Ruby Application for displaying artists and songs. CarrierWave was used for uploading the images to Cloudinary
- Sort artists by name or by date of creation
- Add and delete songs using Ajax
- Delete artist
To Do:
- Create and update artist
- Update song
- Artists
- name: string
- bio: string
- Photos
- artist_id: integer
- image: string
- Songs
- name: string
- artist_id: integer
Make sure you have Ruby and Bundler installed.
git clone [email protected]:floris09/codaisseurify.git
cd codaisseurify
bundle install
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails server
The following gems were used for testing:
- RSpec as the main testing library
- Capybara to simulate how the user interacts
- Factory Girl to generate model instances for testing
- Faker to generate fake data for testing
- Selenium Webdriver to automate the browser
- ChromeDriver to communicate with the browser