The use of at least one GPU is necessary to run the model on the French parliament dataset.
The French parliament 2018 dataset is availble in folder data_parliament
The model is implemented with pytorch. To install pytorch we refer the reader to the Pytorch website
With conda:
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
With pip:
pip install torch torchvision
With conda:
conda install numpy
conda install -c anaconda scipy
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
conda install -c conda-forge argparse
With pip:
pip install numpy scipy matplotlib argparse
To run the model on the dataset, use the script
The default number of row classes is 3 and column classes is 5.
To run with a GPU use the argument device and specify the cuda index of desired gpu (often 0):
python --device=0
To run with higher number of classes, use the arguments nb_row_classes and nb_col_classes as:
python --nb_row_classes=3 --nb_col_classes=5
With higher number of classes, the memory of your GPU may overflow. In that case, you can use a second GPU with the argument device2 (index cuda needs to be specify):
python --device=0 --device2=1 --nb_row_classes=3 --nb_col_classes=8
The script can be keyboard interrupted at any moment. In that case, the algorithm returns the MPs and texts classes and a plot of the voting matrix re-ordereded according to class memberships.