This is the docker project to setup reloadable nginx based on content change and pre-defined nginx.conf.
This nginx docker repo can build nginx with dynamic module supports. It is based on extended build capacity from Nginx Official Module Support, and include module authldap.
It also provides additional nginx docker startup functions:
- Auto load module from environment varibles
- Support legacy configuration from this repo
- Nginx error log level configuration
- Nginx configuration auto reloadable
Use following command to setup nginx docker.
$ docker run -d --name nginx -p 80:80 -v /path/to/nginx-conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d fengzhou/nginx
The default image has nginx configuration (/etc/nginx/conf.d) reloadable per 10 seconds.
- To disable auto watch function, use environment variable
- To adjust reloadable interval, update environment variable
. The value can refer to shell sleep(1) command arguments.
The default image has a few modules (authldap, headers-more) loaded in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file.
To adjust auto load modules, follow steps below:
- Find the module name from image, use following command to find existing modules
docker run --rm fengzhou/nginx ls /etc/nginx/modules
- Include pre-load modules into environment variable, such as
NGINX_LOAD_MODULES="ngx_http_auth_ldap_module ngx_http_headers_more_filter_module"
The nginx default error log level is configured "warn" (comparing to offiical image setting "notice")
To adjust log level, update environment variable NGINX_LOG_LEVEL=warn
To support original docker image nginx configuration, the default setting is enable legacy mode.
- To enable legacy mode, use
environment variable - To disable legacy mode, use
environment variable
The detailed use LDAP auth configuration, refer to