FilFind, a storage provider discovery platform!
Initially, automatically populated data will come from a number of sources:
- Deal success data (storage, retrieval) to come from the dealbot
- Reputation and other data to be sourced from
- Deal data to be sourced from filecoin (
go version 1.17
node.js version 14.17.3
npm version 6.14.13
Please set database config and smtp config in backend/conf/app.toml.
# Set to false if deployed to a production environment
debug = true
swag = true
filrepApi = ""
filecoinApi = ""
#filecoinApi = ""
jwtSecret = "7b2274797065223a224853323536222c22707269766174655f6b6579223a226b4238424c6d6765512f4a34714a4c7a6635657562544c67777454594332356f763271372f766e58446e773d227d"
passwordSalt = "6a9741"
publishDate = "2022-06-16T00:00:00Z"
officialWebsite = ""
officialEmail = "[email protected]"
httpPort = 9095
readTimeout = 60
writeTimeout = 60
type = "mysql"
dsn = "filfind:filfind@tcp("
host = ""
user = ""
password = ""
Please set back-end api with your url in frontend/
local server: .env.development
product server: .env.production
cd backend
It may take a few hours, depending on your network.
./filfind-backend -init
cd frontend
yarn install
yarn build
cd frontend
copy all files of dist into the root of website
PRs are welcome!