A helper script to automatically upload local files to a remote location when they are changed locally.
$ python autoscp --help
usage: autoscp [-h] [-c] [--host HOST] [--root ROOT] [--identity-file I]
folders [folders ...]
Automatic Remtoe SCP On Local File Change
positional arguments:
folders The folders to upload to remote host
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --create Upload Everything On Start
--host HOST The remote host to SCP to
--root ROOT The remote root directory to SCP to
--identity-file I The absolute path to your pem key
You can specify your default values within the scipt itself, or override these with the command line arguments:
REMOTE_HOST_DEFAULT = '[email protected]'
REMOTE_ROOT_DEFAULT = '/path/to/remote/dir'
ABSOULTE_PEM_DEFAULT = '/path/to/your/local/pemfile'
$ python autoscp --host=ubuntu@some_ec2_public_dns --root=/home/ubuntu/ /home/fin/my_dir/
Append regex strings into this array to include files.
includes = ['*'] # Edit this to include files: Note: for files only
Append regex strings into this array to exclude files or folders.
excludes = ['*/.git', '*.pyc'] # Exclude List for dirs and files
Relative paths are currently not handled well within the autoscp script (work in progress) so use absolute paths.
For Example:
$ python autoscp ./this_dir/
Will not work correctly, paths specified by ~ should work however this hasn't been tested yet.
Secondly, SCP will not recursively create directories, so if you create a file within a new sub-directory which does not currently exist remotely the upload will fail. Specifying the -c flag will circumnavigate this at the minor cost of a one of ssh mkdir command.