A simple package the loads and processes 2DIR data from a 128 x 128 pixel mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) infrared detector.
File naming convention is as follows:
where file_prefix
is the prefix of the file name, #######
is the delay time between the two pump pulses in femtoseconds, and ##
is the spectrum number at
that delay time. The extension is .2DIR
, but
the files are simple text files and this extension
is an optional argument and can be modified by the user.
The pixel number is a global constant, PIXELS
, and is set to 128.
The result is stored in the type Spectra
which includes
- frequecy in wavenumbers
- pump-probe spectra (on, off, and difference)
- 2DIR spectra at each delay time
The frequency will need to be further calibrated and the second axis frequencies will need to be calculated to produce a 2D plot.
Results can be retrieved in three lines if the calibration constants are known:
using Process2DIR
result = process_2dir(dir, fileprefix, f0_shift)
ω1 = calibrate_frequency(result.frequency, cal1, cal2, shift1)
ω3 = calibrate_frequency(result.frequency, cal3, cal4, shift2)
Then plot using result.spectra[:, :, i]
, where i
is the index for each 2DIR spectrum.