Object-oriented Matlab framework for the manipulation of Nastran input models and simulation results.
This project was created as a follow-up of my work for several tasks dealing with aeroelastic analyses with MSC Nastran. The motivation behind the creation and maintenance of this project stems from the desire to have an object-oriented framework to manage input and output data of simulations in Nastran. Such object-oriented framework is considered to give advantages in terms of modularity and flexibility, together with the convenient opportunity to track the dependencies of the elements composing the computational model. A big step towards the formalization of this framework was made while working on a research project at TU Delft involving the design of an aeroelastically tailored wing. This research project ended up in a paper for SciTech 2020, where the framework is partially explained.
The top element in the hierarchy of the object-oriented framework is the NastranAnalysis
object. This contains everything needed to run analyses and to process the results: the NastranExecutiveControl
object, where the solution sequence is specified, the NastranCaseControl
object, where the subcases of the nastran analysis are defined, the NastranSubcaseResult
object array, where the results are stored and the NastranBulkData
object, where the numerical model is defined. The two main children of NastranBulkData
object are an array of Grid
objects and an array of NastranPart
objects. The Grid
objects define all the structural nodes of the numerical model, while the array of NastranPart
objects defines the different parts of the modelled structure. For example, in a wing these parts may correspond to bottom skin, top skin, spars and ribs. A NastranPart
object, in turn, contains a name, needed for identification, and an array of NastranRegion
objects. These correspond to portions of the structure having the same material properties. A NastranPart
object may contain several NastranRegion
objects. For example the top skin of a composite wing may be composed by several spanwise and chordwise laminates. The three main attributes of a NastranRegion
object are the ElementArray
, the ElementProperty
and the MaterialProperty
. The first component includes objects representing structural elements (e.g. Cquad4
objects) and corresponding to analogous Nastran cards. The structural element objects are linked to the Grid
objects forming each structural element. The ElementProperty
contains a property object (e.g. Pshell
), which defines properties of all the structural elements belonging to the NastranRegion
object. The MaterialProperty
is made of a material object (e.g. Mat2
) which defines the properties of the material associated to the structural elements of the NastranRegion
An illustration of the structure of the object-oriented framework is given in the figure below.
Warning: you must have Nastran already installed in your computer to use the framework!
- Download the package to a local folder (e.g. ~/matlab-4-nastran/) by running:
git clone https://github.com/fmamitrotta/matlab-4-nastran.git
Run Matlab and add the folder (~/matlab-4-nastran/) to your Matlab path.
Try some of the example scripts to get an understanding of the framework. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: matlab-4-nastran
is not a model generator!
only provides an object-oriented interface to Nastran to better manage input and output data. It is up to the user to construct an input model for simulations in Nastran using the provided classes.
Please don't hesistate to throw feedback and suggestions. Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.