All code concerning my master thesis at CEL:
Implemented is a Neural network training a multiplicative modulation format:
received = (mod1 + n_1)*mod2 + n_2
Before you start, the figure folder has to be created. Run:
cd Multiple_NOMA/Multiple_NOMA
mkdir figures
If you are planning on running the code on cpu, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want to run on gpu, cupy is installed additionally. Run:
pip install -r requirements_gpu.txt
Additionally, install pytorch according to their website.
Training and plotting can be done by running We recommend running this file to get accostumed to the code.
Main Components are:
Plotting of the Fourier transform for different pulseshaping functions: sinc, rect, gauss
Folder Multipl_NOMA:
training_routine has function Multipl_NOMA which is described below
training_routine_additive has an equivalent function but uses conventional NOMA, system is: received = (mod1+n_1)+(mod2+n_2)
theoreticalMNOMA has the training of a decoder for the theoretical design proposal for a "16 QAM"
waverform_training_routine enables training with pulseshaping functions and chromatic dispersion
canc_compare: in this script, the different cancellation methods are run successively and are compared
design_eval: compares free learning with the design proposal
noise_weight, noise_sweep: Noise evaluation of the system
other files have content which is used in Mulipl_NOMA etc.
Multipl_NOMA(M=4,sigma_n=0.1,train_params=[50,300,0.005],canc_method='none', modradius=1, plotting=True, encoder=None):
is a tensor with the number of symbols of each user: example M=torch.tensor([4,4])
this tensor defines the noise
The training parameters fix the batch sizes, number of training epochs and the learn rate
canc_method is the chosen cancellation method:
- division cancellation: canc_method='div'
- no cancellation: canc_method='none'
- cancellation with neural network: canc_method='nn'
modradius is the permitted signal amplitude for each encoder If the design proposal from thesis is not injected, chose modradius=torch.ones(len(M))
M, sigma_n, modradius are lists of the same size
This enables/disables the creation of the plots:
- Generalized Mutual Information (GMI) during training
- Symbol error rates (SERs) of different users during training
- resulting constellation diagram for best implementation
- constelation diagrams of different users (constellation_base) for best implementation
- decoder decision regions
Plots are saved in figures folder in PDF format
trained encoders can be injected in the system. The learning rate will be reduces by a factor of 0.01 for the injected encoders, as it is assumed that they are already trained. Injected encoders are added to the end of the list of encoders: They are assumed to be closer to the receiver than new encoders.
example: encoder=[enc1, enc2]
A bitwise loss-function and a symbol-wise loss function were implemented. All simulations use the bitwise loss function in order to optimize the bitmapping The loss function is customloss.