should the selected value include the prefix/suffix in the output format
  model: Editors.multipleSelect

Collection Label Render HTML

By default HTML is not rendered and the label will simply show HTML as text. But in some cases you might want to render it, you can do so by enabling the enableRenderHtml flag.

NOTE: this is currently only used by the Editors that have a collection which are the MultipleSelect & SingleSelect Editors.

this.columnDefinitions = [
    id: 'effort-driven', name: 'Effort Driven', field: 'effortDriven',
    formatter: Formatters.checkmark,
    type: FieldType.boolean,
    editor: {
      // display checkmark icon when True
      enableRenderHtml: true,
      collection: [{ value: '', label: '' }, { value: true, label: 'True', labelPrefix: `<i class="fa fa-check"></i> ` }, { value: false, label: 'False' }],
      model: Editors.singleSelect

Collection Watch

Sometime you wish that whenever you change your filter collection, you'd like the filter to be updated, it won't do that by default but you could use enableCollectionWatch for that purpose to add collection observers and re-render the Filter DOM element whenever the collection changes. Also note that using collectionAsync will automatically watch for changes, so there's no need to enable this flag for that particular use case.

this.columnDefinitions = [
    id: 'effort-driven', name: 'Effort Driven', field: 'effortDriven',
    formatter: Formatters.checkmark,
    type: FieldType.boolean,
    editor: {
      // watch for any changes in the collection and re-render when that happens
      enableCollectionWatch: true,
      collection: [{ value: '', label: '' }, { value: true, label: 'True' }, { value: false, label: 'False' }],
      model: Editors.singleSelect

multiple-select.js Options

You can use any options from Multiple-Select.js and add them to your editorOptions property. However please note that this is a customized version of the original (all original lib options are available so you can still consult the original site for all options).

Couple of small options were added to suit SlickGrid-Universal needs, which is why it points to slickgrid-universal/lib folder (which is our customized version of the original). This lib is required if you plan to use multipleSelect or singleSelect Filters. What was customized to (compare to the original) is the following:

  • okButton option was added to add an OK button for simpler closing of the dropdown after selecting multiple options.
    • okButtonText was also added for locale (i18n)
  • offsetLeft option was added to make it possible to offset the dropdown. By default it is set to 0 and is aligned to the left of the select element. This option is particularly helpful when used as the last right column, not to fall off the screen.
  • autoDropWidth option was added to automatically resize the dropdown with the same width as the select filter element.
  • autoAdjustDropHeight (defaults to true), when set will automatically adjust the drop (up or down) height
  • autoAdjustDropPosition (defaults to true), when set will automatically calculate the area with the most available space and use best possible choise for the drop to show (up or down)
  • autoAdjustDropWidthByTextSize (defaults to true), when set will automatically adjust the drop (up or down) width by the text size (it will use largest text width)
  • to extend the previous 3 autoAdjustX flags, the following options can be helpful
    • minWidth (defaults to null, to use when autoAdjustDropWidthByTextSize is enabled)
    • maxWidth (defaults to 500, to use when autoAdjustDropWidthByTextSize is enabled)
    • adjustHeightPadding (defaults to 10, to use when autoAdjustDropHeight is enabled), when using autoAdjustDropHeight we might want to add a bottom (or top) padding instead of taking the entire available space
    • maxHeight (defaults to 275, to use when autoAdjustDropHeight is enabled)
this.columnDefinitions = [
    id: 'isActive', name: 'Is Active', field: 'isActive',
    filterable: true,
    editor: {
      collection: [{ value: '', label: '' }, { value: true, label: 'true' }, { value: false, label: 'false' }],
      model: Editors.singleSelect,
      elementOptions: {
        // add any multiple-select.js options (from original or custom version)
        autoAdjustDropPosition: false, // by default set to True, but you can disable it
        position: 'top'

Change Default DOMPurify Options (sanitize html)

If you find that the HTML that you passed is being sanitized and you wish to change it, then you can change the default sanitizeHtmlOptions property defined in the Global Grid Options, for more info on how to change these global options, see the Global Grid Options and also take a look at the GitHub - DOMPurify configurations.

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