Docs and examples can be found at
Low level, unstyled (or styled the examples), accessible, and fast ui components. Highly customizable, to the point of being able to change individual element tags that the component creates.
npm install @qwikbits/headless-ui @qwikbits/utils
Current components are Collapse, Dialog, Dropdown, Tabs and Toggle
Utilities and other helpers for Qwik
npm install @qwikbits/utils
Create a Qwik component based on the tag name
Great for creating components that may need extra customization around the dom elements it renders
100vh fix for mobile browsers
Keeps content as the actual screen height even when mobile browsers slide away nav and other ui elements.
Serialize a Qwik ClassList to turn it into a string
Useful when you want to combine custom classes with a passed in ClassList.
Functions that can help create accessible components
This library provides a set of utility functions that can help you create accessible components.
This project uses code from:
Qwik. Thanks @BuilderIO. See LICENSE.builderio_qwik
Qwik UI. Thanks @qwikifiers. See LICENSE.qwikifiers_qwik-ui
Mozilla Public License 2