Based on the excellent work at the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore, this is a modified version of their CLI tool that:
- Loads any appsettings from the same location as the target DLL
- Can generate the JSON and YAML outputs simultaneously
- Can extract all API versions and generate output for each version in a single call
This was forked and updated primarily so that I didn't need to know what versions to use beforehand, and just make use of IApiVersionDescriptionProvider instead.
Install the tool from NuGet.
dotnet tool install --global ReservoirDevs.Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Cli
First, create a manifest.
dotnet tool manifest
Then install the tool
dotnet tool install ReservoirDevs.Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Cli
I've replaced all the optional switches and DLL arguments with a single argument which is the absolute location of a configuration file.
The configuration file takes the following structure:
"Assembly": "<<REQUIRED: absolute location of the DLL>>",
"OutputJson": true,
"OutputYaml": false,
"SerializeAsV2": false,
"BasePath": "<<OPTIONAL: a specific basePath to include in the Swagger output>>",
"Host": "<<OPTIONAL: a specific host to include in the Swagger output>>",
"Output": "<<OPTIONAL: absolute path of the directory to emit the files>>",
"ApplicationSettingsDirectory": "<<OPTIONAL: absolute path of the directory where the application settings are stored>>",
"SwaggerDoc": "<<OPTIONAL: name of the swagger doc you want to retrieve, as configured in your startup class>>"
The booleans will default to false.
If SwaggerDoc is null, empty or whitespace, then all available versions from IApiVersionDescriptionProvider will be outputted.
If ApplicationSettingsDirectory is null, empty or whitespace, then it will default to the folder holding the assembly.
Files are outputted as version.format, e.g. v1's JSON will be output as v1.json, YAML, v1.yaml in the directory specified in the Output property, or output to stream if the Output property is not set.
You then run the tool
dotnet tool run reservoir-devs-swagger tofile <<absolute path to configuration file>>