Home-made Lighthouse. Collects performance metrics using Puppeteer.
npm install
node bin/faro.js <url>
--path, -p Set a file path where the report will be saved
--mark, -m Select a Performance metric, created with [console.timeStamp](), as a time limit
--cpu, -c Set CPU throttling
--device, -d Select desktop computer or mobile device
[options: "mobile", "desktop"]
--network, -n Select a network type
[options: "native", "cable", "lte", "4g", "3gFast", "3g", "3gSlow", "2g"]
--header, -h Set a HTTP header when accessing the url. The format should be <name>=<value>
node bin/faro.js "https://www.google.com"
# Analizes the desktop site without throttling. The report is saved in "./logs".
node bin/faro.js "https://www.google.com" -c=4 -d=mobile -n=3g
# Simulates a mid-range smartphone
node bin/faro.js "https://www.google.com" -m=first-meaningful-paint
# Analyzes metrics before the first meaningful paint
node bin/faro.js "https://www.google.com" -p=<new_path>
# Saves the report in a new folder
node bin/faro.js "https://www.google.com" -h="env=beta" -h="user=faro"
# Sets an array of headers.