You've alredy learned the basics of programming with JavaScript, and you've begun to think like a problem-solver. You've had practice reading JS code and predicting execution by evaluating expressions in your mind.
We'll continue to reinforce the basics of programming, but this time with Ruby. This may seem like a lot of material to cover in a short time, but the truth is our task is simpler than it was when we introduced JS. Instead of teaching you how to program, we'll focus on the differences between Ruby and JS with the goal of utilizing the foundation we've already built.
"Polyglot" is a term used to refer to someone who can use two or more programming languages. By learning two languages, we increase your understanding of basic programming concepts, as well as give you an edge in job market.
You will reference this material again and again over the next few weeks. Focus on noting the differences between Ruby and JS. You should use this material as you would the HyperPolyglot reference: not as reading material, but as a handy place to compare and contrast the two most popular languages for web development.
By the end of this, students should be able to:
- Contrast Ruby REPL and interpreter with Node interpreter/REPL.
- Contrast basic language features and types from Ruby with basic language features and types from JavaScript.
- Rewrite a JavaScript script in Ruby.
- Fork and clone this repository.
- Install dependencies with
bundle install
In order to accomplish our learning objectives, we've got quite a number of comparisons to make between Ruby and Javascript. These include:
- Running scripts from the command line.
- Evaluating code interactively in a REPL.
- Variable declaration and naming conventions.
- Strings, interpolation, and concatenation.
- Methods and functions, including predicates.
- Fixnums, Floats, and Numbers.
- Falsiness.
- Flow control.
- Loops, ranges, and enumerable iteration.
- Implicit and explicit returns.
- Expression evaluation and conditional assignment.
- Type coercion.
- Logic, shortcut evaluation, and operator precedence.
The depth and breadth of the Ruby Core and Standard Library are so extensive that we'll always want to check them before building something ourselves. The official Ruby docs are our friends, and we should use them liberally. Over time, we'll learn to remember the more common methods, but even then it can be extremely useful to consult the documentation.
gem install pry
Pry is a console-based REPL for working with Ruby. Simply type in an expression into Pry, and it returns the result (preceded by =>
, also known as a 'hash rocket').
[1] pry(main)> 1 + 1
=> 2
[2] pry(main)>
In addition to allowing us to run code one line at a time, Pry can also be used (like the
REPL we saw in Unit 1) to interactively debug our code. Though we won't be focusing on that aspect of Pry today, it'll be a critical tool throughout the rest of this unit.
Let's use pry
to explore some of the core differences between Ruby and
One of the first things you might notice about Ruby is a conspicuous lack of semicolons.
[1] pry(main)> 1
=> 1
The end of a line (almost always) marks the end of an expression; semicolons
are only required if you have two distinct expressions on one line
(e.g. name = "Antony"; age = 35
). The most likely place where you might spot
a semicolon in Ruby is inside a for
loop, and those (as you'll soon see) are
used very infrequently in Ruby.
Another huge difference between Ruby and JavaScript is how variables are
handled. In JavaScript, a variable must be declared (using let
) before it
can be used or accessed. In Ruby, this is not the case. Variables in Ruby
can simply be defined, without having previously been declared.
[1] pry(main)> a = 1
=> 1
However, this only works if we assign the variable a value. Why? Because otherwise, Ruby will default to trying to evaluate your variable, and because you haven't defined it yet, Ruby will throw an error.
[1] pry(main)> counter
NameError: undefined local variable or method 'counter' for main:Object
from (pry):1:in '__pry__'
[2] pry(main)> counter = 0
=> 0
[3] pry(main)> counter
=> 0
[4] pry(main)>
Ruby has its own set of scoping rules for variables, just like JavaScript does, and they work in (mostly) similar ways.
In Ruby, everything is an expression - a statement composed of a combination
of operands (data) and operations. In JavaScript, things like +
and -
true operators - keywords built into the language itself, and embued with
fixed, unchangeable meanings. In Ruby, in contrast, most "operators" you
encounter are actually method calls on some object; the main exceptions
are assignment operators (e.g. =
), logical operators
(e.g. ||
, &&
, !
), and control flow operators (e.g. and
, or
, not
Ruby doesn't have an increment operator, either pre (++i
) or post (i++
Use +=
[4] pry(main)> counter += 1
=> 1
[5] pry(main)> counter += 1
=> 2
[6] pry(main)> counter
=> 2
[7] pry(main)>
counter += 1
is really just Ruby making you type fewer characters to
accomplish counter = counter + 1
. This is commonly referred to as
'syntactic sugar' - when a programming language has syntax that's deliberately
designed to make code shorter/more semantic/easier to write. Ruby has a ton
of syntactic sugar. JavaScript allows us to use this shorthand too; however,
Ruby takes things a step further, providing this 'syntactic sugar' for a
variety of operators, including *
, -
, and even ||
[1] pry(main)> counter ||= 0 # counter = counter || 0
=> 0
[2] pry(main)> counter += 1 # counter = counter + 1
=> 1
[3] pry(main)> counter *= 5 # counter = counter * 5
=> 5
[4] pry(main)> counter -= 1 # counter = counter - 1
=> 4
In pairs, open up pry
and take five minutes trying out the operators we've
used in JavaScript on numbers and numeric variables. Does anything surprising
or confusing happen? Write those things down to share with the class. Have a
look in operator_examples.rb if you need some
Strings in Ruby are pretty similar to strings in JavaScript. To see all the
methods that strings have in Ruby, open up pry
, type a string followed by
a '.', and hit tab; alternatively, you can call "some string".methods.sort
for a full list. And, of course, the Ruby documentation has
a full list as well.
Strings objects come with several conversion methods that all start to_
then a letter or abbreviation hinting at what conversion they perform.
and to_f
are used commonly - these convert the string into one of two
types of numbers, integers (whole numbers) and floats (decimal numbers).
Ruby, unlike JavaScript, attributes different meanings to single-quoted and
double-quoted strings. Single-quoted strings are referred to as
'string literals'; they interpret their contents as a literal sequence
of characters, with only two recognized escape sequences - \'
and \\
Double-quoted strings, in contrast, support a much wider variety of escape
characters, including \n
(new line), \t
(tab), and \s
(space); if \n
appeared in a single-quoted string, it would be interpreted as the
character \
followed by the character \n
, rather than a new line.
One neat thing that comes out of this is the ability to do
string interpolation, inserting variables directly into the middle of a
string. In JavaScript, if we had a variable name
with value '"Harry"' and
wanted to print out "Hello, Harry!"
, we would need to write
console.log("Hello, " + name + "!");
"Hello, Harry!"
That's not too bad, but if you start doing this with multiple variables, it can get a little hairy.
names = ["Harry", "Ron", "Hermione"]
console.log("Hello, " + names[0] + ", " + names[1] + ", and " + names[2] + "!");
"Hello, Harry, Ron, and Hermione!"
Keeping track of all of those quotes is a pain (not to mention the spaces), and
if you forget a +
, the expression won't work. And it gets even worse in Ruby,
because Ruby doesn't implicitly convert numbers to strings, so all those
conversions need to be done manually using .to_s
[1] pry(main)> name = "Lauren"
=> "Lauren"
[2] pry(main)> age = 28
=> 28
[3] pry(main)> puts age
=> nil
[4] pry(main)> puts name + " is " + age + " years old"
TypeError: no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String
from (pry):3:in '+'
[5] pry(main)> puts name + " is " + age.to_s + " years old"
=> "Lauren is 28 years old"
Fortunately, Ruby does give us an alternative - at least with double-quoted
strings. If the sequence #{ ... }
appears inside a double-quoted string,
Ruby will replace it with the value of the expression inside the curly braces,
converted to a string.
So instead of:
[1] pry(main)> name = "Lauren"
=> "Lauren"
[2] pry(main)> age = 28
=> 35
[3] pry(main)> name + " is " + age.to_s + " years old."
=> "Lauren is 28 years old."
We can use:
[1] pry(main)> name = "Lauren"
=> "Lauren"
[2] pry(main)> age = 28
=> 28
[4] pry(main)> "#{name} is #{age} years old"
=> "Lauren is 28 years old"
This also works:
[5] pry(main)> "ten + seven == #{10 + 7}"
=> "ten + seven == 17"
In your pairs, go to the Ruby documentation for strings (link above), and look
up three of the methods available to Ruby strings. Open up pry
and test them
out on some sample strings. Try to incorporate string interpolation at least
once. Once you're done, we'll reconvene as a class and discuss the methods
we've explored.
// JavaScript version
if (name === "Jason") {
console.log("It's Jason");
} else if (name === "Lauren") {
console.log("It's Lauren");
} else {
console.log("Not Jason or Lauren");
# Ruby version
if name == "Jason"
puts "It's Jason"
elsif name == "Lauren"
puts "It's Lauren"
puts "Not Jason or Lauren"
A Ruby if
looks quite similar to a JavaScript if
. Some of the major
differences are:
- In Ruby, we use
, notelse if
. - Conditions don't require parentheses (though they can still accept them).
- No curly braces required. Simply break up your condition from your code
- with a newline (as above), a semicolon, or the keyword
- (e.g.
if .... then
). - The end of the
is indicated by the keywordend
is an extremely - common keyword in Ruby, appearing at the end of pretty much any contiguous
- section of code.
can sometimes be used to replace an if
with a negated test and no
or else
if !(name == "Jason")
puts "Not Jason!"
unless name == "Jason"
puts "Not Jason!"
Similarly to if
, a while
loop also looks almost the same in Ruby as it does
in JavaScript.
while i < 10 do |i|
i += 1
The do ... end
is a common construction in Ruby because it specifies what's known as a
block, a grouping of several lines of code. We'll learn more about
blocks soon.
loops in Ruby exist, but are not commonly used. Instead, we use the
upto enumerator.
1.upto(max) do |i|
# code to execute in loop
In our pry
consoles, let's enter:
1.upto(10) do |i|
puts i
What do you expect to print? What does print?
This time, rather than using pry
, we're going to write a longer program in
Atom, and then run it in the terminal using ruby
, a command line Ruby
environment. Open up the file fizzbuzz.rb;
in pairs, you're going to solve "FizzBuzz", a simple programming challenge
based on a childrens' game. Essentially, your program should print out all of
the numbers from 1 up to max_num
, which is a variable to which you can assign
an arbitrary (positive, integer) value. However, if a number is divisible by
3, instead of printing the number, your program should print the word "fizz";
for numbers divisible by 5, it should print "buzz"; for numbers divisible by
both 3 and five, it should print "fizzbuzz".
To run your code, simply type navigate to the root of this repository and run
ruby lib/fizzbuzz.rb
This should seem familiar, since it's exactly what we were doing with
in Unit 1. It's a deliberate similarity - Node was modeled off of other console-based runtime environments, as a way of giving JavaScript a solid platform for running on the server side.
Ruby draws no distinction between functions that are properties of objects and functions that aren't; in Ruby, all of them are called 'methods'.
To define a method, you use the following syntax:
def square? (num)
Math.sqrt(num).to_i**2 == num
The question mark is conventional for methods that return a boolean. Another common convention in Ruby is a trailing exclamation point, which indicates that a method is a 'mutator' - this means that the method changes the object that it is called from, rather than returning a new object.
This behavior is also sometimes referred to as operating 'in place'.
Ruby methods use an implicit return - by default, they will return the value
last expression evaluated (which may or may not be a return expression).
However, Ruby does also have a return
keyword which, as it does in
JavaScript, immediately terminates the function/method and sends back a value.
In the case of the method above, square?
will return the value of that last
expression, Math.sqrt(num).to_i**2 == num
Take your code from the previous exercise and turn it into a method called
; this method should accept an argument, max_num
At the end of your program, add the following two lines:
inserts a breakpoint into the program; this will cause the
program to stop and let us look around. The second line, with the empty
string, is only necessary because binding.pry
won't work if it's the last
line in your program - it needs to stop before something else.
Once you're finished writing your method, run the program with
ruby fizzbuzz.rb
; the console should take you to pry
, allowing you to
read from (and even write to) your program. Once there, try calling your
method with the following arguments : 10, 15, 30, 50. Does your
code work like you'd expect?
Arrays in Ruby are almost identical to arrays in JavaScript, down to the square braces.
[1] pry(main)> my_array = ["a","b","c"]
=> ["a","b","c"]
[2] pry(main)> my_array[0]
=> "a"
[4] pry(main)> my_array[2] = "z"
=> "z"
[5] pry(main)> my_array
=> ["a","b","z"]
A Ruby hash acts somewhat like a dictionary in JavaScript, in that it consists of pairs of keys and values.
[1] pry(main)> dict = {}
=> {}
[2] pry(main)> dict["a"] = 23
=> 23
[3] pry(main)> dict["a"]
=> 23
However, there are a couple of important differences. For instance, Ruby hashes do not allow you to access their keys through a dot notation; you must use square braces.
In pairs, edit your fizzbuzz code, adding a hash containing keys "fizz"
, "fizzbuzz"
, and "other"
, each with arrays as values. As you
iterate through all the numbers from 1 to max_num
, add each number to one
of the arrays mentioned above; numbers divisible by 3 only should go into
the "fizz"
array, numbers divisible by 5 only should go into the "buzz"
array, numbers divisible by both should go into the "fizzbuzz"
array, and
numbers divisible by neither should go into the "other"
array. Finally,
once you're done, return the hash as the result of fizzbuzz
Run your code from the console using ruby
, and check your work using pry
mean different things between the two languages. In JavaScript,===
is a 'strict equality' comparator, while==
is a 'loose equality' comparator; since==
has some weird exceptions, the convention is to almost always use===
In Ruby, however, the reverse is true; you should ==
to test for equality,
and not use ===
(which does something different).
if we need to test for identity (two variables that reference the same object). -
Ruby has several different numeric types (unlike JavaScript), but most operations "do what we expect".
Booleans: Only
are falsy in Ruby. Everything else is truthy. -
We don't need to use parentheses when invoking a method (as we saw above with the
method - one exception later). But sometimes they add clarity, so it can be beneficial to include them. -
The Ruby comment character is
. Everything following a#
on a line is ignored by the interpreter. -
p, [$stdout.]puts, [$stdout.]print are not directly analogous to console.log but are often used for a similar purpose when writing scripts run from the terminal
Ruby's convention is to use underscores between words in names (a.k.a. 'snake_case'). Constants start with a capital letter.
Use Atom tab completion to avoid the common, and hard to find error of writing
def method_name
and forgetting the closingend
. Good indentation will help with this as well. -
Ruby doesn't implicitly convert numbers to strings.
- Links to a variety of offical language and api documentation
- rubymonk
- why's (poignant) Guide to Ruby
- All content is licensed under a CCBYNCSA 4.0 license.
- All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact [email protected].