A fast python ORM for InfluxDB 2 written in Rust.
Aluminum is a Python library written in Rust that provides an ORM interface for interacting with InfluxDB 2.
you can install Aluminum using pip:
pip install aluminum
To use the library, you first need to create an instance of an engine and bind it to the Store.
from aluminum import Engine, Store, Base
engine = create_engine(
# Bind it to the store
store = Store(bind=engine)
# Initialize the Store's metadata for your models
A bucket is represented by a class that inherits from Base
from aluminum import Base, Mapped, mapped_column
class SensorBucket(Base):
tag: Mapped[str] = mapped_column("tag")
measurement: Mapped[str] = mapped_column("measurement")
field: Mapped[int] = mapped_column("field")
You can create a bucket by calling the create_bucket
method of the Store instance.
async def run_async_example():
# Create a bucket
bucket = await store.create_bucket(SensorBucket)
# Get a bucket
bucket = store.get_bucket(SensorBucket)
# Get all buckets
buckets = store.get_buckets()
# Delete a bucket
await store.delete_bucket(SensorBucket)
To add data to a bucket, you can call the add
method of the bucket instance. The add method takes an instance of the bucket class as an argument.
from aluminum.base import Base, mapped_column, Mapped
class SensorBucket(Base):
tag: Mapped[str] = mapped_column("tag")
measurement: Mapped[str] = mapped_column("measurement")
field: Mapped[int] = mapped_column("field")
async def run_async_example():
msmnt = SensorBucket(tag="My Tag", measurement="My Measurement", field=10)
await bucket.add(user)
To query data from a bucket, you can call the execute
method of the bucket instance. The execute method takes a Select instance as an argument and returns a list of bucket class instances that match the query.
from aluminum import select
async def run_async_example():
stmt = select(SensorBucket).where(SensorBucket.tag == "My Tag", SensorBucket.field > 0)
result = await bucket.execute(stmt) # list of SensorBucket
- The python-rust bindings are from the pyo3 project
Licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2022 Gabriele Frattini
Need Help?
If you have any questions or need help getting started, please reach out by opening an issue.
Conributions are welcome.