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Arts Asset Platform (working title)

Need to include some text about the project here.

Setup for development

# install gulp globally for dev
sudo npm i gulp -g

# install node dependancies and run task
npm install

# run server
node index.js

# or run server with gulp to automatically lint, 
# precompile and relaunch server on changes
gulp run

Requires config.json:

	"cookies": {
		"secret": "ExampleCookie",
		"resave": false,
		"saveUninitialized": true
	"postgres": {

Requires postgreSQL database running locally. On Mac OSX you can use PostgresApp.

Opening database.sql within psql should correctly set up the database: \i \path\to\database.sql

Setup for server

NGINX serving static content.

upstream noncash {

server {

	listen 80;
	server_name *;
	root /var/www/noncash/public;

	location / {
		try_files $uri @node;

	location @node {
		proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
		proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
		proxy_pass http://noncash;

create symbolic link from www root to dir where platform is installed. ln -s /var/www/noncash/public /to/dir/where/this/is/installed/../public/dist/

To deploy

Currently deploying stupidly via SSH.

# cd to codebase
cd ~/a-non-cash-assets-library/

# if made changes to server code and added packages
git pull; npm i; gulp; pm2 restart noncash;
# if made changes to server code
git pull; gulp; pm2 restart noncash;
# if just changes to css or dust
git pull; gulp;

If pm2 has stopped for whatever reason, start the app again via:

cd ~/a-non-cash-assets-library/
pm2 start index.js --name noncash


  • Implement tests using Mocha and Chai
  • refactor Dust templates into a better form - or replace with React.