This is a server which allows running simulations of truck fleets. The server simulates the movements of various trucks. It calculates routes from start to destination cities and lets trucks drive these routes. Simulated telematics boxes of these trucks then regularly emit deteriorated telematics data such as GPS position, speed, forward azimuth/bearing and engine temperature.
The model for each simulation is stored in MongoDB. When a simulation is started all trucks and their associated routes are loaded into memory. Routes consist of several segments with different driving speeds. The trucks then progress along the route with each interval in the speed that is specified in the current route segment.
In order to model traffic incidents, a separate collection exists in MongoDB. Each document in the traffic collection contains a geometry and a speed attribute. When a truck enters a traffic incident, its speed is lowered to the value specified in the traffic incident document.
- MongoDB >= 3.2
- Java 8
- maven >= 3.3
Initially you can run mvn compile exec:java@bootstrap
to load a demo simulation
into the datastore and to index the collections in mongodb. The bootstrap task uses the mongo
settings which are present in the conf.json
This also imports the cities collection from a json dump via
mongoimport -d trucksimulation -c cities fixtures/DE/citiesde.json
The cities collection is required to generate sample data and to determine random destinations
in endless mode.
The main configuration is a json file. It can be specified when running the application
with the -conf conf.json
An exemplary configuration file might look like this:
"port": 8080,
"simulation": {
"osmFile": "osm/germany-latest.osm.pbf",
"msgInterval": 10,
"interval_ms": 1000,
"receiverUrl": "http://localhost:8081/telematics/fleetsim",
"postData": true
"mongodb": {
"db_name": "trucksimulation"
"amqp": {
"enabled": false,
"uri": "amqp://localhost"
Make sure that the osmFile exists, downloads are e.g. provided by The internally used GraphHopper library needs to process the provided OSM file when first calculating a route. This may take some time initially.
Port on which the management API will be listening for HTTP requests.
OSM file to be used. Note that the OSM region must match the cities collection that is being used. If the cities dump for Germany is used, then the OSM file should cover the Germany region.
The message interval in seconds is the interval in which telematics boxes emit messages.
The simulation interval controls the simulation speed. If set to 1000, then one second in the simulation equals one real second. The simulation will run twice as fast when the interval is set to 500ms.
URL to which box messages should be posted.
HTTP POST requests are only sent if simulation.postData
is set to true
Connection string for the AMQP client.
The AMQP client will only submit messages if this is set to true.
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/simulations
"_id": "demo",
"description": "small demo simulation"
"_id": "demoBig",
"description": "large endless simulation",
"endless": true
In order to start the simulation demo, issue a POST request to http://localhost:8080/api/v1/simulations/demo/start
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/simulations/demo/start
"status": "started"
and to stop it:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/simulations/demo/stop
"status": "stopped"
curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/simulations/demo/trucks
"_id": "5772c761320e5c287a200d0f",
"route": "5772c761320e5c287a200d0e",
"simulation": "demo"
"_id": "5772c75f320e5c287a200d0a",
"route": "5772c75f320e5c287a200d09",
"simulation": "demo"
"_id": "5772c75e320e5c287a200d05",
"route": "5772c75e320e5c287a200d04",
"simulation": "demo"
Messages are provided in JSON format and originate from the simulated telematics boxes.
GSON adapters are used for serialization. Consult the trucksimulation.Serializer
class to
see which adapters are in use.
The simulation uses vert.x 3 and sends messages via the vert.x eventbus.
Run the simulation server and an adapter verticle in the same cluster to receive those messages.
Bus addresses are listed in the trucksimulation.Bus
HTTP Post reuests will be sent to the receiverUrl
specified in the configuration file.
The URL must contain the protocol and may optionally contain port and path.
The format of an http post request sent by the simulation server looks as follows:
{ "timeStamp": 1465985004000,
"truckId": "57600524c91aff1b6865e0eb",
"altitude": 0,
"verticalAccuracy": 20,
"bearing": 324.08819041630136,
"temperature": 20,
"horizontalAccuracy": 4,
"id": "57600524c91aff1b6865e0eb",
{ "type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ 11.51435004278778, 48.15301418564581 ] },
"speed": 9.863748019093341 }
Speed is provided as m/s, accuracy is in meters and the timestamp is in milliseconds since unix epoch.
Events are emitted using the vert.x sockjs bridge. Clients can connect using the vertx3-eventbus-client