Django Extended Tests is set of helpers for easy unit testing of Django views.
We have written those tools seperately while testing many Django applications and finally put it together.
Developed by SUNSCRAPERS with passion & patience.
We should warn you that before hitting 0.1.0 changes in djet may be rapid and we cannot guarantee backward-compatibility.
To install djet use PyPI:
$ pip install djet
Django test client performs integration tests. All middlewares, resolvers, decorators and so on are tested. Just a single failure in a middleware can break all the view tests.
One technique of performing the tests was presented at DjangoCon Europe 2013 Warsaw. We have always used a slightly different method, which we would like to present as an alternative to the DjangoCon approach.
djet makes performing unit tests for your views easier by providing ViewTestCase
Instead of self.client
you will use self.factory
which is an
extended RequestFactory
with overridden shortcuts for creating requests
(eg. path
is not required parameter).
Sometimes you would need middlewares to be applied in order to test the view.
There is an option that helps specify which middlewares should be used in
a single test or a whole test case by applying middleware_classes
This argument should be a list of middleware classes (e.g. SessionMiddleware
or tuples where first argument is middleware class and rest items are middleware
types (from MiddlewareType
class). In this case only indicated middleware methods
will be call.
There are also some additional useful assertions in different mixins in
Currently there are StatusCodeAssertionsMixin
, EmailAssertionsMixin
and InstanceAssertionsMixin
full of useful assertions.
Remember that if you want to use assertions eg. from MessagesAssertionsMixin
you must also add middleware_classes
required by messages to your test case.
We do not add them for you in mixin, because we believe those mixins shouldn't
mess with middlewares, as they are required by your view in fact.
There are three main annoying things while testing files related things in Django
and djet.files
module helps with all of them
First thing - you will not need any files put somewhere next to fixtures anymore.
and create_inmemory_image
are ready to use.
Those helpful functions are taken from
great blog post by Piotr Maliński
with just a few small changes.
You can also use InMemoryStorage
which deals with files being saved to disk
during tests and speed ups tests by keeping them in memory.
does another great thing.
with InMemoryStorage
for you and also
removes all files after test tearDown
, so you will no longer see any files
crossing between tests. You can also give here any storage you want,
it only should implement clear
method which is invoked after tearDown.
cannot be used with bare unittest.TestCase
you have to use TestCase
from Django or ViewTestCase
from djet.
helps you get newer version of object from database
in a very simple way.
We encourage you to import whole djet modules, not classes.
from djet import assertions, testcases
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.messages.middleware import MessageMiddleware
from django.contrib.sessions.middleware import SessionMiddleware
from yourapp.views import YourView
from yourapp.factories import UserFactory
class YourViewTest(assertions.StatusCodeAssertionsMixin,
view_class = YourView
view_kwargs = {'some_kwarg': 'value'}
middleware_classes = [
(MessageMiddleware, testcases.MiddlewareType.PROCESS_REQUEST),
def test_post_should_redirect_and_add_message_when_next_parameter(self):
request ={'next': '/'}, user=UserFactory())
response = self.view(request)
self.assert_redirect(response, '/')
self.assert_message_exists(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Success!')
If you want to test function-based view you should do it like this:
class YourFunctionViewTest(testcases.ViewTestCase):
view_function = your_view
There is special create_view_object
helper for testing single view methods,
which applies the view_kwargs specified to created view object.
You can also provide request, args and kwargs here and they will be bounded to view,
like it normally happens in dispatch method.
You can always create view object with different kwargs by using
class YourViewObjectMethodTest(testcases.ViewTestCase):
view_class = YourView
view_kwargs = {'redirect_url': '/'}
def test_some_view_method(self):
request = self.factory.get()
view_object = self.create_view_object(request, 'some arg', pk=1)
An example of test using all files goodies from djet:
from djet import files
from import default_storage
from django.test.testcases import TestCase
class YourFilesTests(files.InMemoryStorageMixin, TestCase):
def test_creating_file(self):
created_file = files.create_inmemory_file('file.txt', 'Avada Kedavra')'file.txt', created_file)
You can also make assertions about the lifetime of model instances.
The assert_instance_created
and assert_instance_deleted
methods of
can be used as context managers. They ensure
that the code inside the with
statement resulted in either creating
or deleting a model instance.
from django.test import TestCase
from djet import assertions
from yourapp.models import YourModel
class YourModelTest(assertions.InstanceAssertionsMixin, TestCase):
def test_model_instance_is_created(self):
with self.assert_instance_created(YourModel, field='value'):
Utils example:
from djet import utils, testcases
from yourapp.models import Flower
from yourapp.views import ChangeFlowerView
class ChangeFlowerViewTest(testcases.ViewTestCase):
def test_changing_flower_color(self):
flower = Flower.objects.create(color='orange')
post_data = {
'color': 'blue',
request =
changed_flower = utils.refresh(flower)
self.assertEqual('blue', changed_flower.color)