Contributors: julien731
Donate link:
Tags: security,authenticator,2-factor authentication,2fa,google,app,google authenticator
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.8
Stable tag: 1.0.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
A Google Authenticator WordPress plugin which safely adds 2-factor authentication to your blog.
If you are concerned about security, you should look into 2-factor authentication.
Quick reminder: 2-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requesting a one time password in addition to standard username / password credentials.
This plugin uses the Google Authenticator app. I bet you know Google, and you probably know they have some good products out there. Google Authenticator is one of them.
Download the Google Authenticator app on your phone (iPhone, Android or Blackberry). Install this plugin on your site. After activating it and generating a secret key, you will be able to add the site to your app by scanning a QR code. That's it!
The QR code is generated with Google Charts API using HTTPS to avoid security issues while sending your secret for generation.
- Adds 2-factor authentication to WordPress login page,
- Can be eanbled for each user independantly,
- Admin can force users to use 2FA (and limit the number of allowed logins without setting up 2FA),
- If admin forces users to use 2FA, users who didn't set it up will be reminded with a warning in their dashboard,
- Set any name you want to appear in the Google Authenticator app,
- Allow clock discrepancy (mins +/-),
- Users can generate a new secret key anytime,
- Admin can revoke any user's key at anytime,
- If a user is locked-out after logging-in too many times without using 2FA, admin can reset the counter,
- Used one time passwords are hashed and stored in the DB to avoid multiple use (in case of interception by an attacker)
- Upload
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Activate, generate your secret, scann the QR code with your phone
Setup tutorial available here.
As an admin, edit the user's profile and revoke his secret. The user will then be able to login again and re-generate a secret.
###1. Plugin settings
[missing image]
###2. Edit profile screen
[missing image]
###3. Admin view of the user edit screen
[missing image]
- Add support for WordPress Android / iPhone app
- Add French translation
- Update version number
- Remove double confirmation message after saving options
- Update option label and disable TOTP if plugin is not set to Active
- Only push the trunk
- First release of the plugin