Microservice receiving and sending payments in BitShares blockchain. Work with Booker.
Install dependencies
sudo apt install git docker.io docker-compose
Clone the repository:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/fincubator/bitshares_gateway
cd bitshares_gateway
Create gateway config file and fill it with your data. If not, gateway will start in testnet with testing parameters.
cp gateway.yml.example gateway.yml
Create test .env file
cp .env.example .env
sudo docker-compose run -d postgres
sudo docker-compose run gateway
Why not 'docker-compose up' command?
Because on production we need some interactive shell to input keys/password
sudo docker-compose up --build -d
Will be using default test account
BitShares Gateway serve SINGLE bitshares asset.
It means that if you want to run Bitcoin/BITSHARES.BITCOIN_ASSET
exchange, you need to deploy 3 instances:
- This project (configured to work with BITSHARES.BITCOIN_ASSET)
- Booker
- Some Bitcoin gateway that can interact with Booker API
Also it means that if you want to run 10 cryptocurrency exchanges, you need 10 instances of BitShares Gateway, 10 coin (Native) gateways and one Booker
class in src/gateway.py
file is a heart of project logic. It is still in development.
There is src/bitshares_utils.py
module - useful async python tools over Pybitshares allow to build gateway's algorithms
simple and fast.
# Simple example to issue some asset
import asyncio
from src.blockchain.bitshares_utils import *
async def issue_loop_example():
"""Setup bitshares instance"""
await init_bitshares(node="wss://your.node",
keys=["5Ksk..YouMemoKey", "5Ksk..YouActiveKey"],)
# Non broadcasted transaction
pre_tx = await asset_issue("your.bitshares.name", 10, "FINTEH.USDT")
"""Doing your stuff"""
# Broadcast now!
await broadcast_tx(pre_tx)
BitShares Gateway has unit tests that can be run with Pytest framework. It's running actuomatically on every push in Github Actions.
To run it manually, execute inside gateway
pipenv install --dev
pipenv run pytest
Wallet account's keys stored as base64-encoded strings in file .accountname.keys
This file will be created after first run with filled gateway.yml
You can help by working on opened issues, fixing bugs, creating new features or improving documentation.
Before contributing, please read CONTRIBUTING.md first.
Bitshares Gateway is released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE for the full licensing condition