Pacman Clock source code for CYD - ESP32 Cheap Yellow Display.
Extensively modified by Gerald Maurer Sept. 2024 -- Version 3.1 to support ESP32-2432S028 (CYD - Cheap Yellow Display)
- Compile with Arduino Sketch IDE version 1.8.19.
- ESP Board Manager - select ESP32 version 2.0.17.
- NOTE: Don't try to use newer versions (3.0.x or newer)
- Uses XT_DAC_Audio library Version 4.2.1.
- NOTE: Add the following 'include' to XT_DAC_Audio.cpp at line 27
- #include "soc/rtc_io_reg.h"
- NOTE: Add the following 'include' to XT_DAC_Audio.cpp at line 27
- Make sure the TFT_eSPI setup file selects the correct controller type (ILI9341_2_Driver) and the pin definitions are correct. See example User_Setup file CYD.h
- Don't forget to initialize SPIFFS using Arduino IDE "Tools/ESP32 Sketch Data Upload" (which will initializee SPIFFS and upload all the files from the Data directory).
- Modified touch routine to use XPT2046 library.
- Modified ESP32 pin definitions as needed for CYD board.
- Supports DS3231 RTC if connected (optional), otherwise it uses NTP.
- NOTE: DS3231 uses GPIO 22 (SCL) & 27 (SDA). CYD connector CN1.
- Supports display dimming using the on-board LDR (see hardware changes).
- LDR - Replace R15 1.0M resistor with a 10K resistor. Otherwise LDR will not work.
- Audio - Verify the following resistors for the audio are correct, if not, replace.
- R4 - 4.7K
- R7 - 47K
- R8 - 22K
- R9 - 68K