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Refactoring then add minimal update code, implements repos and flows …
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…core and initial code for repotemplates.
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clarsonneur authored and Christophe Larsonneur committed Aug 26, 2016
1 parent 0f74297 commit 685dead
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Showing 9 changed files with 203 additions and 95 deletions.
84 changes: 61 additions & 23 deletions app.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,12 +93,15 @@ type Forj struct {
Infra_repo *string // Infra repository name flag value
Orga_name *string // Infra repository name flag value

Branch string // branch name
Workspace string // Workspace name
Workspace_path string // Workspace directory path.
ContribRepo_uri *url.URL // URL to github raw files
contrib_repo_path string // Contribution repository Path
flow string // Name of the flow implemented. defined at create time.
Workspace string // Workspace name
Workspace_path string // Workspace directory path.
ContribRepo_uri *url.URL // URL to github raw files for plugin files.
RepotemplateRepo_uri *url.URL // URL to github raw files for RepoTemplates.
FlowRepo_uri *url.URL // URL to github raw files for Flows.
contrib_repo_path string // Contribution repository Path
flow_repo_path string // Contribution repository Path
repotemplate_repo_path string // Contribution repository Path
flow string // Name of the flow implemented. defined at create time.
// TODO: enhance infra with a template.

infra_readme string // Initial infra repo text.
Expand All @@ -122,23 +125,28 @@ func (a *Forj) init() {
a.Infra_repo = a.infra_rep_f.String()"forjj V0.0.1 (POC)").Author("Christophe Larsonneur <[email protected]>")

u, _ := url.Parse("")
u, _ := url.Parse("")

a.ContribRepo_uri = u
a.Branch = "master"
a.drivers = make(map[string]*Driver)
a.Actions = make(map[string]ActionOpts)

no_opts := map[string]interface{}{}
contribs_repo := map[string]interface{}{"envar": "CONTRIBS_REPO"}
repotemplates_repo := map[string]interface{}{"envar": "REPOTEMPLATES_REPO"}
flows_repo := map[string]interface{}{"envar": "FLOWS_REPO"}
required := map[string]interface{}{"required": true}
ssh_dir_opts := map[string]interface{}{"default": fmt.Sprintf("%s/.ssh", os.Getenv("HOME"))}
no_set_value_opts := map[string]interface{}{"set_value": false}

a.SetCommand("create", create_action_help)
a.SetCmdArg("create", "workspace", create_orga_help, required)
a.SetCmdFlag("create", ssh_dir_flag_name, create_ssh_dir_help, ssh_dir_opts)
a.SetCmdFlag("create", "contrib-repo", create_contrib_help, no_opts)
a.SetCmdFlag("create", "contribs-repo", contribs_repo_help, contribs_repo)
a.SetCmdFlag("create", "flows-repo", flows_repo_help, flows_repo)
a.SetCmdFlag("create", "repotemplates-repo", repotemplates_repo_help, repotemplates_repo)
a.SetCmdFlag("create", "infra-upstream", create_infra_upstream, no_opts)
a.SetCmdFlag("create", "docker-exe-path", docker_exe_path_help, no_opts)

a.c_drivers_list_f = SetDriversListFlag(a.SetCmdFlag("create", "apps", driver_help, no_set_value_opts))

Expand All @@ -149,8 +157,11 @@ func (a *Forj) init() {
a.SetCommand("update", update_action_help)
a.SetCmdArg("update", "workspace", update_orga_help, required)
a.SetCmdFlag("update", ssh_dir_flag_name, update_ssh_dir_help, ssh_dir_opts)
a.SetCmdFlag("update", "contrib-repo", update_contrib_help, no_opts)
a.SetCmdFlag("create", "infra_upstream", update_infra_upstream, no_opts)
a.SetCmdFlag("update", "contribs-repo", contribs_repo_help, contribs_repo)
a.SetCmdFlag("update", "flows-repo", flows_repo_help, flows_repo)
a.SetCmdFlag("update", "repotemplates-repo", repotemplates_repo_help, repotemplates_repo)
a.SetCmdFlag("update", "infra_upstream", update_infra_upstream, no_opts)
a.SetCmdFlag("update", "docker-exe-path", docker_exe_path_help, no_opts)
// Additional options will be loaded from the selected driver itself.

a.u_drivers_list_f = SetDriversListFlag(a.SetCmdFlag("update", "apps", driver_help, no_set_value_opts))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,12 +238,11 @@ func (a *Forj) InitializeDriversFlag() {

// Provide value for some forjj internal parameters. Used by InitializeDriversFlag to provide values to plugins as they requested it.
func (a *Forj) GetInternalData(param string) (result string) {
switch param {
case "organization":
result = a.w.Organization
case "branch":
result = a.Branch
case "infra":
result = a.w.Infra
case "instance-name" :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -368,22 +378,46 @@ func (a *Forj) LoadContext(args []string) {

// Identifying appropriate Contribution Repository.
// The value is not set in flagsv. But is in the parser context.
if contrib_repo, found := a.flagValue(context, opts.flags["contrib-repo"]); found {
if u, err := url.Parse(contrib_repo); err != nil {
opts.set_from_urlflag(a, context, "contribs-repo", a.ContribRepo_uri, &a.contrib_repo_path)
opts.set_from_urlflag(a, context, "flows-repo", a.FlowRepo_uri, &a.flow_repo_path)
opts.set_from_urlflag(a, context, "repotemplates-repo", a.RepotemplateRepo_uri, &a.repotemplate_repo_path)

// Getting list of drivers (--apps)
a.drivers_list.list = make(map[string]DriverDef)
a.drivers_list.GetDriversFromContext(context, a.c_drivers_list_f)
a.drivers_list.GetDriversFromContext(context, a.u_drivers_list_f)

// Retrieving additional extra parameters to store in the workspace.
opts.set_from_flag(a, context, "docker-exe-path", &a.w.DockerBinPath, nil)

type validateHdlr func(string) error

// Set a string variable pointer with value found in cli context.
func (o *ActionOpts)set_from_flag(a *Forj, context *kingpin.ParseContext, flag string, store *string, val_fcnt validateHdlr) error {
if d, found := a.flagValue(context, o.flags[flag]) ; found {
if val_fcnt != nil {
if err := val_fcnt(d) ; err != nil {
return err
*store = d
return nil

func (o *ActionOpts)set_from_urlflag(a *Forj, context *kingpin.ParseContext, flag string, theurl *url.URL, store *string) error {
if d, found := a.flagValue(context, o.flags[flag]) ; found {
if u, err := url.Parse(d); err != nil {
} else {
a.ContribRepo_uri = u
*theurl = *u
if u.Scheme == "" {
a.contrib_repo_path = contrib_repo
*store = d

// Getting list of drivers (--app)
a.drivers_list.list = make(map[string]DriverDef)
a.drivers_list.GetDriversFromContext(context, a.c_drivers_list_f)
a.drivers_list.GetDriversFromContext(context, a.u_drivers_list_f)

return nil

func (*Forj) argValue(context *kingpin.ParseContext, f *kingpin.ArgClause) (value string, found bool) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,6 +483,10 @@ func (a *Forj) SetCmdFlag(cmd, name, help string, options map[string]interface{}

if v, ok := options["envar"]; ok {

if v, ok := options["set_value"]; ok && to_bool(v) {
if to_bool(v) {
a.Actions[cmd].flagsv[name] = arg.String()
Expand Down
21 changes: 15 additions & 6 deletions create.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,28 +24,40 @@ func (a *Forj) Create() error {
// save infra repository location in the workspace.
defer a.w.Save(a)

defer a.driver_cleanup(a.w.Instance) // Ensure upstream instances will be shutted down when done.

if err, aborted := a.ensure_infra_exists() ; err != nil {
if !aborted {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to ensure infra exists. %s", err)
log.Printf("Warning. %s", err)

if err := a.do_driver_maintain(a.w.Instance) ; err != nil { // This will create/configure the upstream service
return err

// Now, we are in the infra repo root directory and at least, the 1st commit exist.

// Loop on drivers requested like jenkins classified as ci type.
for instance, _ := range a.drivers {
defer a.driver_cleanup(instance) // Ensure all instances will be shutted down when done.

if instance == a.w.Instance {
continue // Do not try to create infra-upstream twice.

defer a.driver_cleanup(instance) // Ensure all instances will be shutted down when done.

if err, aborted := a.do_driver_create(instance) ; err != nil {
if !aborted {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create '%s' source files. %s", instance, err)
log.Printf("Warning. %s", err)

// TODO: Except if --no-maintain is set, we could just create files and do maintain later.
if err := a.do_driver_maintain(instance) ; err != nil { // This will create/configure the upstream service
return err

log.Print("FORJJ - create ", a.w.Organization, " DONE")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,6 +119,7 @@ func (a *Forj) ensure_infra_exists() (err error, aborted bool) {
err = fmt.Errorf("%s\n%s", err, e)


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,9 +294,5 @@ func (a *Forj) do_driver_create(instance string) (err error, aborted bool) {

// TODO: Except if --no-maintain is set, we could just create files and do maintain later.
if err := a.do_driver_maintain(instance) ; err != nil { // This will create/configure the upstream service
return err, false
73 changes: 21 additions & 52 deletions drivers_options.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,14 +4,11 @@ import (

// Load driver options to a Command requested.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,77 +38,49 @@ func (d *Driver)Model() (m *DriverModel) {
func (a *Forj) read_driver(instance_name string) (err error) {
var (
yaml_data []byte
driver_name = a.drivers[instance_name].name
service_type = a.drivers[instance_name].driver_type
source string
driver *Driver
if d, ok := a.drivers[instance_name] ; ok {
driver = d

if driver_name == "" {
if == "" {

if a.ContribRepo_uri.Scheme == "" {
// File to read locally
source = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s.yaml", a.ContribRepo_uri.Path, service_type, driver_name, driver_name)
if source[:1] == "~" {
if user, err := user.Current(); err != nil {
kingpin.Fatalf("Unable to get your user. %s. Consider to replace ~ by $HOME\n", err)
} else {
source = string(regexp.MustCompile("^~").ReplaceAll([]byte(source), []byte(user.HomeDir)))
gotrace.Trace("Load plugin %s file definition at '%s'", service_type, source)
if d, err := ioutil.ReadFile(source); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to read '%s'. %s\n", source, err)
} else {
yaml_data = d

} else {
// File to read from an url. Usually, a raw from github.
source = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s/%s.yaml", a.ContribRepo_uri, a.Branch, service_type, driver_name, driver_name)
gotrace.Trace("Load plugin %s file definition at '%s'", service_type, source)
ContribRepoUri := *a.ContribRepo_uri
ContribRepoUri.Path = path.Join(ContribRepoUri.Path, driver.driver_type,, + ".yaml")

var resp *http.Response
if resp, err = http.Get(source); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to read '%s'. %s\n", source, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()

var d []byte
if d, err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err != nil {
if strings.Contains(http.DetectContentType(d), "text/plain") {
yaml_data = d
if yaml_data, err = read_document_from(a.ContribRepo_uri) ; err != nil {

d := a.drivers[instance_name]
if err = d.plugin.PluginDefLoad(yaml_data); err != nil {
if err = driver.plugin.PluginDefLoad(yaml_data); err != nil {

// Set defaults value for undefined parameters
var ff string
if d.plugin.Yaml.CreatedFile == "" {
ff = "." + d.instance_name + ".created"
d.forjj_flag_file = true // Forjj will test the creation success itself, as the driver did not created it automatically.
if driver.plugin.Yaml.CreatedFile == "" {
ff = "." + driver.instance_name + ".created"
driver.forjj_flag_file = true // Forjj will test the creation success itself, as the driver did not created it automatically.
} else {
ff = d.plugin.Yaml.CreatedFile
ff = driver.plugin.Yaml.CreatedFile

// Initialized defaults value from templates
var doc bytes.Buffer

if t, err := template.New("plugin").Parse(ff) ; err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to interpret plugin yaml definition. '/created_flag_file' has an invalid template string '%s'. %s", d.plugin.Yaml.CreatedFile, err)
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to interpret plugin yaml definition. '/created_flag_file' has an invalid template string '%s'. %s", driver.plugin.Yaml.CreatedFile, err)
} else {
t.Execute(&doc, d.Model())
t.Execute(&doc, driver.Model())
d.flag_file = doc.String()
gotrace.Trace("Created flag file name Set to default for plugin instance '%s' to %s", d.instance_name, d.plugin.Yaml.CreatedFile)
driver.flag_file = doc.String()
gotrace.Trace("Created flag file name Set to default for plugin instance '%s' to %s", driver.instance_name, driver.plugin.Yaml.CreatedFile)



// Initialize command drivers flags with plugin definition loaded from plugin yaml file.
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions help.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,11 +20,15 @@ But FORJJ is not DevOps if you do not help your teams to do DevOps.
create_orga_help = "organization workspace used to store repositories locally or in docker volume."
create_ssh_dir_help = "PATH to a git ssh keys directory. It will be mounted as local path '/home/devops/.ssh' in the container."
driver_help = "Define the application name and type. Formated as 'APP[,APP ...]' where APP is as '<Type>:<DriverName>[:<InstanceName>]'. It will search for <Type>/<DriverName>/<DriverName>.yaml from the forjj-contribs repo."

docker_exe_path_help = "Path to a static docker binary used when a forjj plugin service container requires DooD (Docker out of Docker) capability."
contribs_repo_help = "Set a local forjj-contribs directory like or a github like url for FORJJ plugins."
flows_repo_help = "Set a local forjj-flows directory like or a github like url for FORJJ flows."
repotemplates_repo_help= "Set a local forjj-repotemplates directory like or a github like url for FORJJ Repository templates."
create_ci_driver_help = "Defines the Continous Integration system to implement"
create_us_driver_help = "Defines the GIT upstream to implement. To get the list of a driver parameter, set this flag in conjonction with --help."
create_infra_url_help = "Infra repository url to git clone. By default, the repository will be created."
create_infra_path_help = "Original infra path containing source code. By default, if the repository is going to be created, it will be empty."
create_contrib_help = "Set a local forjj-contribs directory like or a github like url."
create_infra_upstream = "Set infra repository upstream instance"

update_infra_upstream = "Set infra repository upstream instance"
Expand All @@ -35,7 +39,6 @@ But FORJJ is not DevOps if you do not help your teams to do DevOps.
update_ssh_dir_help = "PATH to a git ssh keys directory. It will be mounted as local path '/home/devops/.ssh' in the container."
update_ci_driver_help = "Defines the Continous Integration system to implement"
update_us_driver_help = "Defines the GIT upstream to implement. To get the list of a driver parameter, set this flag in conjonction with --help."
update_contrib_help = create_contrib_help

maintain_action_help = "Used by your CI to update the infra from the 'infra' repository.\n"
maintain_orga_help = "organization workspace used to store repositories locally or in docker volume."
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions repos.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package main

type RepoStruct struct {
Name string
Flow string
Templates RepoTemplatesStruct

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions repotemplates.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package main

// TODO: Develop the way to build a local Repository with initial commits or a way to apply some repo templates.

type RepoTemplatesStruct []string

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