Take Home Assignment: Please create a sign-up form with React in CodeSandbox Requirements:
- React with Hooks + Typescript
- Do not use 3rd party npm libraries like React-Hook-Form, Material UI etc.
- Focus is on code structure/scalability and not on the design, but it should look clean and aesthetic
- Please follow the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) programming principle.
- Include flow for obtaining/storing universal tutorial access token within the application
Signup form should contain the current fields:
First name
Last Name
Password *State and City will be dropdowns. City will be the outcome of state selection. Expected validations:
All fields are required
Email should be valid
We will be leveraging the universal tutorial website below to get the state and city response Instruction for accessing this API are under: https://www.universal-tutorial.com/rest-apis/free-rest-api-for-country-state-city
API Endpoint for getting states: https://www.universal-tutorial.com/api/states/United States
API Endpoint for getting cities: https://www.universal-tutorial.com/api/cities/[state name]
After all the validations are passed, perform the submit. (We are not making the API call) Submit should console log the body (POST request body - JSON) { firstName: ‘’, lastName: ‘’, state: ‘’, city: ‘’, email: ‘’, password: ‘’, } Once complete, please share us with the link to the codesandbox
Good Luck!