Drawings for cutting all the necessary pieces for assembling a modular behavioral box for rats and mice using 5-mm-thick acrylic.
missing a proper intro/motivation (mention wall modularity);
General across all walls & modules:
- 5-mm-thick acrylic;
- 20-mm M3 spacers;
- 10-mm M3 screws;
- M3 nuts;
- acrylic glue + brush;
Specific to poke & light modules:
- NeoPixel 16-LED RGB rings;
Be sure to always wear a mask and gloves whenever handling acrylic glue, and to do it in a well-ventilated place.
1. Print/cut the three files under print/wall, each in a 450x450 mm sheet of 5-mm-thick acrylic of your chosen color for the inner, middle and outer layers of the wall (respectively white, black and crystal in all examples below);
missing media
2. Screw the outermost pieces of the three layers together to create a jig for gluing walls;
Glue the three layers of the jig itself after aligning them with the screws.

3. Place the three main layers of the wall in the jig and glue them together;

4. Repeat steps 1-3 for a total of 6 walls;
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5. Place M3 nuts in all nut sockets of all walls;
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6. Screw walls together with 10-mm M3 screws at all wall joints;

7. Using a wall as a jig, glue the three layers of all your modules (cutouts from step 1) together using acrylic glue;
missing a step by step guide on assembling a poke module;

8. Print/cut the two files under print/locks;
missing media
9. Assemble each module's four locks by putting together two handle pieces (from the previous step) and a 20-mm M3 spacer;
missing media
10. Place all lock feet inside their corresponding slots in all walls, and then insert all lock handles such that they point inwards when locked;
11. Populate the box with modules (i.e., place & lock them);

12. Plug in your preferred system for interfacing with sensors and actuators. Below I'm showcasing a hybrid approach using a custom PCB (thanks to the Hardware & Software Platform at Champalimaud Research) and an Arduino Mega;

13. Put a rat inside:)

14. (optional) Build a support rig using custom-cut aluminum profiles.