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support for 3d imaging data
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epnev committed Feb 18, 2016
1 parent 48405af commit a3eef81
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Showing 7 changed files with 258 additions and 20 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions CNMFSetParms.m
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% dataset info
'd1 ' % number of rows
'd2 ' % number of cols
'd3 ' % number of planes (for 3d imaging, default: 1)
% INITIALIZATION (initialize_components.m)
'ssub ' % spatial downsampling factor (default: 1)
'tsub ' % temporal downsampling factor (default: 1)
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% dataset info
% INITIALIZATION (initialize_components.m)
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86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions utilities/HALS.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
function [A, C, b, f] = HALS(Y, A, C, b, f, params)
%% Hierarchical alternating least square method for solving NMF problem
% Y = A*C + b*f

% Y: d1 X d2 X T, raw data. It will be reshaped to (d1*d2) X T in this
% function
% A: (d1*d2) X K, initial value of spatial components
% C: K X T, initial value of temporal components
% b: (d1*d2) X 1, initial value of background spatial component
% f: 1 X T, initial value of background temporal component
% params: parameters used in this function.
% bSiz: blur size. A box kernel (bSiz X bSiz) will be convolved
% with each neuron's initial spatial component, then all nonzero
% pixels will be picked as pixels to be updated, and the rest will be
% forced to be 0.
% maxIter: maximum iteration of iterating HALS.

% Author: Pengcheng Zhou, Columbia University, based on a python
% implementation from Johannes Friedrich, Columbia University, 2015.

%[d1, d2, ~] = size(Y);
dimY = ndims(Y)-1;
sizY = size(Y);
d = sizY(1:dimY);

if isfield(params, 'bSiz'), bSiz = params.bSiz; else bSiz=3; end
if isfield(params, 'maxIter'), maxIter = params.maxIter; else maxIter=5; end

blur_kernel = ones(bSiz);
if dimY == 3; blur_kernel(:,:,3:end) = []; end
blur_kernel = blur_kernel/numel(blur_kernel);
if ismatrix(A)
A = reshape(A,[d,size(A,2)]);
ind_A = (imfilter(A,blur_kernel)>0);
A = sparse(reshape(A,prod(d),[]));
ind_A = sparse(reshape(ind_A,prod(d),[]));
K = size(A,2);
% if ndims(A)==3
% ind_A = (imfilter(A, blur_kernel)>0);
% A = reshape(A, d1*d2, []);
% ind_A = reshape(ind_A, d1*d2, []);
% else
% ind_A = (imfilter(reshape(A, d1,d2,[]), blur_kernel)>0);
% ind_A = reshape(ind_A, d1*d2, []);
% end
% ind_A = sparse(ind_A); %indicator of nonnero pixels
% K = size(A, 2); %number of neurons

%% update spatial and temporal components neuron by neurons
%Yres = reshape(Y, d1*d2, []) - A*C - b*f;
Yres = reshape(Y, prod(d), []) - A*C - b*f;

for miter=1:maxIter
for mcell = 1:K
ind_pixels = ind_A(:, mcell);
tmp_Yres = Yres(ind_pixels, :);

% update temporal component of the neuron
c0 = C(mcell, :);
a0 = A(ind_pixels, mcell);
norm_a2 = norm(a0, 2)^2;
C(mcell, :) = max(0, c0 + a0'*tmp_Yres/norm_a2);
tmp_Yres = tmp_Yres + a0*(c0-C(mcell,:));

% update spatial component of the neuron
norm_c2 = norm(C(mcell,:),2)^2;
tmp_a = max(0, a0 + tmp_Yres*C(mcell, :)'/norm_c2);
A(ind_pixels, mcell) = tmp_a;
Yres(ind_pixels,:) = tmp_Yres + (a0-tmp_a)*C(mcell,:);

% update temporal component of the background
f0 = f;
b0 = b;
norm_b2 = norm(b0,2)^2;
f = max(0, f0 + b0'*Yres/norm_b2);
Yres = Yres + b0*(f0-f);
% update spatial component of the background
norm_f2 = norm(f, 2)^2;
b = max(0, b0 + Yres*f'/norm_f2);
Yres = Yres + (b0-b)*f;

%fprintf('Iteration %d, the norm of residual is %.4f\n', miter, norm(Yres, 'fro'));
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion utilities/com.m
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if nargin < 4
d3 = 1;
if d3 == 1
ndim = 2;
ndim = 3;

nr = size(A,2);
Coor.x = kron(ones(d2*d3,1),(1:d1)');
Coor.y = kron(ones(d3,1),kron((1:d2)',ones(d1,1)));
Coor.z = kron((1:d3)',ones(d2*d1,1));
cm = [Coor.x, Coor.y, Coor.z]'*A/spdiags(sum(A)',0,nr,nr);
cm = cm(1:nargin-1,:)';
cm = cm(1:ndim,:)';
44 changes: 33 additions & 11 deletions utilities/determine_search_location.m
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[d,nr] = size(A);

if ~isfield(params,'d1'); d1 = sqrt(d); params.d1 = d1; else d1 = params.d1; end % # of rows
if ~isfield(params,'d2'); d2 = sqrt(d); params.d2 = d2; else d2 = params.d2; end % # of columns
if ~isfield(params,'d3'); d3 = 1; params.d3 = d3; else d3 = params.d3; end
if ~isfield(params,'min_size') || isempty(params.min_size); min_size = 3; else min_size = params.min_size; end % minimum size of ellipse axis
if ~isfield(params,'max_size') || isempty(params.max_size); max_size = 8; else max_size = params.max_size; end % maximum size of ellipse axis
if ~isfield(params,'dist') || isempty(params.dist); dist = 3; else dist = params.dist; end % expansion factor of ellipse
if ~isfield(params,'se') || isempty(; expandCore = strel('disk',4,0); else expandCore =; end % morphological element (for 'dilate')
if ~isfield(params,'se') || isempty(; % morphological element (for 'dilate')
if d3 == 1; expandCore = strel('disk',4,0); else expandCore = strel(ones(4,4,2)); end
expandCore =;

if strcmpi(method,'ellipse'); method = 'ellipse';
elseif strcmpi(method,'dilate'); method = 'dilate';
Expand All @@ -43,21 +49,37 @@
IND = false(d,nr);
switch method
case 'ellipse'
Coor.x = kron(ones(d2,1),(1:d1)');
Coor.y = kron((1:d2)',ones(d1,1));
Coor.x = kron(ones(d2*d3,1),(1:d1)');
Coor.y = kron(ones(d3,1),kron((1:d2)',ones(d1,1)));
Coor.z = kron((1:d3)',ones(d1*d2,1));
if ~(dist==Inf) % determine search area for each neuron
cm = zeros(nr,2); % vector for center of mass
%cm = zeros(nr,2); % vector for center of mass
cm = com(A,d1,d2,d3);
if d3 == 1
cm = [cm,ones(nr,1)];
Vr = cell(nr,1);
IND = zeros(d,nr); % indicator for distance
cm(:,1) = Coor.x'*A(:,1:nr)./sum(A(:,1:nr));
cm(:,2) = Coor.y'*A(:,1:nr)./sum(A(:,1:nr)); % center of mass for each components
%cm(:,1) = Coor.x'*A(:,1:nr)./sum(A(:,1:nr));
%cm(:,2) = Coor.y'*A(:,1:nr)./sum(A(:,1:nr)); % center of mass for each components
for i = 1:nr % calculation of variance for each component and construction of ellipses
Vr{i} = ([Coor.x - cm(i,1), Coor.y - cm(i,2)]'*spdiags(A(:,i),0,d,d)*[Coor.x - cm(i,1), Coor.y - cm(i,2)])/sum(A(:,i));
[V,D] = eig(Vr{i});
cor = [Coor.x - cm(i,1),Coor.y - cm(i,2)];
if d3 == 1
Vr{i} = ([Coor.x - cm(i,1), Coor.y - cm(i,2)]'*spdiags(A(:,i),0,d,d)*[Coor.x - cm(i,1), Coor.y - cm(i,2)])/sum(A(:,i));
[V,D] = eig(Vr{i});
cor = [Coor.x - cm(i,1),Coor.y - cm(i,2)];
Vr{i} = ([Coor.x - cm(i,1), Coor.y - cm(i,2), Coor.z - cm(i,3)]'*spdiags(A(:,i),0,d,d)*[Coor.x - cm(i,1), Coor.y - cm(i,2), Coor.z - cm(i,3)])/sum(A(:,i));
[V,D] = eig(Vr{i});
cor = [Coor.x - cm(i,1),Coor.y - cm(i,2),Coor.z - cm(i,3)];
d11 = min(max_size^2,max(min_size^2,D(1,1)));
d22 = min(max_size^2,max(min_size^2,D(2,2)));
IND(:,i) = sqrt((cor*V(:,1)).^2/d11 + (cor*V(:,2)).^2/d22)<=dist; % search indeces for each component
d22 = min(max_size^2,max(min_size^2,D(2,2)));
if d3 == 1
IND(:,i) = sqrt((cor*V(:,1)).^2/d11 + (cor*V(:,2)).^2/d22)<=dist;
d33 = min((max_size/2)^2,max((min_size/2)^2,D(3,3)));
IND(:,i) = sqrt((cor*V(:,1)).^2/d11 + (cor*V(:,2)).^2/d22 + (cor*V(:,3)).^2/d33)<=dist; % search indeces for each component
IND = true(d,nr);
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73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions utilities/determine_search_location_2d.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
function IND = determine_search_location_2d(A,method,params)

% determine the search location for updating each spatial component
% A: current estimate of spatial component ( d x nr sparse matrix)
% method: method to be used of determining search locations
% available methods:
% 'ellipse': draw an ellipse centered at the center of mass with
% axes the first two principal components and expand it to
% determine the search location (default)
% 'dilate' : grow the spatial footprint by dilating the current
% footprint
% if a different argument is passed then search location covers the whole field of view
% params: hyper-parameter struct for the various methods (see default settings below for description)
% IND: binary d x nr matrix. IND(i,j) = 1 if pixel i is included in the search location of component j
% Written by Eftychios A. Pnevmatikakis, Simons Foundation
% with input from Weijian Yang, Columbia University

if nargin < 3
params = [];

if nargin < 2 || isempty(method)
method = 'ellipse'; % default method

[d,nr] = size(A);
if ~isfield(params,'d1'); d1 = sqrt(d); params.d1 = d1; else d1 = params.d1; end % # of rows
if ~isfield(params,'d2'); d2 = sqrt(d); params.d2 = d2; else d2 = params.d2; end % # of columns
if ~isfield(params,'min_size') || isempty(params.min_size); min_size = 3; else min_size = params.min_size; end % minimum size of ellipse axis
if ~isfield(params,'max_size') || isempty(params.max_size); max_size = 8; else max_size = params.max_size; end % maximum size of ellipse axis
if ~isfield(params,'dist') || isempty(params.dist); dist = 3; else dist = params.dist; end % expansion factor of ellipse
if ~isfield(params,'se') || isempty(; expandCore = strel('disk',4,0); else expandCore =; end % morphological element (for 'dilate')

if strcmpi(method,'ellipse'); method = 'ellipse';
elseif strcmpi(method,'dilate'); method = 'dilate';
else fprintf('Method not recongnized. Search location equals the entire field of view. \n');

IND = false(d,nr);
switch method
case 'ellipse'
Coor.x = kron(ones(d2,1),(1:d1)');
Coor.y = kron((1:d2)',ones(d1,1));
if ~(dist==Inf) % determine search area for each neuron
cm = zeros(nr,2); % vector for center of mass
Vr = cell(nr,1);
IND = zeros(d,nr); % indicator for distance
cm(:,1) = Coor.x'*A(:,1:nr)./sum(A(:,1:nr));
cm(:,2) = Coor.y'*A(:,1:nr)./sum(A(:,1:nr)); % center of mass for each components
for i = 1:nr % calculation of variance for each component and construction of ellipses
Vr{i} = ([Coor.x - cm(i,1), Coor.y - cm(i,2)]'*spdiags(A(:,i),0,d,d)*[Coor.x - cm(i,1), Coor.y - cm(i,2)])/sum(A(:,i));
[V,D] = eig(Vr{i});
cor = [Coor.x - cm(i,1),Coor.y - cm(i,2)];
d11 = min(max_size^2,max(min_size^2,D(1,1)));
d22 = min(max_size^2,max(min_size^2,D(2,2)));
IND(:,i) = sqrt((cor*V(:,1)).^2/d11 + (cor*V(:,2)).^2/d22)<=dist; % search indeces for each component
IND = true(d,nr);
case 'dilate'
A = threshold_components(A,params);
for i = 1:nr
A_temp = imdilate(reshape(full(A(:,i)),d1,d2),expandCore);
IND(:,i) = A_temp(:)>0;
IND = true(d,nr);
21 changes: 13 additions & 8 deletions utilities/threshold_components.m
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% Written by:
% Eftychios A. Pnevmatikakis, Simons Foundation, 2015

defoptions.nrgthr = 0.9999; % energy threshold
defoptions.nrgthr = 0.9999; % energy threshold
defoptions.clos_op = strel('square',3); % morphological operator for closing
defoptions.medw = [3,3]; % size of median filter
defoptions.medw = [3,3]; % size of median filter

if ~isfield(options,'nrgthr') || isempty(options.nrgthr); options.nrgthr = defoptions.nrgthr; end
if ~isfield(options,'clos_op') || isempty(options.clos_op); options.clos_op = defoptions.clos_op; end
if ~isfield(options,'medw') || isempty(options.medw); options.medw = defoptions.medw; end

if ~isfield(options,'d3') || isempty(options.d3); options.d3 = 1; end

[d,nr] = size(A);
Ath = spalloc(d,nr,nnz(A));
for i = 1:nr
A_temp = full(reshape(A(:,i),options.d1,options.d2));
A_temp = medfilt2(A_temp,options.medw);
A_temp = reshape(full(A(:,i)),options.d1,options.d2,options.d3);
for z = 1:options.d3
A_temp(:,:,z) = medfilt2(A_temp(:,:,z),options.medw);
A_temp = A_temp(:);
[temp,ind] = sort(A_temp(:).^2,'ascend');
temp = cumsum(temp);
ff = find(temp > (1-options.nrgthr)*temp(end),1,'first');
BW = zeros(options.d1,options.d2);
BW = zeros(options.d1,options.d2,options.d3);
BW(ind(ff:d)) = 1;
BW = imclose(BW,options.clos_op);
[L,NUM] = bwlabel(BW,8);
for z = 1:options.d3
BW(:,:,z) = imclose(BW(:,:,z),options.clos_op);
[L,NUM] = bwlabeln(BW,8*(options.d3==1) + 6*(options.d3~=1));
if NUM > 0
nrg = zeros(NUM,1);
for l = 1:NUM
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45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions utilities/threshold_components_2d.m
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function Ath = threshold_components_2d(A,options)

% post processing of spatial components
% for each component perform the following:
% (i) perform median filtering
% (ii) keep only pixels that contibute up to a level of total energy
% (iii) perform morphological closing
% (iv) extract largest connected component

% Written by:
% Eftychios A. Pnevmatikakis, Simons Foundation, 2015

defoptions.nrgthr = 0.9999; % energy threshold
defoptions.clos_op = strel('square',3); % morphological operator for closing
defoptions.medw = [3,3]; % size of median filter

if ~isfield(options,'nrgthr') || isempty(options.nrgthr); options.nrgthr = defoptions.nrgthr; end
if ~isfield(options,'clos_op') || isempty(options.clos_op); options.clos_op = defoptions.clos_op; end
if ~isfield(options,'medw') || isempty(options.medw); options.medw = defoptions.medw; end

[d,nr] = size(A);
Ath = spalloc(d,nr,nnz(A));
for i = 1:nr
A_temp = full(reshape(A(:,i),options.d1,options.d2));
A_temp = medfilt2(A_temp,options.medw);
A_temp = A_temp(:);
[temp,ind] = sort(A_temp(:).^2,'ascend');
temp = cumsum(temp);
ff = find(temp > (1-options.nrgthr)*temp(end),1,'first');
BW = zeros(options.d1,options.d2);
BW(ind(ff:d)) = 1;
BW = imclose(BW,options.clos_op);
[L,NUM] = bwlabel(BW,8);
if NUM > 0
nrg = zeros(NUM,1);
for l = 1:NUM
ff = find(L==l);
nrg(l) = sum(A(ff,i).^2);
[~,indm] = max(nrg);
ff = find(L==indm);
Ath(ff,i) = A(ff,i);

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