The MoH/UNICEF eSwatini Client Satisfaction Feedback Mechanism dashboard backend application
How to Set up the development server
- Clone the CSFM application from Github
$ git clone https:/
$ cd eswatini-csfm
- Create and activate virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv env
$ . env/bin/activate
- Install Dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Configuration The configurations for the CSFM application are made using environment variables. Refer to the file for the environment variables to set.
$ export
$ export FLASK_CONFIG=default
$ export DEV_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/csfm
- Migrate database
$ flask db upgrade
- Populate database with locations and police stations
$ flask initdb This runs the initdb command in the application script to initialize database with some data
- There are two commands available to help load some test data.
$ flask load_test_data
You can use the --help option on each of the commands to see some arguments you can pass to the commands.
- To creating views to use as data sources, we use the following flask command
$ flask create-views
- Creating an admin user
$ flask create-user
- Running the application
$ flask run
$ celery worker -A celery_worker.celery --loglevel=info