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node module for autoknit-kniterate (working)
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gabrielle-ohlson committed Apr 29, 2021
1 parent 98bdbec commit 645cdb3
Showing 1 changed file with 393 additions and 0 deletions.
393 changes: 393 additions & 0 deletions sketches/autoknit-kniterate.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
"use strict";

const fs = require('fs');

let Carrier = "5";
let wastePasses = 71; //odd so end with pos pass, complying with tuck caston direction
let StartRows = 10;
let EndRows = 10;

let YarnInStitchNumber = 5; // let YarnInStitchNumber = 67;
let CastOnStitchNumber = 5; // let CastOnStitchNumber = 67;
let PlainStitchNumber = 6; // let PlainStitchNumber = 68;

let YarnInRoller = 150;
let MainRoller = 400;

let SpeedNumber = 300;

let OutFile = "";
//figure out output filename based on input js name / other arguments:
if (process.argv.length >= 2) {
if (process.argv[1].endsWith(".js")) {
OutFile = process.argv[1].substr(0, process.argv[1].length - 3) + ".k";
for (let i = 2; i < process.argv.length; ++i) {
if (process.argv[i].startsWith("out:")) {
OutFile = process.argv[i].substr(4);

if (OutFile === "") {
console.log("NOTE: will not write output file.");
} else {
console.log("Will write output to '" + OutFile + "'");

function parseBedNeedle(bn) {
if (typeof(bn) !== "string") throw new Error("parseBedNeedle must be called with a string");
let m = bn.match(/^([fb]s?)([-+]?\d+)$/);
if (m === null) throw new Error("string '" + bn + "' does not look like a needle");
return {

function bnToHalf(bn_str) {
let bn = parseBedNeedle(bn_str);
if (bn.bed === 'f') return 'f' + (2*bn.needle);
else if (bn.bed === 'fs') return 'f' + (2*bn.needle+1);
else if (bn.bed === 'b') return 'b' + (2*bn.needle+1);
else if (bn.bed === 'bs') return 'b' + (2*bn.needle);
else throw "don't know how to half-guage the needle '" + bn_str + "'";

function Helpers() {
this.knitout = [];
this.inYarns = {};
this.yarnUsedCount = {};
this.racking = 0;
this.needIn = true; //TODO: bring in carrier in a nice way when resuming another tube
this.out(";;Carriers: 1 2 3 4 5 6");

Helpers.prototype.out = function out(str) {
//console.log("OUT: " + str);

Helpers.prototype.write = function write() {
if (OutFile !== "") {
fs.writeFileSync(OutFile, this.knitout.join("\n") + "\n");

Helpers.prototype.start_tube = function start_tube(dir, bns) {
let front = [];
let back = [];
let bn = parseBedNeedle(bn_str);
if (bn.bed === 'f') {
} else if (bn.bed === 'b') {
} else {
console.assert("start_tube should only be called with 'f' or 'b' needles.");
// not lexicographic, numeric sort please!
front.sort(function(a,b){return a-b;});
back.sort(function(a,b){return a-b;});

console.assert(front.length !== 0 && back.length !== 0, "should start a tube with at least a stitch on each bed.");

//do a tuck pattern to anchor yarn:
// v v v <--
// v v -->
// ^------ first needle to be knit is here (left -> right on kniterate)
let n = Math.min(front[0], back[0]);
let max = Math.max(front[front.length - 1], back[back.length - 1]);
let startWidth = max - n + 1;
let wasteNmin, wasteNmax;

//--- add waste yarn section, making sure it uses at least 20 needles (& dropping extras if caston < 20) ---
if (startWidth < 20) {
n >= (20 - startWidth) ? ((wasteNmin = n - (20 - startWidth)), (wasteNmax = max)) : ((wasteNmin = n), (wasteNmax = max + (20-startWidth)));
} else {
wasteNmin = n;
wasteNmax = max;

let toDrop = [];
let me = this;
function initTuck(d, bn) {
me.tuck(d, bn);
this.out(`x-speed-number ${SpeedNumber}`);
this.out("x-stitch-number " + YarnInStitchNumber);
this.out(`x-roller-advance ${YarnInRoller}`);
this.out("in " + Carrier);
this.inYarns[Carrier] = true;
this.yarnUsedCount[Carrier] = 0;

console.log("Bringing Carrier " + Carrier.toString() + " in.");

} else {
console.warn("Bringing in carrier that was already in " + Carrier.toString());

for (let i = wasteNmin; i <= wasteNmax; ++i) {
initTuck('+', 'f' + i);
for (let i = wasteNmax; i >= wasteNmin; --i) {
this.tuck('-', 'f' + i);

//add waste yarn section
this.out("x-stitch-number " + PlainStitchNumber);
for (let p = 0; p < wastePasses; ++p) {
if (p % 2 === 0) {
for (let i = wasteNmin; i <= wasteNmax; ++i) {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
this.knit('+', `f${i}`);
if (p === 0) toDrop.push(`f${i}`);
} else {
this.knit('+', `b${i}`);
if (p === 0) toDrop.push(`b${i}`);
} else {
for (let i = wasteNmax; i >= wasteNmin; --i) {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
this.knit('-', `b${i}`);
if (p === 1) toDrop.push(`b${i}`);
} else {
this.knit('-', `f${i}`);
if (p === 1) toDrop.push(`f${i}`);

//make list of needles and directions in tube order:
let sts = [];
if (dir === 'clockwise') {
for (let i = front.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
sts.push(['-', 'f' + front[i]]);
for (let i = 0; i < back.length; ++i) {
sts.push(['+', 'b' + back[i]]);
} else { console.assert(dir === 'anticlockwise');
for (let i = back.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
sts.push(['-', 'b' + back[i]]);
for (let i = 0; i < front.length; ++i) {
sts.push(['+', 'f' + front[i]]);

//alternating tuck cast on:
this.out("x-stitch-number " + CastOnStitchNumber);
sts.forEach(function(dbn, i) {
if (i%2 == 0) this.knit(dbn[0], dbn[1]);
}, this);
sts.forEach(function(dbn, i) {
if (i%2 == 1) this.knit(dbn[0], dbn[1]);
}, this);

//drop everything in 'toDrop' that wasn't part of alternating tucks:
//WARNING: this might actually drop **TOO MUCH** if the tucked needles overlap other existing stitches
let idx = bns.indexOf(bn);
if (idx === -1) {
}, this);

//knit some plain rows: //TODO: add a draw thread?
// this.out("x-stitch-number " + PlainStitchNumber);
this.out(`x-roller-advance ${MainRoller}`); //TODO: determine where this should go
for (let row = 0; row < StartRows; ++row) {
sts.forEach(function(dbn, i) {
this.knit(dbn[0], dbn[1]);
}, this);

let first = 0;
while (first < sts.length && sts[first][1] !== bns[0]) ++first;
console.assert(first < sts.length, "First stitch from 'bns' should exist in 'sts'.");

//knit a bit extra to get aligned to the input bns:
for (let i = 0; i < first; ++i) {
let st = sts.shift();
this.knit(st[0], st[1]);

//alternating stitches to separate starting tube from knitting:
this.out("x-stitch-number " + CastOnStitchNumber);
sts.forEach(function(dbn, i) {
if (i%2 == 0) this.knit(dbn[0], dbn[1]);
}, this);
sts.forEach(function(dbn, i) {
if (i%2 == 1) this.knit(dbn[0], dbn[1]);
}, this);

this.out("x-stitch-number " + PlainStitchNumber);

Helpers.prototype.bringIn = function bringIn(Carrier) {
console.warn("Bringing in Carrier " + Carrier.toString() + " before use.");
this.out("in " + Carrier);
this.inYarns[Carrier] = true;
this.yarnUsedCount[Carrier] = 0;
Helpers.prototype.knit = function knit(d, bn) {
console.warn("Using carrier before in : " + Carrier.toString());

this.yarnUsedCount[Carrier] += 1;
this.out("knit " + d + " " + bnToHalf(bn) + " " + Carrier);

Helpers.prototype.drop = function drop(bn) {
this.out("drop " + bnToHalf(bn));

Helpers.prototype.tuck = function tuck(d, bn) {
console.warn("Using carrier before in : " + Carrier.toString());

this.yarnUsedCount[Carrier] += 1;
this.out("tuck " + d + " " + bnToHalf(bn) + " " + Carrier);

Helpers.prototype.miss = function miss(d, bn) {
console.warn("Using carrier before in : " + Carrier.toString());

this.out("miss " + d + " " + bnToHalf(bn) + " " + Carrier);

Helpers.prototype.decrease = function decrease(d, bn) {
this.out(';decrease'); //remove
this.knit(d, bn);

Helpers.prototype.increase = function increase(d0, bn0, d1, bn1) {
this.out(';increase'); //remove
this.knit(d0, bn0);
this.miss(d0, bn1); //?
// this.tuck(d1 == '+' ? '-' : '+', bn1);
this.knit(d0 == '+' ? '-' : '+', bn1); //bug fix ^

Helpers.prototype.end_tube = function end_tube(dir, bns) {

//d(bn) returns direction to knit on 'bn' given overall tube direction
function d(bn_str) {
let bn = parseBedNeedle(bn_str);
if (bn.bed[0] === 'f') {
if (dir === 'clockwise') {
return '-';
} else { console.assert(dir === 'anticlockwise', "dir is always clockwise or anticlockwise");
return '+';
} else { console.assert(bn.bed[0] === 'b', "bed is always f* or b*");
if (dir === 'clockwise') {
return '+';
} else { console.assert(dir === 'anticlockwise', "dir is always clockwise or anticlockwise");
return '-';

//alternating stitches to separate ending tube from knitting:
this.out("x-stitch-number " + CastOnStitchNumber);
bns.forEach(function(bn, i) {
if (i%2 == 0) this.knit(d(bn), bn);
}, this);
bns.forEach(function(bn, i) {
if (i%2 == 1) this.knit(d(bn), bn);
}, this);

this.out("x-stitch-number " + PlainStitchNumber);
for (let row = 0; row < EndRows; ++row) {
bns.forEach(function(bn, i) {
this.knit(d(bn), bn);
}, this);
this.out("out " + Carrier);
this.inYarns[Carrier] = false;
this.yarnUsedCount[Carrier] = 0;
console.log("Taking Carrier " + Carrier.toString() + " out.");
} else {
console.warn("Taking out carrier that was never in : " + Carrier.toString());
bns.forEach(function(bn, i) {
}, this);

Helpers.prototype.xfer = function xfer(from, to) {
this.out("xfer " + bnToHalf(from) + " " + bnToHalf(to));

Helpers.prototype.setRacking = function setRacking(from_str, to_str) {
let target;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
target = 0;
} else {
let from = parseBedNeedle(bnToHalf(from_str));
let to = parseBedNeedle(bnToHalf(to_str));
if (from.bed === 'f' && to.bed === 'b') {
target = from.needle - to.needle;
} else { console.assert(from.bed === 'b' && to.bed === 'f');
target = to.needle - from.needle;
console.assert(Math.abs(target) <= 8, "Racking out of limits?"+from_str+" "+to_str);
if (this.racking !== target) {
this.racking = target;
this.out("rack " + this.racking);

Helpers.prototype.xfer_cycle = function xfer_cycle(opts, from, to, xfers) {
this.setRacking(xf[0], xf[1]);
this.xfer(xf[0], xf[1]);
}, this);

Helpers.prototype.stash = function stash(from, to) {
if (from.length !== to.length) throw new Error("from and to arrays should be the same length");
if (from.length === 0) return;

this.setRacking(from[0], to[0]);

for (let i = 0; i < from.length; ++i) {
this.xfer(from[i], to[i]);


Helpers.prototype.unstash = function unstash(from, to) {
if (from.length !== to.length) throw new Error("from and to arrays should be the same length");
if (from.length === 0) return;

this.setRacking(from[0], to[0]);

for (let i = 0; i < from.length; ++i) {
this.xfer(from[i], to[i]);


module.exports = {Helpers:Helpers};

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