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the team has resolved before completion of the project


1.The Team

We are University student that are trying our best to fullfill our Tasks.

2 Aimed Scope

2.1. Functionality

  • Make a simulation that shows various hunting stratgies for group hunting
    • each predator should be making decisions based upon their knowledge [x]
    • predators hunt small pray alone [x]
    • predators notify group when help is needed for larger prey [x]
    • there are only cooperative and solo hunters [x]
    • when cooperative hunting predators must stay within a group radius, while trying to corner the prey [X]
    • prey is considered killed once one of the predators of a group has reached it [x]
    • if the group of predators it not large enough the prey will retaliate [x]
      • prey attacks the closest predator [x]
      • prey kills closest predator if their atk is higher than the predator def [x]
    • attacked predators try to escape the preys attack and rejoin the group by being in the group radius [x]
    • Predators should use diffrent movement tactics to corner prey without being aware of the predator < ? >
    • Prey need noticing them to go as far as possible without the predators without a specific strategy [x]
    • The predator needs to see prey (there must be a way to determine if they see them or not) [x]
    • The predator needs to inform others (in group circle there is no howling required, else the wolf needs to share their possition and prey via howling) [x]
    • each cycle predators loose hp due to starvation [x]
    • predators gain hp by killing prey [x]
  • programmed with Java (not further specified)
    • unclear what libary is allowed seems like all are ok
      • all are ok
    • unclear if we need to use the standard GUI or if we can output to HTML/CSS or use GUI libary seems like Java FX is required
      • all platform independent libaries are ok
  • there has to be a Visual representation of the hunters and hunted [x]
    • this can be a simple 2D grid based envoirement with colored singulare or groups of tiles [x]
    • the hunter and predator should be diffrentiable [x]
    • movement should be shown [x]
    • a trail does is not given for the hunter (maybe debug version though) [x]
  • there has to be a GUI for the user to enter parameters that influence the GUI [x]

2.2. Input parameters

The input parameters may include but are not limted to

  • the grid size [x]
    • X and Y size shall be indipendet [x]
  • predator [x]
    • Initial Predator count [x]
    • run speed (how many tiles per cycle) [x]
    • Q: should there be growth of these or just death
  • Prey
    • position on the grip (x | y coordiante)
    • size of prey in grid ( x | y size )
      • smaller prey is easier to kill
      • gives less nutrition
    • run speed (how many tiles per cycle)
    • Q: number of prey? is it one
  • Auto generate prey (Toggle) [x]
    • generate prey every x seconds [x]
    • place at random possitions [x]
  • Predator stavation resiliaence(Starvation rate) [x]
    • how many cycle can a predator survive without starving to death [x]
  • Predator defance chance
    • larger prey would attack a lone predator
    • the predator will be killed if its score is bigger than the predators defance
  • predator group radius [x]
    • if a number of predators are within radius of eachother they form a group and can hunt larger prey [x]
  • Simulation object colors
    • allow color palets for predators and prey
    • Q: What are dublicates in this context, should every predators
  • Simulation Speed [x]
    • fast reperesents results faster [x]
    • slow should be easy to follow [x]

2.3. Application outputs

output shall include but is not limited to

  • average food gain per iteration [x]
    • averge nutrition gained on average per cycle [x]
  • predator count [x]
    • OWN: show avg deaths [x]
    • OWN: show avg death rate [x]

3. possible pitfalls

3.1. Effective scouting

  • if a group is together it is stronger but it will find less prey
  • a strategy is needed to disperse the group ideally so it will regather quickly again

3.2 Hunting in subgroups

  • should the group gather in at once in oder to hunt safely or should it hunt in sub groups
  • OWN: will should this depend on average hunger or main hunger


The Java OOP Hunter issue






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