Tags: flrx/validator
Added `NumberRule` which checks if the value is a valid number or not Added `MinRule` which checks if the value is greater a specific number or not Added `MaxRule` which checks if the value is less than a specific number or not `MinLengthRule`, `MaxLengthRule` now supports List and Map `RequiredRule` now supports List, Map and other Data types. In case of other Data type, nullability of the value is tested Update Project Style Migrate Example to AndroidX Update Docs Dependencies
Added - `EachRule` - Made `Validator` a callable class - Allow adding rules via `Validator` constructor Deprecated - `Validator.build()` Changed - Moved all files to src folder. Use `import 'package:flrx_validator/flrx_validator.dart';` *BREAKING CHANGE* - Minor Code cleanup Fixed - Fixed `transformMessage` not applying properly in `AnyRule` Removed - OneOfRule (deprecated in v0.3.0) Merge branch 'release/0.4.0+2'