This is a basic example of an Expert Advisor. The platform type: MT5, account type: any.
Terms of Use
By using Portuguese EA, you understand and agree that the author is not liable or responsible for any loss or damage due to any reason. Although every attempt has been made to assure accuracy, I don't give any express or implied warranty as to its accuracy. I don't accept any liability for error or omission. You acknowledge that you are familiar with these risks and that you are solely responsible for the outcomes of your decisions. I don't accept any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of this product. You understand and agree that past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance. Use of Portugalac.mq5 trading robot serves as your acknowledgment and representation that you have read and understood these TERMS OF USE and that you agree to be bound by such Terms of Use.
The project is free to use. So you have the freedom to use, change or share the software for any purpose as long as the modified version stays free.
Copyright information
Copyright © 2020 Dragan Drenjanin- All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer and Risk Warnings
Trading any financial market involves risk. This Code/Software example is provided for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or strategy.
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